Sunday 23 February 2014

The Emperors New Clothes

97% of the money that 'makes the world go round' doesn't exist.

The world has been spinning on its axis quite happily for billions of years mind you, but the system that we are all increasingly forced to live under, to have access to services, to get anywhere, to do anything is the money system.  Only a few percent of the 'economy' as it is known actually exists as paper money or coins.  The other 97% only exists as numbers on computer screens held by banks.

Literally and I know this is hard to get your head around at first, but all that 'money' is debt, all those numbers are IS DEBT.  Every loan, every mortgage creates 'money' on a computer screen which has to be paid back, with interest, but that didn't exist until that loan or mortgage was created.

The banking system and our currencies are setup to do just that, to create debt and pass it around, the only real money is the paper stuff and coins, and if everyone wanted to get hold of their money, have it in their hands, there isn't enough, they couldn't.  Look at what happened when Northern Rock failed, our money when deposited becomes theirs to do with as they wish, to gamble so that they can pay us interest on our savings.  The debt itself gets passed up the chain until the richest can 'buy' things with it, like superyachts and mansions, but in reality they are worse off because they are so far removed from the land, from the very nature of life, protected as they are in their gated communities, secure properties, alarmed and patrolled, served by maids and butlers.

When the system falls under the weight of such illusion the richest will have to rely on the food in their cupboards just like we will, they will have to go begging on the streets just like we will.  Only they don't know anyone, perhaps they will have a space in a bunker somewhere, maybe they have provision for this possibility, to protect them against nuclear, biological, chemical attack or riots.

Revolution is the only answer, either a revolution in the way things are structured or a physical revolution, actually the people on the streets fighting for their very lives and the lives of their loved ones.  I can see that the greed of the richest, of the politicians, of the bankers prevents them from doing what is necessary, some have realised that you can't take it with you, so do some good with it, share it around, live more sensibly, actually know the people who work for them, the community they live in.

Why do you think terror legislation has been brought in, why freedoms are being removed?

Because they know and have known for many years that sooner or later the system will fail.

The lights aren't on at the U.N. and other such organisations late into the night because they are working out how to solve the problems of the world, no it's because they can't sleep.

Literally they know that the worlds problems are getting worse, poverty has increased the world over.

We are on a collision course and they know it, so they do what they can to protect themselves, the governments of the world have contingency plans to ensure that they will survive, that the system can continue after disaster, they are literally making it possible for them to call us terrorists because they know that it can't go on for much longer as it is.

Whilst companies like Cuadrilla and others go after more and more fossil fuel resources, which require government backing and tax subsidy and the use of more and more dangerous techniques to go after dwindling natural resources, at the expense of literally drilling into the ground beneath our feet, and pumping chemicals into it, to break up rock and remove gas that in the short term will keep our homes warm and our lights on but actually only again keeps their status quo going.

It will line the pockets of the people we have to buy that natural resource from...

We allow them to sell us the very resources that our naturally ours.

Because they get it for us and sell it back to us.

The earth is being destroyed by us.

In our names, by others.

We are complicit.

So revolution has to come, a financial crisis is inevitable because there is no other way for this to go, without change to the banking system, without a sensible way forward that empowers the people, that lends money to small business not big, that does not increase house prices merely to line the pockets of the rich, over and above rises in wages, artificially the housing market has been the banks win win gamble.

They don't care if they give you a mortgage one day and take your house back the next, because they can take the money they lent you, that only existed on a computer screen, pocket that in bonuses, and lend the next person a new mortgage, literally selling the same house twice for the same price.  The person selling you the mortgage also has one, it's the top few, the people that stand to make and make and make and they feel unsafe.  People with 25 million in the bank don't feel as though they have enough money, no amount is ever enough for them, there will always be something else they desire, they want, not need.

So you and i are terrorists in all but the need to go onto the streets and fight the power.

Unless everyone does something now, rather than sitting back and hoping things will change it is going to come to a head, look at ukraine, look around the world, the t.v. news doesn't speak of the problems the world over, or the successes because it is propaganda, the B.B.C. whoever the world over they would rather talk about celebrity, vanity, gossip, speculation, over and over they don't tell you what is going on because it would inform you, make you angry, make you realise the truth.

They are selling your planet out from underneath you and it's a death spiral that we're in.

Literally there are the resources available to make this world work, but they don't.

They see the poor in other countries as less than human, customers for their shit.

Free trade devalues work of local producers, buy our crap that makes you ill.

Makes you fat and lazy like we are, so you die earlier, live to work and die.

How can you remove yourself from a system that thinks killing works.

They go around murdering people with weapons they manufacture.

Using the lives of the poorest families as fodder to create 'peace'

A peace built on the skeletons of the dead who barely lived.

Young men and women sent into areas we wish to use.

An ancient malice that began with feudalism, began when men and women chose to see themselves as the representatives of gods on earth, seeing themselves as more important than another, literally devaluing every other until today the bankers are the capitalists warriors, their battle cry PROFIT

Something has got to give, thankfully technology and natural common sense gives us a chance to live in harmony with the environment more easily, to live off the grid, to remove ourselves from the debt trap, it takes not competition but cooperation, despite the fact that government insists on getting involved in things that don't concern them, using the excuse of safety and security to spy on the very people that they claim to want to protect, when there is no difference between us, only their false flags and banners waved to suggest there is.  We are human beings, nationality is imaginary.

We all wish to live free, to be able to create, to live from our hearts, to work together to build.

Not destroy the world for the sake of a few...

It makes me mad and upset constantly

so I have to remove myself from it

as soon as i can whilst the rest

just go on miserably dying

whilst they barely live

a paltry existence

in debt to those

few immoral


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