Wednesday 28 October 2015

stupid is

stupid is as stupid does and there are a great number of those amongst us but most if not all just know that they would like to live in peace and ease and please dont think this is a rant just because my praise is scant and i say things like you fucking bastards all of you fatherless and motherless and rudderless without the faith that comes with experimentation with your connection to the true affection and love that comes from out of the heavens above and from the ground below as below and so above this aint some kind of shove in the right direction but if you could just see that intelligence is free just stop worrying that you know anything at all or going on about the fact that the sky is about to fall because it may or may not just decide to do that, terrorists, muslims, whoever you want to blame for our lame culture its all the same because it makes you feel less than you are cause you're no rising star and not famous or rich thats a son of a bitch like me thats free to say and do whatever it is i like and yes im a tyke a little rascal and from here i can see the kings and queens of the castle standing tall but the bigger they are, the surer and harder they fall because they must before the planet turns to dust and lust is just another way to say i want something i will take it rather than i need something i will give my time to create or make it or barter or work for it or give of myself so that i may get something in return, that the right way around to make the world go round and as this thingy comes to an end my friend i can say that the goddess, encompassing nature, the universe and beyond, is my muse and to amuse you more we talk daily about everything and everyone and some just maybe i could say mean more to me than i could pray to share with them +

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