Friday 22 May 2015

sleep sleeep sleeeeeeep

i know the feeling you were yawning when it got dark outside but you found any excuse to stay up, anything to watch on tv no matter how awful it was, putting off going to bed because a part of you knows you will get the rest you deserve but for whatever reason don't feel as though you deserve it, then you finally fall into bed exhausted and get some sleep but have to wake up too soon and feel rubbish again that night soooo.... try this?
Go to bed, say to every part of yourself, from big toe to little from the sole of the foot to the upper to the ankle to the shin to the calf to the knee to the thigh to the hip and all the way up, say thankyou for everything you do, for carrying me, for bearing my weight, release all physical, emotional, spiritual pain from within you, each part, feel it go, let it go, feel the deep relaxation, most times you will just wake up the next morning fully rested without even remembering how you got to sleep, because you were focussed on something other than the fact that you can't get to sleep and well, you'll be feeling pretty great and thanks for that eh?  Keep going, make it a habit to actually switch off your devices, de-vice yourself of technology that shines a blue light into your eyeballs and keeps your brain wanting to stay awake, see how this workd for you and pass it on to anyone who can't get a rest +

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