Sunday, 30 July 2017
dear diary
I run this page 'Free Energy Healing' on Facebook and it replaced a previous incarnation called Massage to Music because physical healing was where it all began for me, intuition guiding my hands to where they were needed on the body, my own body at first as i taught myself how to massage away the pain trapped within it using my own natural talent, modesty included ;) to know where and how to touch and then i transferred those skills to others, their feet, their shoulders, neck, back, all the while getting better at it to progress to a type of pressure point therapy again all intuition based because i had never been trained by anyone just felt my way to healing, whether it be for me or for you and now since the heady and hearty days of 2012 / 13 when i felt energy in my hands, played with it, focussed it on others, began to have the experience of being able to sense their energy from a distance and sense where they were lacking in energy, due to an issue be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, i could send it to them, to heal, to reveal for them the nature of their injury and by doing this heal myself, reveal myself, teach and learn and be myself for the first time, become the one that was always in hiding before, reach my core, start to live authentically and eventually go back to the start, go through my past to now, see how i could create a better life in the future and grow into that, so you find me today, in this way, explaining what has occurred over the preceding years to this moment here to show you why i do what i do, whether you have any faith or belief is not my concern, how you feel and what i can do to help you is, loving being and being loving is the way to be yourself in every instant of existence and that is what i feel more and more to be love, to express love, to give it away, to break down the barriers that cause us to see each other as separate, when we are the same, connected, united, one thing trying to experience the love that we are, attempting to give this away as a gift, which this Free Energy Healing is, one that we all can open like the present it is, right now, right away, right, left and centre, all around us, inside us, seeing it in everyone so that they can be their best self too, heal and enjoy their life and feel loved. At this point I have to end before i ramble into infinity, i love you, thankyou, to all those souls who guided me here, thankyou. peace and blessings :) + <3
Monday, 24 July 2017
i love you mum
for the first time that i could remember i was feeling what it feels
like to be loving and that an ember had been relit within my heart that
started to spread this warm contented feeling further until it had
engulfed my chest and breast and yes that was for the person i have
loved best and then another and the rest well that's the beginning which
has no end and from one friend to the next and on until each and every
one has been blessed with a piece of what has now been shattered into
smithereens and sheens of pure divine bliss as it travels to each cheek
with the reek of a rose and plants a soggy kiss
:) +

Saturday, 22 July 2017
River Walk
I got to the river nice and early but not too early and stripped, already in my swimming trunks to get into the river at the abandoned mill pond, i cleansed my body in the cold fresh water and got out.
The energy this morning was strong on my walk to the river, i did some tai chi as i made my way there and did a healing session for someone last night and the energy was so strong then, amazing.
Basically things are going well, keeping good habits, trying to listen to the good ideas, stay strong and stay away from the ways to go backwards, food choices, staying away from consuming junk.
Keeping up the saving and weekly visits to Healer Training, Tai Chi, Church and Meditation group, dreams becoming more meaningful and writing them down a lot, going round loops to the start.
When you notice things you have an opportunity to change them, otherwise it's all in the blind spot, feelings, smells from the past being smelt and taking me back there in a good way, thankyou all.
Seeing everything and everyone as a friend, a confidante, speaking to the animals, being careful, not forcing things, letting them happen, getting into the spirit of the times and magical coincidences.
It's a bit like having someone from the future whispering in your ear, as though it is then, now, never in the past, always here in the now, where things can change, where things can happen, naturally.
Listening more, speaking less, although i do love to talk, explain, so quieten that part, be full of care and empty of worry, take your time and experience moments that last an infinity, experience reality.
Feel moments stretch out so that a lot can be accomplished and today I went to collect spring water, i baked and made a pudding, cooked some food, did washing, do the basics people, then fun, yes!
The energy this morning was strong on my walk to the river, i did some tai chi as i made my way there and did a healing session for someone last night and the energy was so strong then, amazing.
Basically things are going well, keeping good habits, trying to listen to the good ideas, stay strong and stay away from the ways to go backwards, food choices, staying away from consuming junk.
Keeping up the saving and weekly visits to Healer Training, Tai Chi, Church and Meditation group, dreams becoming more meaningful and writing them down a lot, going round loops to the start.
When you notice things you have an opportunity to change them, otherwise it's all in the blind spot, feelings, smells from the past being smelt and taking me back there in a good way, thankyou all.
Seeing everything and everyone as a friend, a confidante, speaking to the animals, being careful, not forcing things, letting them happen, getting into the spirit of the times and magical coincidences.
It's a bit like having someone from the future whispering in your ear, as though it is then, now, never in the past, always here in the now, where things can change, where things can happen, naturally.
Listening more, speaking less, although i do love to talk, explain, so quieten that part, be full of care and empty of worry, take your time and experience moments that last an infinity, experience reality.
Feel moments stretch out so that a lot can be accomplished and today I went to collect spring water, i baked and made a pudding, cooked some food, did washing, do the basics people, then fun, yes!
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
better late than never
no computer games or t.v. no meat no dairy, no fap, no processed foods
from a factory, no wasted time mostly, eventually i see the positives
about me, yes this energy boundless loving giving ecstasy which grows
and shows concludes this writing for today with the good things and
generally it takes no effort to replace the other stuff with energetic
solutions but it does require compassion for an outdated you and
remembering very often not to do those innumerable things uncounted
as they are forgotten like a musical ensemble who haven't released an
album in ages longwords dropped for simple explanations from hear on in
expect the unexpected in fact expect nothing and never be disappointed
drop the hate for yourself and others even if it's deserved and learn to
yearn for better give it out send it on no doubt it's a lighter way to
live and love transcends all borders if i had more time i could explain
but this is better because it's true...
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
someone made this up maybe me maybe someone else
Don't fill your head with ideas about what's going on
Let what's going on fill your head with ideas ;) +
Let what's going on fill your head with ideas ;) +

pro verbs
it's better to see the good in people and occasionally be disappointed
than to look for the bad and always be proved right
than to look for the bad and always be proved right
Monday, 17 July 2017
smiling stillness
gotta go to work and i have to say im loving every moment now, each and
every time i suffer in some way i go to my heart and ask the question?
whatever the question is that comes to mind, or the fear or the whatever
and you know what the heart says? nothing but a stillness and a smile
:) +

Tuesday, 11 July 2017
i love you
the people in charge charge us to live and what do they give us? Apart from austerity politics, shambolic expressions of humanity because they are us and yet we're supposed to expect them to be better than we are and not affected by lust and love and greed and indeed let me make this very clear as they say eventually we need to understand and get free of the notion that they are our betters because they're not we must do our own leading, create systems that honour the few and the one because the many are just followers of an old way that isn't working any more, surely we can see the light shining once again my friends this little rhyme is merely a sign posted to say i love you and i'm having my own way, setting my sights higher and standing up for myself, doing what is right, working harder not to earn but to learn how be alone and in company so thankyou for being you, for giving me something great to aim at and lately that is the decision to go out into the wilderness and survive there for an extended period, get into the rhythms of nature change my stature and my posture and my inner self be true i love you so it creates a way out of the rat race just to know that i can live without all of the trappings of the modern world that trap us in requiring crutches like drink and drugs just to cope with how morose and low we feel because our job is shit and that's just there to pay for our house and car that gets us there to complete this cycle of misery, but we can live a different life with less strife, i love you i say it once again to send the vibration of elation into your soul deep inside, i have to go to work one more day and then im off to bhuddafield to slay the dragons and fears cry some tears i don't doubt reach deeper inside to find the real me :) + <3
Saturday, 8 July 2017
No Hole Inside Anymore
had a fucking awesome evening and was put on the spot to say the closing prayer and went off somewhere in the energy :) + <3
the reality of spiritual experience and connection to unconditional love is far better than any dogma, or denial, i was always an agnostic i believed, no FELT there was something out there but did my darnedest to numb myself to what i knew was true when i was a kid because i wanted to fit in, into a world destroyed by those who do not care, i was made to care or face destruction, face the hurt i was causing others and now i know better, just like i did back then, when i felt energy between my hands as a youngster, when i saw a shadow on the ceiling come down to meet me, when i spent hours alone in the woods taking to and talking to nature, and shouting out my fears and tears and anger only to come home with the solution to all my problems or at least less of them, we all face this choice, do we numb and sit on our bum, do we experience the magic at festivals and then go back to the 'real world?' or do we live in the hyper real, the truly real world all the time and shun and leave behind the old world, the world of lies, the world of destruction of nature, of our true selves, the world that has brought nature to her knees and us with it, finally staring into space and asking why? Only to receive an answer that the modern technological world says is nothing but dreams, imagination, mental illness, because a logical rational mind cannot comprehend the true experience of life that is love :) + <3
the truth really
love is worth the risk so don't give up easily
so don't be a coward like me living a fantasy
a life with limitless extraordinary possibility
is out there waiting for your own discovery
don't give hate or fate a chance but destiny
live out your dreams by creating a reality
see not bad or good but the truth really
Friday, 7 July 2017
love them
love them when they hate you love them when they turn you into them when you begin to hate them love them instead otherwise all you've done is become them so love them harder still love them send them love to rise above them love them love them
Thursday, 6 July 2017
sleepy head
bhudda said when you cant sleep it isnt the sleeplessness that causes you frustration it's the frustration that cause the unrest so yes basically if you are ok with whatever is going on good or bad just ride it out with a smile on your face imagine a better day you will not suffer as much if at all, don't sweat the small stuff or the big just see it all as things that are happening around you, be a leaf on the wind and see that you will suffer less when you accept what is, that way you will get rest even if you don't get any sleep :) + <3 im not quoting just paraphrasing
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Free Energy Healing
when this all began there was a lot of stuff in a very small space smooshed together so tightly that every particle was touching every other and each and every bit of everything was so closely connected that even now so many years later wherever you are no matter how far away we are all connected by our concious thoughts, by telempathy, by our empathic connection to each and every one of us, so this is how you receive and i send and energy goes to you my friends, to lend a hand, whatever the reason, whatever the need, indeed you are loved, blessed, so leave that stress behind, let it go, let the love unconditional in, just by breathing if you wish, see it as a white light, energy, let out the darker illness, unease, disease, think, feel to yourself i am healing, don't focus on the temporary message called pain, let it go again, see it as a short one time email and delete it, junk it, ignore it, focus, be in the moment, where you are free, i am healing, i am healing, who am i? The one who is healing and see what this new habit of feeling loved instead does for you, feel how free you feel in your head, your heart, be there, keep coming back to your heart, breathe it in, that love and see what it can do for you, for a start it will set you free again my lovely lovely lovely friends, say to yourself love love love and oh love love love once more again :) + <3
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