Sunday 22 January 2017

rolling with the punches

well i've heard of rolling with the punches
and i've heard of going with the flow
but i'm travelling from one to
another piss and was
wondering why
is this? Is it
Vitamin C
As I know
it can be a dire
sorry it's a diuretic
that was so pathetic
but it's come to this you
see lot's of physical issues
between me and me and thee
i have to say I was better in some
ways when I was just cruising idly down
the river unaware of most everything except
myself and there's the rub i'm taking it all in again
still communicating getting a bloody nose from a scratch
a thorn in the woods being dragged backwards by the dog
through a copse until i manage to get the little devil to come back
i can't blame the little pup i love to go exploring in woods deep and far
it's just that on the end of a lead he's taking me in every direction at once
tied to a tree, wrapped around the trunk, so much more free and less in a funk
rhyming is fun but it isn't for everyone so let's just say i'm feeling good, eating well
like i used to say if you're going through hell, keep going, come out the other side.

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