Goats, Geese and Grizzlies all attack people from time to time but they're just doing what comes naturally to them, they're not mad. We are. Why are there so many violent and unnecessary things happening within our world? It's because we're totally fucked up as a species that's why... Collectively we're all nuts to some degree or another... The sum of our parts and yet we look on the outcasts as bad apples and forget that we made them like that.
Everyone has the propensity for good and bad, I hesitate to use the word evil. Things are born and die but evil is yet another affectation, a creation of our own, Mankind reaping what it sows. We decided to steer the ship away, course correct from Natural Selection and side stepped the semi-automated production line within the factory of creation. By the wayside is neuroses, mental health issues, all the faulty spare parts, off cuts, the detritus at the verge of the path we were on from the beginning of our time.
Ancient Religions - I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress... "
Calling something ancient, immediately a bad connotation. Use the word Prehistoric, sounds twee already don't it? So an ancient religion suffers from the same association. However, the further back you go, the closer you are to the source. Before 'isms' there was Nature who provided the rhythms, ways and means for us to commune with each other and her. All religion is the creation of man, a perversion of the truth, an affectation which leads to poor relations and the sooner they wilt and die the better.
But you can't chop or peel back the layers of this onion without discovering the illusive heart that makes you feel something. The inconvenient truth is that we are all connected, that divinity lies within each one of us and that any cult that requires an intermediary between you and the divine is just that, a squirelly religion. The Spiritual basis of all of those was Shamanic Practice, the words describe perfectly that rather than a struggle for perfection of the soul, Shamanism is a journey towards that, but an acceptance that we are not perfect and that it takes work and effort. It's the ultimate expression of the idea that you get out what you put in.
No intermediaries today thankyou, slams door shut... Shamans are a teacher not a preacher, a healer not a doctor, a guide not an authoritarian and a protector not a judge. There's enough wiggle room in there, we don't feel so bad about ourselves for our Human Failings and weaknesses when we're tricked into accepting ourselves as we really are, that's what they do. Don't get me wrong, there's risk involved with looking so deeply within, but the earlier you start, the less likely you are to discover something you don't like which is why it's so hard for us to take stock unless suffering a break-down or undertaking one straight through what is known as, Parklife. It's a regular preventative that treats symptoms before they are displayed. No need to medicate the depressed when they can resolve their issues before they lead to that state of being.
Cause and Effect. Turn it on its head. The effects drive the causes here.
We look down on the past, let alone looking back...
We don't give ourselves enough credit.
When Bullied Bully
The Jews were treated unconscionably and dehumanised, now Israel unconsciously does exactly the same to the Palestinians... How Blind? Humanity flipping and flopping, like pendulums swinging from one extreme to another, the swing gradually slows until it stops in the middle, balance is restored. A moment of perfect clarity can ensue if you're paying attention.
No wonder those unidentified whatsits are exactly that, would you land here?
Mad, bad and Dangerous to know. Hmm how appealing our species is ;(
All get their comeuppance or fall into ignominy.
It's happening now if you haven't noticed.
All over the world, realities revealed.
Lots of things you'd like to deny.
Truths Becoming Self Evident.
Hold me close don't let me go, oh ho ho...
I used to have a problem with Jade Goody and Brittany Murphy and some of the male examples, thinking what wastes of space and then they showed us why it's not our place to judge them and made me feel like a massive wanker for ever having an opinion. We need to get knocked down a peg. Men deserve in the majority to get their arses kicked and they're egos booted (like Kicking Bishop Brennan up the arse, if you don't know, find out ;) Women aren't getting away scot free here either, you need to reclaim your power and do some ball kicking too to help us out. (Freudian slip I put licking, glad I noticed, the spell checker doesn't spot correctly spelt idiocy or the filthy slightly eerie disgusterousness of some areas of my mind, plonking a flag down I claim this mental landscape for Queen and Countrahhh!. Bowing before her majesty the goddess, Mother Nature). She forgives all except apathy and has a terrible temper, doesn't suffer fools gladly AT ALL. But I love her with all my heart and soul and she loves me.
Don't put yourself down unless you deserve it, the Cosmic Incarnation of Dignitas is on it's way through hyperspace, from the future to the present, we're on a collision course with something that will end all suffering but only if we choose to, there's no forced euthanisation unless you're a terminal case already, so decide now while the getting's still good...
Get Ready For A Surprise, but how can you do that? Commune with chaos and accept that she is a harsh mistress but a fair one.
I'm accelerating to escape velocity to greet it so that it's not such a shock when it gets here...
Don't put yourself down unless you deserve it, the Cosmic Incarnation of Dignitas is on it's way through hyperspace, from the future to the present, we're on a collision course with something that will end all suffering but only if we choose to, there's no forced euthanisation unless you're a terminal case already, so decide now while the getting's still good...
Get Ready For A Surprise, but how can you do that? Commune with chaos and accept that she is a harsh mistress but a fair one.
I'm accelerating to escape velocity to greet it so that it's not such a shock when it gets here...
It's all good and everything is happening as it should, hold on as it's going to be a wild ride.
Bless You Kali... and may god bless us all

Light &
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