Sunday 16 February 2014

OK ok ok ok ok ok yes ok :P Even for me this is weird ;) but this paragraphs IS ME to a J xxx
i've said some pretty weird things myself, had some experiences i have mentioned and some well we'll go into that soon but hey this sort of thing is a bit much for me usually after all
i havent channeled any spirits from other planets other realms and i am a cynic too
a sceptical believer i use scientific reasoning at times and my own judgement
to make sure im not taken in, or taken advantage of with this stuffs ;)
i want to be taken advantage of however because i have skills
things i can do for others that make them feel better
usually it's making them laugh or at least put
a smile back on their mush ;) and so
i have to admit this is how i felt
for the longest time until
i reached out and met
the most beautiful
spiritual people
i know
We are all starseeds, star people, or starborn meaning we are not created in physical reality. Our souls experience simultaneously in many realities, timelines, and realms. We are souls sparks of light having one or more experiences in physical reality about to remember that it is all a consciousness hologram.

Awakened starseeds prefer to work in the esoteric and creative fields - healing, helping, searching for their own truths and their soul mission through studying systems of higher wisdom, writing their biographies as a means of clearing issues and understanding their purpose. It's 2011 and the journey is evolving back to light.
They await a great awakening the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time. They are programmed to find others like themselves, as based on similar frequencies and predestined goals.
Sometimes they feel like walk-ins or wanderers in this reality and timeline.
Some starseeds adapt. Others feel lost and alone, become depressed and withdraw from society feeling that no one understands them.

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