Tuesday 7 October 2014


Every thing in this world was either there to begin with or was created by us.

Using our imagination, we can project ourselves into the future and make it.

From the Wright brothers engineering something to get them airborne after many others had had similar ideas in the past, technology has allowed us to go in many different directions at once...

In good ways and bad, from medicines to nuclear bombs we've grown and changed this planet.

In each case someone had an idea, often at the same time in different parts of the world without necessarily knowing about each other, a person imagined a new reality, a new thing and made it.

Our imaginations allow us to dream into existence new ways of being in this life and it changes us.

When a new life is brought into this world, it learns from those around it, from a fawn to a human child, there is the innate knowledge within each organism that it uses to survive and grow and there is also what we are taught.  So we come into this life and find a world already here, already running.

What if each of us however, were creating the world around us, living within a bubble of reality.

Each one either following the trend or using their own energy to make a new world around them.

What if it was possible for each of us to create a new world where almost anything was possible?

In simple ways if we choose to ignore what we are told and get on with life making our own choices, can't we actually discover that the world is completely different to the one we learn about?

It might be a poor example but if I had listened only to what I was told about my local area I may never have experienced what the rest of the world was actually like, if I had decided based on what I heard about the nearest town to me, I may never have ventured out into it and had so many wonderful experiences and likewise the rest of the world, we hear often terrible things and only those because that is what the media reports, they tell us about the deaths of people we didn't know, the disasters in foreign countries.   Now from the perspective of empathy that is a good thing, it makes us feel connected to the rest of the world in ways that wasn't possible as easily before but it also makes us constantly afraid for our own lives for no good reason.  I stopped watching the news for this reason, when something becomes an issue someone else brings it up, when it comes close to home.

Take that example and turn it into a vision of the world itself, the ways in which so many people are going against the grain, going a different route to the one their forebears chose, deciding to live in various ways, as the stresses on this planet become more obvious it is time for many to do so.

Evolution and mutation made each creature fit into niches in the environment and their offspring to either thrive or die based on the changes that were happening at that period in time, we all had to live and die based on whether we were healthy, whether we had good eyesight, natural selection made it easier for evolution to flow.  Modern medicine as good as it is, actually makes it possible for those who would previously have died of things like cancer, to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation.  As a species we have diverted from where nature would have taken us because of technology, because of our bigger brains and ability to think about the fact that we are alive.

Unlike many other animals, and animals we are, we alone in terms of our impact on the world have become somewhat of a cancer ourselves, we are like cells within a giant organism that are growing unchecked, rather than living within the confines of the environment and being predated like others.

When the rabbits are plentiful so are the foxes, when the rabbit population crashes so do their predators, however we have been able to mold the places we live in to provide us with food to the detriment of the other species.  Every other living thing does so in harmony with the rhythms of nature.  So it's almost as if this is a stage of development that happens on any world where life comes into existence and it's a theory that goes something like this :-

If life occurs on a world, it will get to a stage of technological development where it destroys itself.

Or reverts to living in harmony with the planet it was born on, in harmony with the environment.

I'm suggesting that although technology has done many good things it has brought us here.

To a side road, a detour, a fork, a diversion, actually a perversion because of dominance.

In a herd of deer and every other species of group living animals the herd decides.

I've spoken of this before, unlike what you might hear or have been told.

In the herd, there is a natural democracy, the stags do not rule.

We are ruled by the stags of our herd, and it's killing us.

Unless or until the herd chooses the way forward?

We're going to end up starving in huge numbers.

We will die off in a huge disastrous tragedy.

All the stags are interested in is dominating, rutting and passing on their genes.  They think only of themselves, are unnaturally driven to do so, but unlike the stags our leaders actually think they are better than the rest of us, because they were groomed for their position, educated to think they are above us, better placed to make decisions for us all, when in reality without them we would be in a far better state than we are today.  They war with others who don't agree with them rather than making peace, some conflict is inevitable but most of it in this world is designed, planned.

What is happening today, in many place because of this is a new way of living, being.

People are choosing to be more like nature, choosing to live in harmony again.

Whether it's because the right choices are obvious because of the stresses.

Whether it's because they feel something in the air, can sense a change.

For whatever reason, many are going forward with nature, evolving.

They are resolute and right in their decision to do so and loving it.

Many may well die in the years that face us as a species but some won't because they know, they are part of a movement, to go back to nature and forward with her at the same time, to relearn the old ways, to prevent illness not to treat it, by living closer to the source of what made our lives possible in the first place, they live well and don't miss the trappings of the modern world at all really.

For me this is proof that the world will change for the better, whatever it seems like to us.

However bad things get, however many of us die off as a result of our pride, the lies.

I see the reality bubbles that these souls live in as a new reality being created.

A Hopi prophesy says that if you are not connected to nature you will perish.

I believe this is true, I believe that the world around us is partly our creation.

It is a place affected by what we take out into it, by what we project as well.

So we have to decide what we wish to see in the world and be that change.

Imagine a way to change the world for the better, for yourself and others.

That is the choice that faces each of us in this time, to go with the flow.

Or to be swept off your feet as the pace of change overwhelms us all.

Those who choose to ignore the direction chosen by the stags live.

Nature is not cruel, she's fair, we have our own free will, our say.

The mistake is to think any one of us is any more important,

than any other, that we are anything other than living cells,

within a giant chrysalis only now becoming a butterfly.

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