Saturday 23 June 2012

Reflections on my longest day

The longest day I've had for a while, stayed up from 9ish wednesday morning until 4pm ish thursday afternoon and then slept for 16 hours, in two shifts, 9 then 7 more after waking in the dark at 1 in the morning.

Met someone who told me things I had never heard before from a real person, memories of the time I used to spend watching programs like the x-files...  Thought about heading to peru with you Pip, I hope I can track you down or you somehow get in touch.

Had my palms read and to be told that I'm going to have two children made me realise the times I've let things slip through my fingers, something else you said Rosie.

I didn't realise that Ribena was made by Glaxosmithkline, their name is so small on the bottles, but the fact that there is no artificial sweetner in there was my main reason for switching and the taste too.

We have a beautiful blackcurrant bush here at home and white currants growing semi wild in the wood at the end of the orchard where the trees and shrubs have taken back the last vestiges of what must have been someones garden at one time.

I walked around the banks and ditches to the quieter side of the ring of standing stones, came across two women baring their breasts for a friend to take a quick photo.

Later going back round that loop I came across a small group, in a circle, holding hands, making prayers for the future and the present, ending with a joke to lighten the mood, and a period of singing, make whatever sound you like now, and slowly it all became a group of people singing deep and high, coming into coherence with one another, complete strangers, one dressed in a green with yellow back spikes dinosaur onesy, the melody of their voices in harmony, sending vibrations in all directions, as I stood with my head resting on a large stone and my body feeling the sound coming back and all around, a beautiful moment.

So many happy accidents and coincidences, ran into the right people at the right time, such a happy mood, a feeling of infinite possibilities, I suppose it's natural to get caught up, carried away, but at the time I was so happy, less so now, really hope to get in touch with some of those people again.

It's such a shame that people have to be fucked or at least on the way to lose their inhibitions, and later when tiredness sets in, or old habits or just some peoples natural tendency to end up behaving badly, got to me, I needed some peace and quiet, to reflect, to think about was that real?  Yes it was, tantra again, in the way that most spiritual activity is immediate, not pre-meditated, We were talking about it, I tried, it worked at the time, and I know cos I wasn't doing anything else except a little of what relaxes your logical exception to accepting these things, and relaxed and in company of good people, talking openly, with no fear, sheltering from the rain, loving the Avebury feeling, the acceptance in these circumstances, we're all the same in some ways, the most important ones, love you all...

Light &

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