Wednesday 5 November 2014

409 years ago

remember, remember, the fifth of november.  The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason why the gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot.  We're supposed to remember the grizzly death of the plotters but the idea of freedom from the oppression of a ruling class is what persists, what prevails, verily it is so.

Watching V for Vendetta and noticing how it apes and resonates with today, a time when spin and the messages we hear from 'governments' are barely, almost laughably unbelievable, the lies we are told to cover their complicity with big business, the lies we are told about the way forward, out of chaos...

I've seen what life is like in areas outside the rule of law, it works...

We don't need them, they need us, to vote, to comply, to give them a mandate, to listen to their broken promises, to let them get away with creating a world that is so unfair for most, that works only because it is the way things have always been.

That too is untrue, because things haven't always been this way, not at all...

Things have been very different indeed, before feudalism, before nationalism, there was real community, real connection, people really living and contributing.

A tribal culture and a culture of tribal values based on natural law.  Based on being a part of something greater than ourselves, being a part of the whole, one world.

Not one world government but a truly local way of organisation, not central, more like an organism, organic, connected, truly eclectic, celebrating difference.

Abnormal, paranormal, everyone having a place, everyone having a say...

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