Thursday 25 February 2010

This Bleating Heart / Birth Of Your Universe

Mood: optimistic

The Birth Of Your Universe

In a void like space, akin to a singularity or if you prefer a minute big bang, one cell divides into two, then four, then eight and on and on until it becomes a heart, beating for the first time and then continuously while the rest of our extremities grow around that initial spark of life, like the birth of a new star attaining first fusion it goes on beating away right up until the moment we die. The core of our being is our heart, it contains Neurons (as do our guts). Brain cells in the Heart and Stomach give credence to all the old sayings like “The Heart wants what the Heart wants” or “Go with your gut instinct”. We really can be ruled by one or other of them, or learn to listen to them all and make up our own minds...... as our mind is made up of all of them and so much more besides.

Noone would contend that Ants, Bees and other animal colonies similar in size and organisation to our own do not manage feats far beyond the sum of their parts. So why shouldn’t that be true of every species including us? There is a feeling, an instinct, spreading from one person to another like a virus, expressed in countless works of fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, mainstream dramas and true stories from real peoples lives. We are connected to one another beyond the limits of space and time and mobile phones, there are no limits to what we can achieve when we all come to this realisation. If you ever had the feeling that someone was behind you, watching you and when you turned to look, true enough someone was there looking right at you. A friend pops into your head, which is an interesting turn of phrase, so you phone them and they were thinking of you too because they really needed to talk to someone.

Your half way there because at the moment you think it’s a coincidence so you are participating at a very indistinct level near the surface, when you admit the very real possibility you can sink into that state and become more open to a whole new world, a new reality.

What is the Mind if not merely the Brain?

We are not our bodies, we are the divine spark at the heart of everything that we consider to be us, the memories, the emotions, creativity and imagination. Where do all these reside within the body? Our Soul, spirit, conciousness whatever you feel more comfortable calling it, is expressed through our bodies but they are just the vessel we travel through space and time in, like any other animal on this journey that we call a lifetime on this planet. They don’t define who we are unless we let them, learn to expect more, learn to see yourself where you want to be and really believe it, hold that thought, imagine how you would feel, confirm your request to yourself, to the universe and never give up on that dream.

I’ve found that the best dreams, the ones that have come true for me more often than not and sooner than expected are those that involve as many other peoples happiness as possible and my own is always merely a natural biproduct symbiotically or as I like to call it, fate.

Look out for the Red Barn and it might make you realise that you are in fact still dreaming whilst also now concious at the same time. Lucid dreaming. The possibilities are endless…

Have you ever tried to turn on and off the lights in a dream? It doesn’t work!
Once you realise that, you’re nearly there…

Learn to fly in your dreams and watch miracles occur daily whilst truly awake for the first time in your life…


P.S. I’ve never managed it yet properly much but it’s awesome, I’ve been known to be firmly stuck hovering close to the ground like David Blane unable to do much more than that sometimes but occasionally crouching tiger level roof hopping shenanigans and The Matrix style SkyScraper leaps. Don’t believe me? Look it up, Lucid Dreaming, we’ve all got a brain and more importantly a mind. So why not use it for something that makes your sleeping time less of a sci-fi style stasis pod 7-8 hour trip to the other side of the planet today to tomorrow’s world where you wake up wondering what went on, recollecting snippets then it’s gone, maybe a hint later OR turn that otherwise slightly wasted third of our lives into an ultra realistic Sci-Fi Movie or Charming and Witty Romantic Comedy, Lavish Costume Drama, Action Packed 3d BLOCKBUSTER! (like to be an Navi from Avatar anyone?). You will remember them like memories because they are, that’s the great secret no-one told you. Dreams may be ephemeral and gone like a spring mist with the first rays of sunshine but they don’t have to be because they really are experiences not fantasies, roll playing solutions to your current problems, showing you, teaching you. If you are aren’t using the most Immersive Virtual Reality Simulator there is in existence that is your mind then what a waste and a shame.

I will remember my dreams, I will remember my dreams, I will remember my Dreams…
Say it over and over in your mind when you feel sleepy and then write them down in a diary by your bed as soon as you wake, add any other things that come back to you.

Take naps when you feel like it, they’re good for you and don’t spoil your nights sleep, you always get what you need in total and you will often be able to dream quite easily once you’ve found your own perfect length of nap time that leaves you feeling energised not groggy.

Your body is stopped from acting out all of your dreams. As it is, your body is not necessary… For them or for what lies beyond

El Destino Final

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