Tuesday 11 January 2011

Resistance To Overwhelming Odds - Astonishment is Denial Masquerading as Surprise

I remember my dreams, it gets easier the more you try, just before you fall asleep, keep telling yourself, I will remember my dreams over and over and write them down when you wake, I have a dream diary to put them in. Re-reading them even just a few days later and they've been completely forgotten consciously, although that too becomes like a less and less blurry dividing line between your waking state and the subconscious. Read them back a year later and you are overwhelmed by something else.

Astonishment is denial masquerading as surprise....

Deny astonishment and accept that magical transformational events happen when you do.

I often have a really troubling dream where I am on the run with a small band of allies, although it is often just me, I don't feel alone. We try to hold out, evade or otherwise avoid becoming overwhelmed in the struggle to resist the threat of a larger group, which seems to be everyone else in the world or an alien force.

I recently had the same dream again, it often comes to me, is usually very powerful and used to leave me sweating and waking in a fearful state although lately less so, less fear less sweating ;)

There was an actor in it, I recognised him as someone who was always on t.v. in the seventies and eighties, can't find out who he is, but was always gruff, authoritarian, either a crime lord or high up in the Police Force or Army, I baulked when I saw him and almost laughed. I looked at him and sort of sneered as if to say Pleaseeeeeee? I didn't think he would be a problem and just carried on ignoring any challenge he might bring, then my attitude changed when around the corner came Shaun Connery in his Dr. No era James Bond prime.

And I promptly ran off to a place of sanctuary with a few others.... So I guess some obstacles are finally being overcome, leaving more challenging ones left to resolve or face ;)

The strange thing is that these dreams can often be prophetic, about anticipated events.

When I awoke I then had an intuition that the overwhelming odds may represent, everyone who ever lived coming back from the dead.


Dream diagnosis information on the net...

Feeling helpless in the face of overwhelming odds. Nobody likes a pushy person, but perhaps the
dream symbol is telling you to be more assertive in your dealings with others; it is no use depending on their goodwill. (I have gradually learnt that, to my cost, people don't just give you what you need, you have to force them to the sticking post if you want to make any progress.)

Adlerian dreams

As opposed to Freudian and Jungian dreams, Adlerian dreams are orientated towards power, or
the sense of striving after power – or equally, towards an awareness of weakness and the absence of power. Alfred Adler (1870-1937) was a colleague of Freud, and it was he who introduced the concept of the inferiority complex. He pointed out that children during the first few years of life, being small and weak and ignorant about the ways of the world, are bound to suffer from feelings of inadequacy. The resultant sense of inferiority he saw as the root of neurosis, and the chief trigger for many of our dreams. He argued that an individual is bound to look for ways to redress the power balance, whether consciously or unconsciously, if not through their patterns of behaviour while awake, at least through their imagination by way of dreams. Dreams, he maintained, can form a source of emotional compensation, rehearsing ways to assert power in one form or another. Dreams which include a feeling of helplessness, or of trying to gain access to a more secure place, or of dominating or bullying other people, or of being in command – these are typical Adlerian dreams. They are allied to the Plant-nature dreams included in the concept of the World dream, in which, as a step above the 'mineral-nature' of the world, they can be seen as representing a psychic step above the more usual dreams of everyday relationships and material ambitions.


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