Sunday 27 February 2011

My Gggg g g gg gg gg generation

People try to put us down

Talking about my generation... hehe I'm 38 now and I'll be forty by next December 11 2012.
If um nothing's happened by then in terms of upload into hyperspace or lottery win (Let's be realistic here ED ;-)

Ok maybe I'd be in a relationship. Or have been in one for twenty years as some have.

So have I suffered more because I've been single when I'd say there's less stresses involved
(but doesn't that just mean that our own ones become magnified to take up the space?)
Or would I have wilted, aged considerably and not be told often I look up to ten years younger.
(my friends were mostly a few if not several years younger than me because I was immature ;)

Actually for the record these ramblings are offending my typing fingers. I get on with all ages and all people except for the odd awkward sod that can get my back up but otherwise all gud

Or aren't we just like lab animals, zoo animals. The majority kept in nothing like the wide open spaces and habitats that they could range at home and naturally live a harder happier life and die young.

I won't do the death is a part of life nonsense, but it is so there (your eyes went there so you can't blame me for reading that).

We don't live in places or in a way that suits us as a species. We need a sustainable challenge because every problem solver knows, once you've completed the puzzle, what do you do now?

We've tried to fix the puzzle without even knowing what the consequences would be of our moves made and no care as to the solution. Which Is Revolution.

What we wear, how it's made
What we eat, Where it's grown
What we consume as in rubbish

Huh I must be on a ..... hangover to be ranting like this.... but when something occurs you don't say nah not writing that. Where do all the best songs come from, the best poetry, theatre, books....

Somebody else's tortured soul or twisted mind and that makes us think that we're different.

Everyone's got at least one book in them or so they say... I despise 'they'.

But it's as usual a quick fix, a generalisation cos we like soundbites folks. The truth is everyone has a story to tell, whether through the mediums above or the first medium.

Body Language / The Rhythm Of Dance

One an expression connected to a movement whether subtle or outrageous and the
other the expression of whatever hopefully that the music makes you feel like doing

It's tough to get to the place where you can be yourself without giving a shit, completely I mean.

When the atmosphere is there in droves and the likelihood is that anyone you talk to is a sound person, it's not something you think about. A girl is emailing me some photos, I talked to a dozen or so people for five minutes or longer and two or threee for twenty minutes, plus the couple I hung out with in the queue for the CLOAKROOM! Never seen them before, probably never will again, the guy with the angel wings, the artists from Planet Shroom and Toadstool united in one shitty little corner that sucked but my heart artist got a neck and shoulder rub like I promised. I used to think there was no value in anything that had no purpose. No obvious value, but that's where trust comes in. I trust that I'm doing all the right things and open and honest with myself about my limitations and giving them a stretch. Dancing doesnt go anywhere it's not a race with a finish. It starts it may never stop...

Your goal is the transcendence of your fears
Or in other words get over it ;)
Light & Love

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