Saturday 19 December 2015


sometimes sometimes i get angry and miserable and feel like venting but then after a while I see that it's just grief because I know I'm leaving behind an old me, an old life, an old way to be, leaving old habits and opinions back on the burner where they can be destroyed this rhyme aint nothing like the one in my head which is a shame cos it was much better than this but back to bus-iness, we are humans and god is real, that's the deal, i communicate with the ancestors or whatever you would like to call goddess, love, godhead and my journey is to go back to there, where all love resides with as many folks besides beside me, in fact i've made a promise it will be everybody, yes everyone, leaving here, to go somewhere nicer still, or stay here but be in heaven while alive and just go there when you die, instead of all this angst and worrying about what happens then, i've decided to find out now and help others out, i'm going to heal some, using massage, touch and love and loving energy and that will be it for me, living, growing, teaching, learning, yearning to find the enlightenment, the being that i already am just forgot while I was rushing to fit in with what everyone else was doing here

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