Friday 8 January 2010

Insane In The Membrane

Mood: flirty not shirty cheeky chillaxed (dislike that word intently but it fits)
Music: When I Move You Move

Etymology 1
From Ancient Greek παρά (“‘beside’”)

1. beside, near, alongside, beyond
2. abnormal, incorrect
3. resembling
4. (chemistry) having the two substituents in opposite positions

paranormal (plural paranormals)
1. can not be explained by scientific methods
2. supernatural

1. Above nature; that which is beyond or added to nature, often so considered because it is given by God or some force beyond that which humans are born with. In Roman Catholic theology, sanctifying grace is considered to be a supernatural addition to human nature.
2. Something that is not of the usual. Something that is somehow not natural, or has been altered by forces that are not understood fully if at all.
3. Something that is neither visible nor measurable.

Insane in the Brain

I tend to fit in almost anywhere like a social chameleon, I can tolerate virtually anyone for extended periods, I put that down to being sensitive and compassionate in nature . It’s more than that, I can get on many different ‘wavelengths’. The problem arose when it started to become clear to me, that from now on it was going to be necessary for other people to get on to mine for it to continue to be comfortable for me. By 2000/1 I was convinced that I was going insane. What I’ve realised since then is that me and many others like me aren’t mad at all. We’re the only sane ones left, it’s everyone else whose crazy, pathological even. To retune to your frequency makes everything feel heavy, grating, frankly miserable, that’s why I can’t and I don’t mean to condescend but it’s the word I need to use, I can’t lower myself to yours anymore, not for extended periods. I’ve found a way to rise above it, we all need to and it’s a personal choice as to whether you can say hand on heart that you don’t feel that there’s something weird going on?

Don’t they say that time flies when you’re having fun? But it seems to be flying all the time these days and accelerating even. I wouldn’t describe any of the last several years as particularly joyful for many and certainly not in any sense for the Planet as a whole. More and more signs in the environment like the huge numbers of recent U.F.O. sightings, crop circles becoming more and more complex and even though the Media like to trawl out the fakers when reporting them, the truth is some of them aren’t faked and less and less of those are being ‘claimed’ by their producers. The observations made in Norway of some kind of phenomenon in the night sky, the Pyramid shaped object above The Kremlin during the day and again at night. The list goes on and on. Ghosts, angels, fairies, mythical and crypto-zoological beasts, natural disasters like the huge increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes (I’d like to see them put those down to global warming). Everything that is known as the Mystical, the Paranormal or the Supernatural.

Little things that are like a foot stuck in the door of our subconcious, keeping us aware of something on some level but more than that, trying to wake us all up. I know it’s a tendency for people including me to sometimes only get their arse in gear when it’s absolutely positively necessary, when things get to a tipping point that is so bad that action is required not merely desired, the moment just before it’s too late to do anything at all. I’m not talking about the planet dying, though it is, nor the famine that coexists with feast when there’s enough food for everyone to subsist, or the fact that if we became extinct there would be no possibility of a future advanced civilisation evolving on the globe because all of the natural resources have been raped from the top 1500 feet across the face of it or that we’re having to dredge drinking water up from deep underground that won’t be replaced for thousands of years though we are.

I don’t mean to undermine or insult anyone’s beliefs but I’d say that seeing things is supposed to be a sign of madness is it not? So aren’t more and more of us pathological then? Visions of a religious nature were accepted by The Churches as long as they were agreeable with what the apparition said or the person who received it, they both stopped doing that a long time ago, the visions appearing and the agreeing. Or did they? Many people who see things or hear voices are committed. I’m not denying some of their psychopathology but aren’t we all seeing one or others of the signs above? If not seeing them then dreaming about a worldwide disaster or invasion or religious or spiritual revolution, an oncoming storm. Whatever you believe, your frame of reference will determine how you experience the final outcome, not what it will actually resemble in true reality whatever that is. Your reality is after all the one you subjectively experience day to day, the script written by you, directed by you, executive producer, cinematography etc etc. I feel sorriest for Dr Richard Dawkins, Dr Chris French and their like. Once it’s over and we’re all together again and can laugh about it, they’re going to get the piss taken out of them for eternity.

We’ve come so far or should I say almost far enough. We’re nearing full term already, the cosmos and planets waters have broken and the contractions are intensifying. Something this way comes on a collision course with each of us as individuals. Let it arrive on it’s own terms and risk reaping the whirlwind or reach forward escape velocity and greet it head on.

It might sound dramatic, but I chanted continuously during the waking hours of seven days straight and subsequently had a religious experience that not only convinced me that I have a role to play as a servant to the needs of my fellow man and woman (oy no fnarr fnarr, I’m being awfully earnest) but that there is nothing to worry about, I’m unique but nothing special, a cog in a great wheel, a cell in one giant organism. Perhaps that was a psychic Oxygen mask sent to help subdue me when the plane starts diving from 35,000 feet but I can’t deny the immediate release of all the anxiety, paranoia, fear, frustration, anger, everything that had made me feel abnormal or as though I was losing my Mind. It’s a personal experience that shows you unequivocally what certainty actually is not what you thought it was and subsequently I do not fear death, dying yes, but not death.

The Scientists won’t sort it for you, the Church, the Politicians, the Council, Army or Police. Noone is going to clear this mess up but us, noone can do anything positive unless or until each of us individually and then the rest eventually come together in community like we used to. If you don’t do it for yourself, or for someone else or for the planet, it’ll happen anyway but you won’t have any certainty of your own on your side to make the transformation more pleasant. We shall all go back to Before jealousy, before monotony, before greed, before dogma, before ideologies, before before and expanding exponentially into the future at the same instant. The end of time as a linear construct, part of the brain washing we’ve received through our cultural programming that will be unpicked like so much errant knitting and rewoven into the golden fleece.

To quote the late great Terence Mckenna “to seek control is to take enormous aggravation upon yourself, because this process that is underway will take the control freak by the short and curly and throw them against the wall.”

Time will tell
Light n Love

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

If you don’t believe no ammount of evidence will convince you, If you believe no ammount of evidence is necessary.

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