Tuesday 29 August 2017

water cleansing

just before you drinks something, let's face it all drinks contain water of some variety
ask the water with all honesty, please cleanse yourself, bless you, thank you and see
taste it before, taste it afterwards, does it taste any different since you have loved it?

since you are grateful for the life giving water that keeps your body healthy and well
since you became conscious of what you take into your body did your dreams change?
since you put the work in to change from habits and addictions to conscious living now

there is a new you waiting to emerge, a healthy you, and you will notice how ill you were
all the aches and pains go from quitting sugar, from quitting adding weight and fat to organs
the energy you feel when meditating in your hands, coming from above and below, earth, sky

this energy that you feel, throbbing lightly in your palms, giving you an appetite and strength
to leave behind all sorts of behaviours, to leave behind ways in which you didn't love yourself
changing your relationships with others and yourself, changing who you are, awareness grows

so what is holding you back, i had to hit rock bottom to climb back up again, to scare myself
to scare others and that wasn't good, as i add up the years of waste, the years behind me now
i find a new energy to take with me into the future, coming from the current moment i am in

talking plainly now that i have written in a form i have become used to, let's say that i am on a path, that i am a better person, i am trusting more, trusted more, behaving better, sorting out things that were around for years that I never got around to actually doing something about, my room is tidy, my washing is done regularly, my car is clean ;) i have guidance, and love, a feeling inside i can only describe as a growing calm and strength, i'm growing in confidence, doing the right things, being there for others, evolving beyond what i had ever believed i could do, opening up more, healing.  To begin this adventure it took me to the very edges of experience, it took me to finally realise things that ought to have been obvious for many years, i see the smaller addictions, greedy with food, why eat when you are not hungry, when you are full?  Because your body craves sugar, craves things, craving is suffering, all suffering is based on wanting something we can't have, turning it around to being about giving, always about what can i do for others, what can i give, what can i be?  So yes a turn around of epic proportions and it only gets better, i live with who i was but that is no longer me.

I am this person, in this moment, i am not going to be late, i have healer training, i am busy, i am working hard, i am going to go on adventures, i am going to see the world, i am healing, i am listening, i am learning, all the time, i am breathing better, feeling better, being better, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, sensing better, everything is working better, i am happy and relaxed and less affected by the course of events, i accept whatever comes, whatever is happening is whatever it is, i am no longer desiring a particular outcome, no longer having imaginary conversations with real people, taking less expectations into each conversation, each thing that comes i deal with calmly, it is what it is, there is no point in wishing that things weren't the way they are, be ok with whatever is.


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