Saturday 19 November 2016

planes trains and automobiles

so i didnt write much about planes before as in the astral plane (dream time?) the place where our spirit is free to be what it was meant to be?  who knows? i certainly dont know for sure, i have beliefs and doubts.

i havent worked it out, i suppose that happens when we die, or when we become concious enough, free of lingering information that isnt true to rise above all the things that hold us down and back and unwilling to see.

i asked the big questions, why are we here, what are we here to do, who are we, im still asking and getting answers, in my conciousness, with words like you ought to, we think this, jon i must say, so i could assess.

I could assume, i could let this other, other me?  other being?  other life?  other dead?  spirit? devil? angel?
Friend, it sounds miserable on occasion perhaps it just likes my company, apparently, i am too open, so im.

learning how to close off, close down, protect myself, and all this raises so many more questions, are we meant to bring eden back, go back somewhere else, whilst here, steward the planet until it's all fixed again?

are we meant to go somewhere else, when we die, back to somewhere that we came from?  Spirit?  Heaven?  Leave behind the failures we made this time, this life, do we live again, here, on another planet?

In another realm, so close and yet so far away?  Touching this paradigm, this plane, what is the truth?  Is there even one?  In Bhuddism there are many different gods, different heavens to go to depending which.

Different hells, of differing lengths of stay, i heard that time doesnt exist over there, wherever that is, but it's all a messy mess of different truths, each person has their own beliefs, even amongst the spiritually aware.

Their teachers told them different things and then there are their own experiences that teach them something else, their view, perspective, paradigmatic informations, truths, untruths, things that fall away when you let it.

When you decide that you have no idea whats going on but stick to certain themes, for me, im having to accept that i need to protect myself and in that way strengthen the things that are already there, spiritually.

Spiritual bodies, my aura, an egg, a bubble, visualise it, see it as protecting me, my conciousness requires of me that i set boundaries because i've been clumsy, stupid, careless, naive, trusting beyond belief yes that.

Confessed my sins to who knows what feeling as though im stuck in this muddy trough, a pit, a feeling that im damned if i do and if i don't?  Well assertions placed inside my mind just won't do, so you can do one, GO!

The truths of all the nations and all the tribes, coming together as the wave function of this reality collapses into one timeline, that we're all a part of, even though we see a different world each one of us we do.

We are learning that in fact we see our own world, maybe that's why it's getting so crazy, if there are humans in charge who know the score, maybe there aren't maybe it's outside interferences, whoever you wish to say.

But in the end, the beginning and the middle, we're there, playing piggy, being trolled and blessed, and yes it's all true, the stories of old, of yore, these times are interesting like none before 'cause we're headed foreward.

Into what we just don't know yet, the future doesn't look bright if you've got eyes to see and don't get lost in all the stuff the papers and the media in general would like you to be mired in all day and all night long.

So what's the reason for my good mood, my lack of suicidal ideation, my happy little creation?  I don't know, im eating very healthily, getting out and about into the world, seeing films, not stealing owt.

Not online where t.v. and movies are there for free, for anyone to pirate easily, im keeping my own council whilst also opening up to the spirit workers i have met, for whatever end i dont yet know, to heal to connect.

Some say that those that claim to be our loved and lost are actually what we really would rather not say.  Some kind of thing that is lying, reading our minds, invisibly here, the presence that we feel close by.

Using means that we have yet to understand to stand by us and tell us details directly or through a medium, a conduit of information, to persuade us that there is life after death, give us evidence to make us feel at rest.

That's what the spiritualists say, that's why they come out of the goodness of their hearts each week to visit and pass on messages that we need to here, from the people that we miss, that we loved, so dear.

It's a mystery thats been going on for so long, our ancestors is what they are called to tribal elders and
 healers, to what we called witch doctors because the christian churches would wish to cancel them out.

We killed such folk, everywhere, our spiritual heritage was destroyed as much as possible but it comes back now that there are no more inquisitive people from spain, from catholic regions to kill all of us again.

The people who are sensitive, to information streams, coming through us, to sense beyond our sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, to senses that we are only just on the fringed of science, revealing, like ufos.

On the live feed of the Nasa and International space station there was a bright white disc, flying past as the pictures got cut off for technical difficulty reasons, are they demons, aliens from a dimension that isnt good?

Are there Angels that are working in our best interests, are they all the same, or coming from two opposing angles, the good the bad, and the ugly truth is us inbetween them both, learning lessons in a world ending.

Lending a hand is all i can say, if i have to put up with temporarily and im speaking positively because im cleaning up my act, clearing out the rubbish and the baggage and relearning so many things from my youth.

Rebecoming who i used to be, finding i can talk to people more easily, although there are aspects that were stranded, or not grown properly, or were they someone elses issues overlaid on mine, possession is a word.

One i hesitate to use, some say energy attachments, negative entities, whatever you wish to call it, i am getting stronger and i need to be just me for a while, alone inside this shell like, a nut possibly, but ripened.

Many would liken this whole thing to the passage into madness from which one may not ever come back and who knows, these things are not easily talked about or revealed, ive done things, horrible things, was it me?

Was i being poisoned, tempted from a young age to do things, being whispered to by an evil, lets say misguided, or mischievous other that wished to live through me, or at least twist and pervert my direction?

I don't know but i am on the right path to do the right thing, do healing, how could that ever be the wrong thing to do, not say you can cure because you're not allowed to, but help, assist, them in their own healing.

Maybe help the world to see a little at a time that there are more things under the sea, in the air than we can even know without some faith and a willingness to grow and change and learn and be a little strange...

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