Wednesday 7 January 2015

the fourth wall

in theatre the fourth wall is the one between the players and the audience so if all
the world is a stage then what for us is the fourth wall? Time maybe the answer,
because for us, there exists only a remembered past and an imaginary future.
If that is the case then how do we, the actors in this production, break free?
Well by refusing to be bound by the limitations of time, by becoming more.
How do we do that then? By living in the moment, continuously, always.
Forever experiencing the life that exists in the present, in experiences.
Those can be good or bad, but in the literal sense they are neither.
They just are, like thoughts are ghosts, some imaginary artefacts
Thoughts come and go, much more easily when we let them.
Don't judge them, or each other, see them for what they are.
Fleeting, like clouds travelling past on the breeze, a wind.
A cosmic windup, the laughter that never ends, a feeling.
An emotion, something to be felt, expressed, endured.
And on we go, living within what Newton would have
us believe is a machine, a universe of possibility
something wonderful and terrible by design...
I like to see it more as a loving experiment
Akin to a living historical period drama
A way for each of us to experience
what it means to live and love
to have an expiry date
a real best before
not use by

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