Thursday 25 August 2016

a mandela - a mandala

so there's this thing apparently, im new to it but it's a head spinner, some folks seem to have a different memory, a different recollection, of history, some people think Nelson Mandela died in prison in the nineteen eighties, whereas most people, and certainly in my version of reality, he was finally released and became president of south africa.  This is just one example of things being different on the internet, or in someones living memory within their heads, for me, the film 'Interview with a vampire' was titled exactly that, however, the internet doesn't seem to agree with me, i've asked people and they've said the same thing, that there is an a in the title not a the.  Is reality changing, in ways that some people are aware of and others not?

This phenomenon comes after the existence of the 11:11 phenomenon, that some claim to have been experiencing for decades, for me it was a wakeup call, it felt like a sign that this reality is mutable, that a message was coming from somewhere, outside, from whatever, whoever, created it all, or at least coming into my awareness was the fact that i would look at the time and find it was 11:11 or 23:11 at night.

Once this was happening, i checked the internet, to research if anyone else was experiencing this, only to find that they were, that some had been for quite some time, pun intended, after the fact, anyway something interesting is going on, whether it could be a huge conspiracy of some kind, makes no sense, I have a ticket stub for Interview with a vampire from the nineteen nineties, i checked it was there in the loft, it reads the same it always did, however copies of the film online, on amazon, articles on and any search i make suggests that it has always had the other title, interview with the vampire: the vampire chronicles if you want to be exact and include the subheading.  It doesn't even make as much sense in that format either.

The original novel is titled Interview with the vampire, by Anne Rice and came out in 1976 go figure...

Other things like an island on the left of australia that some remember seeing on atlases, but all sorts of products, commercials, all sorts of things in the world seem to have changed but also always been that way.

Is it just our fallible memories, or did Darth Vader really say the line No, I am your father, rather than Luke, I am your father in The empire strikes back?  Did C3PO have a silver leg and the rest of him was gold?

Are these just anomalies that haven't been noticed before or is time changing around us, some say this is an effect of quantum medal-ling with our timeline, our reality, as though time travel was happening and things were being affected in small ways that don't filter out into the conciousness of everyone equally, i don't know what this is all about but it's very strange and kinda excites me that i can ask someone about some of these and see what their reaction is too.  As though we are all coming into the awareness that reality is mutable.

The way that dreams are becoming almost more realistic than my waking state, feeling as though this is the dream, one I would like to wake up from especially as i seem to be able to fly in my dreams at night.

Anyway something to think about for those who read this, are there other examples that aren't misremembering?  Because some would say that we all do this, get quotes from things wrong.

They never said Beam me up scotty in star trek, Humphrey Bogart never said play it again sam.

However when a piece of physical evidence sits in my collection of ticket stubs from the cinema it feels like an anachronism, like as though the nature of our existence just became stranger in a way i quite like.

What we need now is for many more such changes of a positive nature to occur until this world is fairer to all, if it was up to me, if this was a world where there was a consensus reality, if conciousness creates what we see, not the other way around, allowing us to witness and experience a reality that is already there.

After all, quantum physics suggests that if there is no observer, observing reality it wouldn't be there, we effect the world around us, simply by being there to see it, if a tree falls in the forest and there is no-one there to hear it, does it make a sound?  Or more importantly, is it actually there unless someone looks at it?

My knowledge  of all of this stuff is very basic and i hope my understanding has not been shown up here, that I have made at least a fairly good effort to put across in a simple way akin to my take on it all, what is true.

What is true?  What is false?  I have seen many things in my time, like a giant yin yang in the sky, made up of a dark night sky on one side and the moon on the other, perfect, existing for a few seconds before departing.

As though i were witnesses a moment in time, i never heard anyone else, or found any pictures of it, in fact in the way that these things go I was unable to attempt to take a photgraph of this phenomenon, so it stays within my memory as something that I saw, but someone else was there and we both experienced it together.

If I can continue to meditate, with others on a regular basis, our collective efforts, to raise conciousness, to extend the effects around the world, to bring peace to the world, to send love into the hearts and minds of others, to effect real positive change the world over, who know what we can all achieve if we can ignore or choose to draw ourselves away from the fear mongering media, their stories and focus on death and blood.

Here we are back to vampires, I will be posting things on this subject a little more I would have thought.


A Mandala is an object that some would say represents the universe, in microcosm, it's a circle, it's often made in chalk dust by monks then destroyed almost as soon as it is completed, to show the impermanence of this reality of moments, of the fleeting nature of nature, we live, we die, we breathe our last and expire.

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