Monday 4 November 2013

up until now i've just been posturing
now it's time to take a stand and
by that i mean i stand by all's
said and done. I can do
and have done many
incredible things
and those are
except by
and un
i met, passed on the messages and answers to questions of a loved one
predicted a friends friend over the worst and wud awake from a coma
tapped a new friend on the shoulder from 30 feet away to a cha! grin
given and received energies felt 'em going through my body n yours
to name any more is becoming difficult i don't want to put anyone
on the spot here but reiterate the facts in this case for all to see
believe me or believe me not that's up to you, i do what i do.
I am whatever you say i am if i wasn't then that would be
fairly difficult for you to understand let alone accept...
you see it's very simple, this is a magical place
where reality wraps around you, changing
ever changing to update your new look
your new perspective, letting go of
the old to see anew... to see
the real world finally, i'm
not there yet by any
means fair or foul
not a sorcerer
or magician
just a bloke
with some
heart and
soul on

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