- Only for it to try to bite me, almost shat myself and let him go...
We reach the 100k marker today and also the realisation that every Albergue from here on in may be full of Spanish teenagers, oh joy. After last night though we didn’t have anything to worry about, because when walking off to explore we’d seen a huge group of kids enter the place we’d just left and hoped they didn’t wake Jess up as they traipsed in and I even wished they wouldn’t stay which was particularly uncharitable of me. They did but were in the rooms on the terraces out in the garden so were no bother. However when we got to Portomarin not only were Jeff’s boots suffering and falling apart but a huge group of kids arrived just after we’d checked in and on a coach too the lazy little… Their walk would start the next day, to complete the minimum of 100K to get your Compostela.

Meeting Snorey guy and Funky chick once again, we decide to go for a drink together. Rebecca, Jess and I had been sipping beers for hours when Megan arrived to say that Jeff was still working on his boots so I popped back to give the guy a hand at tying them up to give his newly purchased glue a chance to work overnight. I remember seeing a very large black dog wandering around out the back when I was hanging up my washing to dry but I kept my distance and got back to getting ready to go out for dinner.
Everywhere serves Santiago cake on the Pilgrim Menu. It’s an almond cake with the Cross of Saint James stencilled on the top in Icing Sugar and after the novelty of the first few times became like ‘Salad Mixed’ a staple of their offerings. As did Octopus or Pulpo as it’s called. The tentacles are cooked and served with a cocktail stick, suckers are still visible and yes I tried it so that I could say I had. We went for a nightcap at a bar down the street and set another habit for the rest of the Camino, late nights and late mornings. We hadn’t left Sarria this morning until after 10:00 because we’d stopped for everyone to have breakfast.

The Chruch of Portomarin - Rebuilt stone by stone when the original village was flooded to create the lake we walked over to get into the village in the first place...
Leaving later was giving me less time in the afternoons for routines but what the hey I was having a blast, so what if there were massive patches of dead skin that needed attention or if my feet weren’t getting their ten minutes solid massaging before bed or not getting hold of an orange, bread, ham and cheese for daily rations because it meant I didn’t have to carry that stuff around. I’d had enough of carrying my world on my back so any lightening of the load was just what I needed right now. Once I’d gotten my travel plans sorted out for me and didn’t have to worry about that I went from being miserable and homesick to not wanting this adventure to end. From one extreme to the other in a day.
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