Monday 16 October 2017


life has settled into a nice routine and i don't like those at all, far too much like monotony to me, but hey, self respect seems to be making me find reasons not to get stuck in one place for too long, not to take the way i am treated without questioning it, and everything in fact and i was wondering today if we could change just about every saying around, they say seeing is believing i've said before now i feel like believing is seeing, if you want to see it believe it, have an open mind, be open to new and interesting possibilities, don't get stuck in a rut, in a mindset, in a way of thinking and being, be free.

Be yourself, find out who that is, meditate, breathe slow and deep to be calm, relax more, get less stress in your life, destress, don't get depressed, get deep rest instead, I stole that from the internet.

So what's to be done?  The world as an ecosystem is in crisis, the fifth mass extinction is underway, and subconsciously we all know it, we ignore David Attenborough, and anyone else who says so, it's not our problem, surely the governments of the world, the U.N. whoever is in charge is sorting it out?

Well no, they're too mired in dogmatic ways of looking at the world and each other, too much bureaucracy, they think with their heads and not their hearts, they think rather than feeling about things, they don't go with their gut, they have to follow the law and that's written by business men.

The law as we know it is a manmade construction designed to protect the rich and powerful and make it easier for those same people to become more of whatever it is they desire, more rich, powerful, almost untouchable, with their lawyers and money that can make most attempts to give them an opportunity to see what they are doing a blind eye, turning away from what it felt like to be a kid.

No childlike wonder at the world for them, shuttered behind their blinkered perspective, living in glass houses and throwing stones at everyone else, not sure that makes sense, but they go for a holiday to islands like the maldives where all the rubbish is dumped on another island in the modern way of sweeping our problems under the carpet, putting off until tomorrow what we need today.

Resorts with five star accommodation and entertainment where the workers are low paid immigrants.

The majority of people in the world are either struggling to find clean water to drink and food to eat or are under paid in the job they hate because they are given too much to do in too short a timescale.

Under more and more pressure in every sphere of the working week, do more for less with fewer people to help you, the best people are the ones who will stay longer or become unwell and then leave so that in the end the folks you are dealing with are the ones who need the money and stay.

People whose passion is to help others, like doctors, leaving in droves, teachers, they can't recruit them quick enough, our kids were born to kids and dragged up not brought up, with no manners.

Those with standards are diminished because of peer pressure, bullying, a system that makes it harder for those who are talented to benefit because one size fits all, and all must go into a job for society, like teaching computer coding to kids, or trying to mould young minds by setting standards and tests.

Actually what you are doing is creating a place for them to live in and a culture of more and more of the same, rather than seeing those who speak out as important, they are shunned, criminalized for taking action against big industry, standing up for the little guy in the face of police supported sites like fracking locations, where big business can pay the police force to guard their workers and place implicit permission for similar things to occur in the future, we are living in the past and driving ourselves into the biggest disaster in the history of the planet, as far as we are aware anyway by looking into the rear view mirror and making decisions on how to steer and wondering why?

When the ecosystems collapse, and goodness knows they are toxic already, failing by any measure, the world will know the true extent of what human kind has done to it, all at once, we will all know.

Western people for the most part live in a so called modern world, where we are capable of drinking clean water, and eating healthy food, but even those are lies, the water smells of chlorine because we are doing our best to poison that and it takes chlorine to get it to a state where the water companies can call it potable and sell it to us, we pay water rates, water is life, but it is not free, neither are we.

Born into servitude, we slave away at jobs to prop up the government who take a cut of our incomes and use it to fund wars abroad, sell missiles and bombs and guns and weapons to countries so that they can use them to stop peaceful demonstrations, and interfere in other nations by force, we have our names written onto certificates, and we become the property of the state in which we live.

The food we eat is rubbish, it's homogenized, empty of nutritious value for the most part so that it lasts long enough on the shelves for people to buy and consume it, without any consciousness of what is being put into it, for the purposes of making it sound healthy, by stripping it of the goodness of the ingredients and then adding those vitamins and minerals back in using industrialised methods and virtually painting things so that they look and taste how we would like them to have been originally.

A pie is not a pie, a cake is not a cake, bread isn't bread, ice cream contains no ice cream, until you pay a premium for the best of the best you can check, there isn't any cream in it at all and the percentage goes up the more you pay to about 20 something percent cream, the others products called ice cream are frozen flavourings, colourings, basically whatever they can get away with putting into it whilst still having something to sell you that tastes and looks like the thing it used to be a while ago.

Bread is not the wholesome thing it used to be, it's soft, wet, you can't spread things on it unless they are soft and wet too, so the spreads have a texture that makes them easier to spread, the drinks are even worse, containing fake sweeteners, all of the so called foods contain too much salt and sugar.

Basically to put it mildly our state of unhealth is being maintained and made worse still by all this.

We are all ill, i don't know more than a handful of people whose first or second conversation topic  is their health or lack of it, we are not a well people, a well species, we are insane to carry on this way.

So, what is to be done?  Well the people I know, the hippies, the off gridders, the alternatives, the ones who live on the fringes of society, choosing to grow their own fruit and vegetables, raise their own animals, and kids for that matter, educate them in the ways of the world, how to treat each other with respect, how to treat yourself with respect in terms of what you put into your body, how you live in the world, by respecting the earth itself, the water, the sky and the energy you use, they are the ones who look forward and take responsibility for today and tomorrow, don't live in the past, are happy more often than not, live with little but have so much to be inspired by, the time to invest in their hobbies, learn more about the natural world, learn more about and do whatever their passion is.

They are the ones who will survive the coming apolcalypse with less battle wounds, less friction, less need to totally re-evaluate their choices, their leaders, their options for the future if we don't lose it.

If we don't use it wisely, our time here, we could be making it pointless for any offspring to be sprung.  We could be creating a world where technology is more important than our very lives themselves, more important than the life of someone living in a far off land, who has to make things for us to throw away at an alarming rate, making up excuses for why we need the new one we just bought, rationalising our reasons for tossing something out, because we don't even think about it.

I've seen all this first hand, mentioning no names, i've done a lot of this myself, i woke up to it all.

I realised where i was personally going wrong, I had to because no-one was going to tell me.

They don't want to lose their job because they told the truth of how bad things are.

They don't want the rap, don't want the place in the history books, so they lie.

Or they don't want the truth, to hear it would be too painful, so they fib.

To themselves first and then the rest of the world, don't say it.

It isn't true, we'll ignore that inconvenient bit of information.

As the world itself and the life on it shrinks, so connected.

We can go almost anywhere within a day, flights, cars.

A boat ride up a river to reach the heart of the jungle.

We can and do affect each and every inch of it all.

Breathing out we affect the very air itself.

We are so fragile and so destructive.

So loving and so careless.

So preoccupied.

So asleep.

Wake up.


Wakey wakey.

Rise and shine.

There's a battleship in the garden!

A family tradition that one, to remind us all.

Sometimes when we wake up there will be an emergency.

Our settled lives of routine are killing everything including us.

Lost in our habits and addictions to being unhealthy and unhappy.

Well maybe it's time for us to break out of this system and be happy.

Perhaps it's time for me to do just that and so i shall and so i have soon.

A little bit of savings and a lot of faith in what will happen when i move out.

As for the rest of us, I intend to do whatever i can to support us all in waking up.

Don't leave it there says a little thought in my head, clear cognizance as it comes in.

A spiritual man, a man, doing what he believes to be right, loving himself and everyone.

Working towards doing whatever little i can achieve to make the world a better place.

Until the final disaster strikes and we are swept from the face of the very earth.

Or we evolve in a natural way and leave technology and fatalism behind.

Choose to love one another and put a stop to our failings for all time.

By being there for each other again because each life is sacred.

By accessing the natural resources that can support us.

Go to the extents of what can be achieved by one.

As a connected whole once more across earth.

Connected by our spiritual truth and life.

Letting go of the past, freeing ourselves.

Creating a better way each day together.

Raising the lowest up to be their best.

Knocking the high and mighty down.

Letting them fall on their own swords.

Because to fight what you don't believe.

Is harder than choosing a different way to go.

Then seeing how many people are drawn towards it.

The people I love live in such a way, not tomorrow, today.

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