The only defining characteristic between us is ones ability to create life and the other to co-create it. Everything comes from the feminine, all the males and females who ever lived and are alive today were born of woman. We create all other differences, we see them though they're not really there, just figments of our upbringing that made us believe that men are a certain way and women are another. Everyone is on a spectrum, a continuum, a free dance where participants range from one extreme to the other, short, tall and everything in between and not between. If anything is possible then not everything is suddenly likely but much more certainly becomes so. Dream. Believe. Create.
What we seem to have failed to grasp and managed to inconveniently forget of old is that sex is for making babies first and foremost. The fact that it's enjoyable is secondary. In principle once you are capable physically after puberty to create life, then you are an adult human being in all but experience. Some people are precocious some late to develop putting an age of these things in law is white washing what used to be a guideline. Everyone is different and to expect people to work to a timetable that someone else arbitrarily sets out in different regions and countries of the world is just crazy. I'm not either a prude or an advocate of casual sex. I'm convinced that some people should be having a lot more sex and others maybe a little bit less is all ;) But I am in favour of sex being for procreation first, unless that isn't desired by the creator, the feminine who has the ultimate responsibility. That it should always be an act of love which in and of itself doesn't preclude anything, in fact it's freeing.
I guess my point is make love to whoever you like, but first and foremost love them...
Otherwise you're not taking responsibility for your own body as the creator you are
Once you wanted sex you wanted to be a father or a mother
Anything else you tell yourself or hear is subterfuge
Nature came first, then your nature 'arrived' later ;)
I never wanted to have sex for the sake of it and maybe I'm rare, the things I'm told face to face by guys would suggest that maybe I am but I don't give it away to someone I don't care about and never have and never will, as much as I've been tempted to in the past.
Intimacy's important but cheapen the way you get there and you cheapen the intimacy too...
Ideally we'd all be disease free and roaming around fucking like rabbits so that sexual compatibility was more important than social morays and financial concerns that just get in the way of letting mother nature take its course. What we are attempting is to put together a jigsaw of the world with the wrong pieces and try to make them fit despite the fact that they don't make a coherent recognisable design... After a while we'll come to realise that the idea is for the picture to form itself organically based on what works not on what suits some people not others.
You can get by on your own these days but it's not living, ask anyone who is super rich and travels in such lonely circles protected and sheltered unable to connect without fear of ulterior motives. Altruism developed because it keeps you alive longer but even more importantly, happier and healthier as a consequence. Help someone else and they'll help you back when you need it. Don't have others within your world and in your thoughts and as a concern and you're like a single windswept tree on a cliff top instead of the mighty oak amongst a forest that you should be..
From tiny acorns

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