Surprise surprise one male god (monotheism) seems to have been a man's idea ;)
Just watched 'Bibles Buried Secrets' on BBC Two... Search online for Asherah and El
We were nomads and settling down was some lazy stupid man's way of having an easy life
And the rest was His-story... Oh and the recent Egyptian Revolution may shed light on this
The truth may lay hidden for aeons but not for eternity...
We can no longer denigrate we must celebrate
Before there was one god there were many and god had a missus, THE GODDESS ASHERAH
Making Time
A beautiful phrase implying that we create it out of thin air
Our perception is the lens through which we look at the world
I visit my 'psychic optician' once a month if I can make the time
This months trip involved streams of cathartic tears and a reimagining
of my sexuality... I've always liked girls but would I have sex with a man?
I suppose leaving asking questions like that until now (38)
Is just another symptom of the transformation from
what I was to what I am now and I can't say I'm
really sure to tell you the truth but I like it...
I'm still working that out
Overcompensation Culture
Overeaction, over-complication, oversimplification, over and out...
Really struggling for inspiration these past few weeks, I come up with the starting point and I mull like usual but the mulling isn't getting me anywhere good. I suppose I've spent so many years living a half life where things just happened to me that now I'm experiencing things instead, there's less capacity in ze little grey cells for thinking and so much more excitement to do with doing and being that I'm not putting thought to screen as much.
oh and belly jabies taste so much better after they've been in the sun for a bit ;)
Light & Love
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