Saturday 5 October 2013

flippin everything seems to be a lesson, i know ive got to go it not alone having been so inside for pretty much ever though i'm finding my comfort zone was tiny and my courage huge, that's out of whack mack daddy oh, so yes um but you lot, everyone else hasn't spent enough time with your own thoughts. I would ask you to LISTEN TO YOURSELF, literally hear what you say, how you say it, and to who it affects, how it affects them, watch their face at the instant of your gratification at expressing yourself truthfully, honestly, openly...

Nuance, micro expression, feeling......

For me i'm so sensitive i appear insensitive to cope sometimes
ignorance is a very strong weapon for me to ignore you
when you are being less than you really are,
for me as much as you really do inside,
for you, not taking what's in your
Heart and giving it to the World
Instead you outwardly jump
on the old bandwagon
cynically following
the crowd, the
herd where
it's been
lead to
The slaughter... it looks like everyone (jar jar binks... "You say everybody gonna die?")
is going to drop off this mortal coil downwards into hell and destruction
but actually the positive hope in our hearts that we must share,
creates the world so differently from how we feared,
it's never as bad as it seems unless it is...
That way it won't mean we all die
just some like has always been
a natural means of creating
a happy medium btwixt
all or nothing, those
imposters victory
and defeat who
lie when we
feel great
It's all good whatever you believe will occur although those miracles, that we need so many of every instant from here to eternity???

They're so here, we are them, love you

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