Tuesday 29 August 2017

a healing spring

your body tries to repair itself and make a new body every seven years or so, some parts more often than that but basically over time cells are being made and old ones die however if you are eating products instead of food your body isn't getting what it needs to work properly today let alone heal itself, let alone recreate you from the perfect blueprint you were born with, so why not try only drinking water, spring if you can get it, collect it for yourself, find a source, and food, vegetables, fruits, at this time of year there is so much wild food to eat, so many great free things that nature provides, berries, nuts, seeds, so look into it, and give yourself a chance to be your best self, to heal from years of what can only be called abuse, at the hands of those who want to sell you things called 'food' but are actually laced with too much salt and sugar to make you addicted to them and want more, to make them moreish :) +

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