Thursday 13 June 2013

Tense Past

Having trouble writing, lots of inspirations coming into my head but if I don't make a note right away they're gone, and then sometimes they come back.  When typing I keep finding the letters of the worse are in the wrong order, like my fingers cant keep up or they're not connected in quite the same way as they were.

The tense of something gets lost from my heart, to my mind, to my fingers to my words...

It's like the past, present and future are colliding and colluding, I wrote colluding accidentally, or freudianly.

A freudian slip as you might say, I bet he would be mortified to find out that the main thing we remember of his research into psychological matter/s is a cameo on bill & ted's excellent adventure and slips of the tongue revealing a hidden truth or just some random bollocks that was crossing your mind and got struck by a vehicle called a thought.

If all those time periods WERE on a collision course, what would life look like?

It would seem to be a dream, that we could traverse like angels.

Appearing as in a vision to the participants,

an immortal being, a nymph, a fairy.

To us they would cease moving,

time merely like a record.

To skip, to play.

To pause.


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