What's in a name?
Why do you get upset when someone can't remember your name?
Surely you should be flattered that they remember you at all...
Names are labels just like all the rest of the mumbojumbo.
That we call the world yet it's a construction of the mind.
The world is not only names but faces, not words but language.
Communication shouldn't be merely a transfer of your thoughts out.
But an opportunity for both people to learn something about themselves.
But more importantly, about each other, because you mirror me, and I you.
By how they treat the other one in that moment starting with their intentions.
Is it to express what they think or want or pride, no, you need to listen inside & out.
Looking on the bright side isn't about lying to yourself that everything is fine and dandy.
You honestly appraise the moment you found yourself living in for what it means to you.
Stop looking outside for something or someone to complete you and finish what started.
The day you popped out and wahhed the first time and began a life of complaining daily.
Instead of being grateful and using the power of intention you fall back on habits & ruts.
One individual can truly make a change in your life and that's you if only you'll let yourself...
Forget what you read, forget what you're told, forget what you think, FEEL HOW YOU FEEL...
I remember you, some from yesterday, some from last week, last month, last year, last lives.
That's the point, to start to remember things that have been long forgotten if they are worth it.
And to forget anything that isn't because it won't be around for us fairly soon if not next week.
I'm ruined phsyically, I sometimes wonder if I was a horse in a previous incarnation as I have such an afinity with them (grampy being an Ostler might have summat to do with it) though I think I could push and work myself right up until the point at which I expired. I know I gave the most I could to everyone that I was meant to in terms of my time, my love, my attention, my enthusiasm, healing, patience, discipline, joy, affection... I received as much as I deserved.
It's no good being totally unselfish or vice versa. Make time for everything, spread yourself thin.
But evenly.
To give as good as you get would be standard, but it's far better and easier to get as good as you give.
That sunset on Saturday night is going to be etched in my memory for eternity...
Light & Love
I could name people individually but what's in a name? I'll use code words, the girl whose name I didn't get because I'm rubbish at introducing myself and you kept giving me opportuntities, the girl I didn't meet but was so spiritually grounded I felt like we were creating a groundswell of connection to earth energies for those around us, the chap who thougtht he was in a lot of trouble but wasn't, the one who thinks he's fine but isn't, the one who will be fine thanks to Sarah (sorry couldn't not) and those who touched me in any way, and anyone who didn't, that's your loss ;) x
ReplyDeleteI'm a cheeky fuckwit but you love me really, because I love you whether you like it or not, or me...