Tuesday 11 July 2017

i love you

the people in charge charge us to live and what do they give us? Apart from austerity politics, shambolic expressions of humanity because they are us and yet we're supposed to expect them to be better than we are and not affected by lust and love and greed and indeed let me make this very clear as they say eventually we need to understand and get free of the notion that they are our betters because they're not we must do our own leading, create systems that honour the few and the one because the many are just followers of an old way that isn't working any more, surely we can see the light shining once again my friends this little rhyme is merely a sign posted to say i love you and i'm having my own way, setting my sights higher and standing up for myself, doing what is right, working harder not to earn but to learn how be alone and in company so thankyou for being you, for giving me something great to aim at and lately that is the decision to go out into the wilderness and survive there for an extended period, get into the rhythms of nature change my stature and my posture and my inner self be true i love you so it creates a way out of the rat race just to know that i can live without all of the trappings of the modern world that trap us in requiring crutches like drink and drugs just to cope with how morose and low we feel because our job is shit and that's just there to pay for our house and car that gets us there to complete this cycle of misery, but we can live a different life with less strife, i love you i say it once again to send the vibration of elation into your soul deep inside, i have to go to work one more day and then im off to bhuddafield to slay the dragons and fears cry some tears i don't doubt reach deeper inside to find the real me :) + <3

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