Tuesday 25 August 2015

old today

the mystics of old and the mystics today represent a true heritage not the lies of history, not the murder of our people all over the world in the name of civilisation. Civilisation, are we really civilised? Are we connected? Are we compassionate? As people, as nations, the world, is it a compassionate place to live for most? Why not? Because the money men and women have us in slavery to currency. Because we all have to accept their greed or the world would never be the same? We don't want it to be, we NEED it to change, drastically. You all need to accept the bitter truth that we've poisoned the world and ourselves with it and we are at fault for this. I have seen how mesmerising the television is since i gave it up so long ago, like so many things as they leave me, finding them unecessary for true happiness, true health and the wealth of knowing i have friends, am loved, feel love all around me, everywhere but in the hearts and minds of us humans

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