Sunday 4 November 2012

I'm a traditionalist

Naturally speaking, we don't need t.v. dvds, gadgets, games, all the trappings of the modern world, our culture is lots of trash packaged nicely and sold to us, almost forced down our throats, from an earlier and earlier age, kids put down in front of the box, now it's story time children...

So I've grown up with a whole raft of cultural references, spent so much time talking about things that never happened except in the imaginations of the script writers and then in the lives of the actors playing the parts.  Soaps, dramas, this crap that crap, so many stories.

The throughlines, the story arcs, the plot devices.

Our lives are almost meaningless, and so I've taken time out before, gotten closer and closer to rejecting that way of living and finally stopped watching the goggle box at all, and then I tell people, I don't watch t.v.

I don't drink tea or coffee.

I don't take pills.

And the look on their faces, the sound of the incredulity in their voices, the way that they don't accept it.

The next day I say the same things, they didn't listen, they didn't hear, they didn't believe it.

Gets very frustrating, but that's all anyone seems to want to talk about, that and the weather.

Or gossip or speculation, all very empty.

On the fringes there are folks.

They don't live like that.

Or is it me who is dreaming?

You see some people make things for each other, that take time, and thought.

Presents that mean something, that takes up lots of time and effort.

You need to know the people you are giving them to.

Know what they need, what they would like.

But then all anyone wants these days is stuff, things, gadgets, toys, games, not a life.

Not time spent in friendship, making food not consuming it, we consume everything.

We consume the air that we breath without thinking about it, I do though.

I find myself noticing that I'm holding my breath, my stomach hurts.

What is it that affects the circadian rythyms?

You see often times I spend lots of energy on working things out, and the stress of modern life gets in the way, of our bodies working properly, everyone needs a hundred different medications, creams, pills, preparations, only they're not prepared they're fabricated.

We're all about the cure not the health.

After the fact, we take stuff to make us better, we don't service the initial issue.

We don't take into account that our lives makes us sick, we treat the sickness,

and this is why everyone is mentally ill, physically ill, generally not well or happy.

And then we try to escape our unhappiness through drugs and drink.

We put on a brave face, when I see the truth behind the mask.

People open up to me, each other when they feel like they can.

Admit how much they're hurting, how many problems they face.

It comes or should arrive as no surprise that we're all hurting deeply.

We've all been made to suffer,this life is going in the wrong direction.

Who leads us?  The least worthy, those who actually desire power is who.

Those who desire power are those who can be corrupted by it, look how quickly they age.

Take a man in his prime, and make him a leading minister or president, check his hair a year later.

It's gone grey, because of the things he's been told, he knows how serious the problems are that we face.

They don't pull any punches, the people in the know, they share a problem only it ain't halved, it's doubled.

Instead of making it clear how dire the situation is so that we can come to realise it, they lie, they cheat.

They carry on as if nothing is wrong, because to be honest, is to open yourself up to blame.

S'why there's paedos high up in our government, why there are dare I say it evil people.

They're in charge in some cases of our highest offices, in the forces, the courts,

they're the ones with the power to get away with the most heinous things.

Don't doubt that it goes on, because we are beginning to see how bad,

just how nasty and disgusting the world really is in their eyes.

It's hard to even accept the things that go on go on.

It's sickening, makes me scared for the people I know.

Scared for the little ones, the powerless, the kids.

Scared for us all, because it seems like something above and beyond our limits,

Above our capability to do anything about it, but there are people,

willing to stand up, willing to be counted, to make a noise.

To put their heads above the parapet, get it shot off.

One is an M.P. with terrific courage, thanks Tom.

These days get weirder and nastier and darker.

Yet the light of truth shines through, on on on.

Coming on, the days when the shadows,

are gone forever, we will evolve.

Grow, change, I cling to this.

I hope, I need to, must.

I will, would rather die.

Than see this world,

continue in that vein.

The vain ones.

They are weak.

I've been weak too.

We all have, scared, terrified.

They keep us so, want us frightened.

But underlying all this is a purity of purpose,

and the more we are put under pressure the more,

diamonds are created, the more gems, the more crystaline,

our intentions, the more people will stand up to be counted.

One day this world will be different, and I for one expect it to be good.

We will heal the wounds, open ourselves up, reach out to one another.

We will stop looking back and forgive where we need to, move on.

This world will finally be the place it once was again, concious.

A place of peace, a place of sanity, of unity, of love.

Only if we all take our places at the table.

When we all stand up for what is right.

When the people are finally free.

Because we're not right now.

We are slaves to a system.

We are all paying for it.

Building it, so what?

What will it be?

Let us see.


I am a ruthless hippy leftist type, who would never hurt a fly, or a worm, makes gardening a lengthy process, I have to take such care with every fork full of soil, every time I tread on the ground, I take care.

I'm a dreamer that intends to see this place as the paradise it should be, not because of some violence, but because all of us will need to work together, learn to get along, see other peoples side of things.

We need to grow up, and leave this place to a team of willing helpers, a clean up crew, we need to evolve to a point where we are capable of living in harmony with each other and the environment and stop.

Stop littering, open up about our needs and desires, lose them, attachments to things don't serve us, we need to serve each other, in truth we should all be providing a service, based on our passions, our love.

Giving to each other the things that we are good at, not for profit, but for sustainability of purpose, for the method is our madness, we can't abide the differences between us, we need to celebrate them.

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