an expeditionary force was sent to here from there of course on a
mission to endorse the idea of natural laws to you and yours but en
route they got tied up in all the customs, dogma and bureaucracy and
then the idiocracy of egotistical dominator cultural monopoly and
figured if they couldn't beat that then they might aswell join in and
that is where it leaves me feeling cold and like i wanna bin all that,
go back to find the mystical and magical within, try again to honour
here and there and us and me, drop the habits, everything but manners
and morals and see what life is like without all the man made he said
she said, nonsensical social conventions, platitudes and humouring
behaviour to get to the core of what it means to be a human being so
that is what i'm doing and i wont apologise for it so there
:) +
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