Thursday 17 November 2016

planes and simples

if it was all just life and death
it would be easier to take a last breath
i dont mean now by any means fair or foul so
don't worry about the current situation it will resolve
everything changes nothing stays the same forever and a day
its been quite a while now and im so scared ive begun so many good
habits living right in thought and word and deed and yes its been a while now
since i did anything i oughtent to although so many things are wrong that are right
in this world medicines like ayauasca and cannabis are illegal in some countries
used right, in the diet or ceremonially rather than recreationally they are good
they heal things before they go out of whack they keep us living healthily
so my situation may have been preexisting before all the drugs and
the booze that for so many years masked whatever is going on
have i had a reason in my life to cover up and hide from?
a ghostly apparitious spirit who now knows it's on the
run because i wont do anything but respect my
body treat it like a temple exercise diet and
everything i am doing is right im even now
making myself do all the chores that i
had ignored and put off went to the
tip and got rid of stuff reanalysed
my life the events seen them
with a fresh set of eyes
and realised where
i had gone wrong
gone on and on
and wondering
if ive been a
secret one
uniquely set
on a course by
someone or something
else inside a sneaky visitor
who knows how long it's been
going on whispering and cajoling
i even wonder about my tattoos my
history with religion our history folks
afterall they went after all the tribal life
into the countries where they lived close
to nature in harmony with her yes they might
have slashed and burnt or warred between their
groups occasionally even head hunted or practised
certain things like killing animals for meat that some find
distasteful now because theyve never killed for themselves
never worked at an abbatoir like i did and smelled death heard
the pigs arriving and sensing their fellow brothers and sisters there
in spirit possibly too because they'd been coming there to die for a long
while and the scent of it the knowledge that there's was coming soon too
would be and was obviously clear the screams were heard when smoking a
cigarette so many things in this society seen as normal that are twisted from
the ways they were meant to and used to be, everything unceremonially
factory farmed crops and animals no longer living any sense of a life
no longer roaming wild and free until they are culled naturally at
the end of their days when they had lived the traditional ways
so we can see that we have turned ourselves into death
and brought it to the people who revered their place
revered their space and time and suffered more
ive written about all this before because it's
true and hurts you all to hear it so i don't
stuff it down your throats and im not
going anywhere soon unless by
accident or disease orother
means i do'nt yet know
about it's not my time
thoughts immediately
answer me back in
my head yes it is
well we shall
see won't
we i say
in my
my place
turning over
so many new leaves
this time of year the autumn
makes me question because of what
im going through everything that we do
have done, me personally of course living
conciously with my conscience intact and fair
bringing conscience, conciousness unto each bit
moment instant trying to undo unhelpful traits like not
looking after myself like someone who loves themselves
do i go to bed earlier and earlier seeking meditation energy
work and then drifting off to sleep lighter and woken early by
those who are up and about with the lark because they have to be
i see the parallels and now i have to go myself but just to say it
clear im not going anywhere yet not right now for the others
sake there is no rush no sudden decision to move on yet
i have to be here and work out the truth or as near as
i can get to it, is stonehenge solstices a good thing
the energy healing i did last year at a festival for
hundreds was it all just in my mind because
the ankle of a new friend says no and
how could doing someone here a
good deed be wrong and what
are the dividing lines between
good and evil here is it all
within the hearts and
minds of everyone
of all of us this
final war in
time and
unless we
who we really
are each and every
one of us must just go
from dust to dust and back
to ashes or underground worm
food but here i go again to
finish and then going
on to start i have
to go now off
out into the

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