Sunday 8 July 2012

Fucking travesty / Waste Not Want Not / Crisis of conciousness

Think about it would you?

The ammount of time that people actually spend thinking is minute, the rest of the time subconcious programming allows us to drive from home to work without noticing very much or even remembering the journey.  So it should come as no surprise to me, really, given the number of times I mention issues such as waste that nothing changes.  Because you are blaze about this stuff, you don't care, you don't think...

I want to cry when I see rotting food in the cupboard, and can't work out why in a household of four family members, three of us need our own carrots and the other one needs another supply, and even then most of them are thrown into the bin.  I've said before that you need to open the bags when you get them home or they can't breath, plastic bags are an awful place to store vegetables anyway.

What happened to making a shopping list and buying what you need?  Looking in the cupboards to work that out first before you leave?  I suppose you're too busy getting the shopping out of the way so that you can sit on your fat arses watching t.v. or going online to watch cookery programs or look at recipes you'll never make.  It sickens me and you should be ashamed of the waste, of time and effort and resources.

Water isn't becoming more abundant, it is far less so, the water companies have been dredging it up from far below ground for years and using up supplies that will not be replenished for hundreds if not thousands.  That's a far cry from places in the so called third world where they struggle to get enough to drink...

Your mothers and fathers would be ashamed of you if they were here now.  So why wouldn't they have created such waste?  Because they couldn't afford to, because they weren't pursuaded to do so by supermarket over subscription where you don't buy what you need, you are offered much more for an ever decreasing price, for products that are factory produced, picked before they are ripe so that they have no flavour and if you want something of a good quality you pay more for something called 'finest' or 'the best'.


The planet does not have the resources.

Any top predator, anything at the top of a section of the food chain in any environment, whose prey species, or the resources they rely on are no longer available dies off.  No rabbits, no foxes.  No water, NO US!

We are dying daily and wasting our only chance to make a difference.

And we deserve to do so.


I want to live somewhere where people make concious decisions, on a planet where the bottom line isn't price, or profit but sustainability.

We are unsustainable and as such deserve to die off in huge numbers.

So let's see that happen in our deathtimes because our lifetimes are going to become far less long soon.

On that cheery note,
Light &


  1. Hmm well firstly I would be on the streets, or locked up somewhere if it wasn't for my folks, so I need to make it clear that I am just as guilty of ill considered, or unconcious acts, and wasting things, although less so since I stopped buying things unless I need them, I have enough clothes, but even what I have would have nowhere to live as would I if it weren't for my family. I realised recently just how little I contribute, to the world, to anyones life but my own, I'm lazy and so fucking earnest when it comes to the actions of others, I need to stop being so judgemental. I want this whole 'ride' as Bill Hicks called it to stop,I wanna get off, it's isn't any fun anymore... It's just crass and heading for nowhere good when I see the genetically modified things happening, I don't any part of a world like the one we're headed for... Stop the planet I wanna get off ;)

  2. AND SECONDLY when I get frustrated up to a point of losing it and letting go, or deciding that I'm wasting my time, things seem to change, or maybe the messages do get through, and less stuff gets threwn out... I hope that on a worldwide basis that the messages are getting into one ear and not going right out of the other... We all need to think more <3 Although as much as I would like to say thinking isn't such a good idea either,perhaps I should rephrase that and say we should think less, but be more concious in the moment, allow our minds to work for us when they are required

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And thirdly written after i thought my second comment had been lost in the ether of the 'error 503 service unavailable' page .... things change when we let go of our expectations, when we try to get them put into place changes can happen, when we keep on trying, when we keep the faith, when we work hard, when we let go of our frustration, when we stop our expectation of seeing nothing good , nothing new... there is positive change underway and I only hope it's at a pace that can keep up with the negative changes of the past
