Thursday 29 January 2015

the most exciting time to be alive is now

when i was a kid i felt like this was the most amazing time to be alive, i guess everyone felt like that in ages past also, but for us now it's as though we're at the pinnacle of everything that has come before and it's true, but we are also further down the path to the end of how things are and have been, closer to the stresses built up into this natural world, this damaged planet, the great extinction that is underway makes that clear and our way of life is clearly on it's last legs.  We have to change.  All around us, the systems that we are most affected by, the governments, political system, the powers that be, who are trying harder and harder to maintain a strangle hold on things, trying to create order out of chaos when that is impossible unless it happens organically, with all their attempts that are being made to take away our freedoms, our human rights, our sovereignty as individuals using the threat of things that have less impact on us than the illnesses that are caused by the very products we are sold by that system, the habits they've managed to get us sold on, like over eating because our food lacks proper nutrition, like being addicted to prescription drugs that kill millions of people, the dis-ease that is so rife because we are lazy, depressed by our lives, maintaining the status quo, making the rich richer so that they can live comfortably while the large majority don't have enough to eat, live on less than a dollar a day and austerity is used as an excuse for even more of us to require food banks, even more die because they have to choose between heating their home and eating that day, even more inequality. 

The result is that quite sensibly given all the shit we've put up with, a lot of us have had enough and are being drawn to ways to resolve these issues, for ourselves, for our families, for the entire human species, for the animal kingdom and for the planet as a whole.  It's like a terrible situation where we are being backed into a corner so that we come out fighting for our very lives, for our survival, so that we can thrive, together, in communities again, like before we were summoned to the towns to start this whole process after living with less and less freedom ever since farming began, ever since we stopped being the freedom loving nomads that we were, in ancient history and the people i know that are the happiest, who are the most whole, who survive and thrive are those who have rejected the last several thousand years and gone back to living on and with the land, with nature, thanks for your shining example.  Let us hope that whatever the technological advancements, whatever direction some of humanity chooses to travel in, that those who decide to go the route less travelled, who go back to and forward with nature, are the ones who will be the natural successors to the idiots that we allow to be in charge right now.  This is the most exciting time to be alive that is for sure :) x <3 all power to you all

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