Thursday 13 February 2014

another go

ok rather than edit my last post, I'm gonna have another go at describing what it's like to get in touch with yourself, your instincts, to reconnect with nature, to feel more, see more, be more...

as i was leaving my front door, let's say for a walk, I could go in any direction, north east south or west, often that would be dictated by my desire to end up somewhere or to take a certain time.

often i have a place i want to end up let's say a friends house, so it's easy, i would choose the way that would take me there in the shortest time, or the most direct route to get to my destination.

however if I was meeting my friend and then going off for a bike ride, i would cycle to his house, and then the question might arise, so where shall we go then?  in this case the past informs us both, we know how many different routes are available to us.  It depends on the length of time we wish to be out, how far we want to cycle, all sorts of things.

However what I was getting at when i spoke about gps as a technology that removes our own internal sense of direction, overrides it, takes us places without us having to know where we are going, what I was getting at is the feeling i get when i let my instincts take me places.

So i've set out for a walk, i get to a place where there are two or three options.

I close my eyes and i intuit which one to take, i literally see in my minds eye.

I see in the darkness of my minds eye a light, like an energy, flowing more strongly in one direction, like the crossroads in front of me or the options available are highlighted more or less on instinct.

Now what happens when we don't just go the way we always go, or let our instincts guide us, is that we don't always just go straight to our destination, often when i'm out, I will get a sense, a feeling, or a thought enter my head that I should go a longer route than the one I had planned.

Now for a second I have to think to myself, do I really want to go the extra mile?

Not literally, it might only mean a few extra metres, or it might be a detour of hours.

My instincts are telling me for some reason that although the obvious rational thing to do is to go left, that for some reason I should go right.  So listening to them develops this ability, I go right and run into a friend, or see something like a wild creature, a bird, something inexplicable.

In a town, I might have a sense of where I need to go, like this, in London for instance, I don't know the city, but I was driving in my car, with a new friend, someone I don't know well in the passenger seat, she was doing this very same skill, with her knowledge of London assisting with the general direction, I could tell, I could see the same information coming to me, it ought to be left along here somewhere, it's a skill others have spoken of.  In a city like Bristol once you've been there a while, even if you're at street level, in a part of the city, and believe me lots of it looks identical to a stranger and country boy like me, that is unfamiliar, and yet someone who has lived there a while, has a sense of which direction to go, this is walking i'm talking about now.  We develop this internal system of navigation quite naturally when we don't rely on technology to do this for us.

Over the years, since I reconnected to nature, started living outside, in tents, spending whole summers outside, sleeping outside at night, extending that to the whole year, or as much as I could stand given how cold it gets in a tent, or later my caravan in winter given that it's just a metal box with no insulation.  As I have put myself back in touch with myself and nature all these things come back to me.

I know as a kid that all sorts of these things were present, I could play with tantra for instance, literally move my hands closer to each other until I felt the presence of an energy there, play with it, by moving my hands further apart again and then closer but without touching, I have demonstrated this to people, let them feel their own energy buzzing with mine as if the positive or negative poles of two magnets were being placed together, two right hands repel so there's a feeling of our hands getting close then an energy there between them, often for some people it's a tingling if they feel anything at all at first.

We have all become numb to these feelings, partly because we don't spend much time in nature.

In many ways it's the loneliness and disconnected nature of our lives, we don't connect to each other.

Partly because many of these things fall under the coveral and catchall of our language...

Far too often the extraordinary things that we are all capable of are described as crazy, insane, mad

This stems from the church and the doctrine that mysterious things are the preserve of the mentally challenged, in the past you could be put into an asylum for all sorts of reasons, from saying anything against the church or it's dogma to revealing visions that slowly over time became the preserve of religious figures but not for the masses, slowly as our spiritual heart our nature was taken from us and turned into something to hide, something to fear, something not to be spoken of because you would be considered a heretic, a non believer, a fraud, a witch, burned at the stake, imprisoned, tortured, killed.  Nature gives us all these wonderful experiences and chosen men, those who have ruined our spiritual heritage and turned it into nothing more than a business, constructed a world where business and belief are one, banking and churching their way to destroying other cultures, native cultures, travelling the world converting everyone to their way of seeing the world, concreting over everything from native indians to native aboriginals, bringing with them disease and dis ease, making people ill at ease, creating a world where most people now live in fear, using terrorism as an excuse to lock everyone up tight in their fear of someone from another country coming to harm them, removing our freedoms to choose what we do to our own bodies, how we choose to live our own lives, on the basis that it makes us all safer, turning this planet into a giant prison where no-one is truly free.

Everything based on rules and regulations, the biggest breakers of those rules are the people in charge

As they say power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely

You put someone in a position of power and they are destroyed by it

Look at how quickly our leaders age, even the ones we thought brought hope

Especially those we thought would bring real change, change we could believe in

Obama for instance, poor people brought him to power, now he does what the corporations say

He kills people from thousands of miles away in the name of bringing freedom to them

and safety to his own population, who are now far less safe in their homes because of it

Bin Laden was a u.s. asset, literally the enemy of the united states' enemy The u.s.s.r.

Later like saddam hussein he became an inconvenient ally, he saw the way to go

He created a situation where they could not help themselves, the military industrialists need wars

They need places to go, to send the soldiers, so that they can sell more weapons and it's gone too far

It's imploding, cities in the states are virtually empty, it's turning insane now literally madness

Not the type of thing they like to admit but it's close to imploding and causing a melt down

Across the world, it doesn't look good, this is a finite world, and economic growth can't go anywhere

We can't expect to keep trying to sell more stuff made out of the bones of a dying world (Paraphrasing Terence Mckenna here) to more people who never really wanted it...

For me the way forward involves taking the best of what we had in the first place with us

Technology will be a tool for our salvation, not god, not the church, not business, US

We are the ones who will survive, if we live sustainably, together, recreate our lives

Going back to nature and forward with her at the same time, reconnecting to her intelligence

Look at the way a permaculture system can clean up our toxic waste water, or mycelial mats of fungus can clean up an oil or toxic waste covered area and return it to a life giving environment in mere weeks...  Here's a link to just how intelligent nature is and why we need her and her us...

Tempo de mudanca time for change :) at 55 minutes you see how natures intelligence can help not only that but that it's the only way forward, it's natural technology not using computer chips ;) followed swiftly by mushroom mat solutions

It's been said that if we continue the way we are we've got 50 years left
But that if we were gone in 50 years most issues would be solved by nature

So I'm removing myself from the equation, i'm out as soon as I can be

I'm returning to nature, to provide the skills that have returned to me

As I've reconnected to nature and to myself I've discovered why i'm here and what i'm for

I'm gonna go do that, and give what I can do for free, in service to my fellow creatures


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