Thursday 31 August 2017

piff paff poof - obelix says these romans are crazy

pah 3d reality, an immense amount of waste, insanity, where we go from here? Your guess is as good as mine, but at last I'm having a better time. Why is that? I'm feeling energy, in my throat. Around the back of me, around my solar plexus. Around the places with blocks and moving past those locks with the keys, with ease, and less profanity, more sanity, sensibly.
Ostensibly life is better, less of a sweater ;) quitter, less of a sitter, that was it really, just a quick update from me, nothing clever to say except long words. As usual but that's my subconscious not me, if I'm an iceberg the rest of me is below the surface, I think I'm upside down because I'm quite warm, though i'm guessing the rest of me is too, lofty, floating, space age, highly vibrating.
Loving, generous and free but that's enough from me, just a quick update to let you know the score, it's hot out today and what is more I've gotta go. Squinting less, frowning less, less of a mess, dreaming more, more aware, to be fair, laughing and smiling a little less than before, but more than recently, earning it, learning it, and yearning, bye :) +

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