Thursday 4 January 2018

medicine man walks wild

when you were born they said how beautiful and perfect you were then and are still if only someone says it is so, you can believe it again, feel it and know it to be true, in this way, i tell you, i love you.

so i started a patreon and it's called that because you can become an electronic patron (patrEon) of my poetry and writing and the videos I make, the website allows me to put all my eggs in one basket.

it's become clear to me that I need to go whole heartedly into the healing side of life and so i quit my job and since christmas i've been given the time to actually read a book, learn about natures calendar.

working so hard has it's benefits health wise but i think there is a case for over working and burnout there if you aren't careful, this last year I made time to go to healing camps and festivals too.

i took time off, met amazing inspirational people and created a new life for myself working with and for all sorts of folks all over the world, I send distant healing to people all over the place also.

so it's been a year of transformation and creation, giving myself new ways to find my lifestyle and allow others to support me in that, and also allowing me to be free to go into nature and learn.

using the instincts and intuition I recently met with some yew trees and tasted the bark and leaves, learning what is true is much more important than taking someone elses word for everything.

i didn't swallow I hasten to add, just chewed and spat out the leaf matter and bark, very bitter but I can tell it has a lot of medicinal properties and as you experiment in a safe way you learn a lot.

so my videos are of the poetry i make up on the spot, and writing too comes to me and i get it out there, so I am also looking to set myself up somewhere new, in nature and provide healing there.

some of the videos are of the spiritual kind, i say this because they can be journeys within the mind, they can be attempts to pass on healing in a way that shows others it's ok to be free with your self.

the writings and poetry, or floetry as i call it comes out in a long stream, im not a rapper, so it's not quick, but it is being made up on the spot, inspired by whatever, whoever i have been experiencing.

basically i am going to be spending this year getting my foot in the door of festivals and that brings me nicely to my next point of interest, which is the door to the divine nature and spiritual truth.

during our regular by monthly spiritual development meditation circle, which is designed to help us to become mediums in the long term, i prefer to do healing but i do bring through messages also.

when i'm working with someone or chatting with a friend, i tend to say what i feel is right, but i can't take all the credit for what I say, or don't say, it's a bit like being edited and inspired from outside.

what comes through is often far better and more helpful than i feel i could come up with alone, solutions to problems, what someone needs to hear, not wants to know, allowing them to heal.

if i have to be a source of tough love and tell someone how it really is rather than the perspective they are carrying around with them blinkering them from seeing the truth of the situation then so be it.

it isn't easy to be the one to tell people this sort of thing, but it feels right, and i'm good at it, i like being able to give someone the information they need and however it affects the relationship it must.

i'm there to be their best friend, we are only together for these few short minutes or hours, i am there to be the one who is willing to tell them the truth, so that they can learn and heal and deal with it.

in many ways it feels like exactly what i always knew i was meant to be doing but shied away from because i burned out from being only what others needed and not looking after myself properly.

i dampened my talents and feelings and senses using drugs like alcohol so that i didn't have to be like this, experience the things I am capable of seeing and feeling now, the energy coursing through me.

i feel it in my hands and have done since i was a kid, back then we are so close to birth, so close to perfection, so innocent and so full of everything we need to be whole and healthy, all the elements.

our mothers give us everything we need, all the different bits and pieces for our bodies to work just fine and over time damage from what we put in and lifestyle choices and environment kills us.

we become less than we were then, we become incapable of the miracles of mind and body we were doing so easily, feeling energy between my hands when i was young, and again when i was 40.

it happened at a festival in wales, i was sat there, and felt energy as i meditated, pulsing in my hands as though it were falling on my face up palms from the sky and collecting there to be used and felt.

so i knew it was there for a reason, i played with it, focussed it, looked on others and with my intention sent it to them, working with their own energy, to see how they could get what they need.

since then i worked with people on the other side of the world, i sent energy to them, i sensed where they needed it by closing my eyes and having them in my minds eye whilst my hands explored.

my hands would work up and down as if i were there providing them with a full body massage and scanning for areas where they required energy and where they were already replete to help them.

like having an M.R.I. scanner in your hands, capable of making a three dimensional picture in your mind of where they need help and where they are fine and then advising what you feel for them.

from there it was a case of learning the legal aspects of being a healer, from the innocent and naive person i was to accepting that you need a code of conduct and practise in a safe environment for all.

working with those under my belt has created so much more self confidence, that I know what i'm doing and that I can help people to help themselves, heal themselves with the help of healing energy.

now it's just a case of continuing on the path i am on, keeping good habits, early to bed, stretching, energy work for myself and others, passing on the lessons i learn, the information that comes to me.

working with the energy i feel, connecting up with others who are also doing the same and being a shining light out in the world of what we can achieve when we get together and treat ourselves well.

so a very long story shortened to this line would be that i no longer post my poetry here so much because it's coming out on Facebook, then shared to my Patreon and my Free Energy Healing page

if anyone would like to check out the things I write, the videos i create, check my Patreon link below or if you are interested in some other aspect of this article add me on Facebook as Jon Walker

if you would like to see what Energy Healing is all about I run a group on Facebook check it out, the page is called Free Energy Healing at

we get together on a monday evening at 6pm gmt every week in order to meditate on the idea of healing from whatever it is that leaves us feeling less than our best selves so feel free to join in.

otherwise i will keep posting some of them here, but only those that i feel are worthy of putting out on my blog, i would prefer for this to become what it once was a diary of sorts of my life time. is where you can find my subscription service where i am offering to create handmade books of my poetry and other things for a regular payment.

and if you have ever received Energy Healing for Free in person or at a distance feel free to make a one off donation which can be made to my paypal account at

In the meantime I am working in the local area and attempting to find worthwhile means of supporting myself, in terms of ethical and ecologically minded ways of healing the world.

Volunteering, creating and running my own workshops and providing healing at festivals around the country and in some cases around the world, I have put my name down to work in Portugal this year.

It's all very exciting and i am grateful to those who have taken an interest in this blog and my work, i call it work but it actually feels like many good things, cooking, creating, more like playing and fun.

Love to all those who regularly read this blog, i know there aren't many but whoever you are, I hope it's become something that gives you peace, enlightenment, wonder, interest, excitement and fun too.

If you  know of somewhere near water, with woods and land capable of supporting a healer and a healing lodge let me know as I am keen to move into nature and provide healing on a daily basis.

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