Saturday 16 May 2015

ranting and raving

what would it feel like to have the energy of every moment that was, will be or is falling onto your head like a golden shower, like a divine flowing river of piss or rain, that's not the best image but hey it's worked its way into my heart from there so i can give you a picture of what it's like, get on my bike, send it out when i am full, moon the world and share my soul, score an own goal, what's with all this rhyming slang, dang i wish i could just write without needing to make it scan, i feel scarily like a man so the energy is working through me to give away freely, no really, i can, why not experiment by leaving your names on Free Energy Healing where i will make a time and space for you to receive it, heck just breathe it in, see it like a pure white light, golden sparkly stuff, you'll never have more than enough just what you need, it starts to feed you from within and seeps back out, so i won't scream or shout, or rant just rave, it's kinda saved me from myself, working on my health, thankyou +

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