Tuesday 23 August 2011

You Rule Ko

Ownership NO MORE. Partnership...
Addiction NO MORE. Content...
Behaving NO MORE. Being...
Rules NO MORE. Rights...
Hate NO MORE. Love...

I've ummed and ahhed about whether I should write about saturday night and what to write and also what to leave out. I haven't finished digesting it but I have ended up doing so earlier than I planned so as usual I should just go with the flow and roll with the punches not stand my ground.

Normally I might temper the words I choose because of the perceived audience and it's often the case that events are either the subject at hand almost entirely or something from the past now caught out in bright daylight at its hour of culmination...

I spoke to someone and by doing so was able to communicate with their rational mind. Reaching it was difficult, I was very tempted to decide that this person was not my problem and pass them around the houses to resolve my own sense of frustration by avoiding the situation.

On his second visit, it was clear that I could not just go silently into the good night, but had to gently acost our new friend, gather an ally I could trust and work together towards a resolution. Slowly by discussing home and friends and passions we met and agreed to disagree.

I saw my friend the next day, still very excitable, still wired. Possibly not wired up right but which of us are entirely. The dividing line is blurry, most of us tread carefully if not haphazardly along it. Totally Happy... Totally Depressed. Up. Down. One minute this the next that.

Solid. Firm. Foundations.

Before you can build anything that will last, you need to ensure the security of the site.

Your site is you. Around is your vision. As you designed it. As you see it. As you wanted it.

Grow up.

Admit it.

You will.

You rule.

"...when other people don't live up to your expectations, the reason they don't seem to care is that they were YOUR expectations... Don't have any, just hopes and dreams, and you'll find it less disappointing when the whole of creation decides not to go and fit in with your little plan." ;)

Light &

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