Monday 23 April 2012

Black Hole Sun

What to write?

I don't have a stamp on my forehead saying sane. But I'm not still waiting for the Black Hole Sun to come and wash away the rain. Feeling weller and happier than for a long time. Got the strength and energy to keep on keeping on and try, try, trying more things. Going for what I need not want. And then what I want afterwards ;)

At the same time...

Still got the same issues but they're not as big not as threatening not as ever present.

Finding that actually doing something about the things you couldn't face gets ya sumwhere.

Had such an amazing time from Friday night until Saturday early afternoon, then driving home, mcdonalds, driving home, love in my heart, driving home, love, drive, love, patience, love, respect, love, tolerance, love, acceptance, love, energy, love........

Breathed in that music deep, rising up through me as it peaks, feel the energy rush, my emotions poor forth, and then left behind in that space such a rush of pure sweet joy and elation and vibrant ecstasy, ecstatic love and it's free and you don't get tired until you are cos it carries you through and past the need to take something else or take something more.

Feeling it, throwing it out like energetic lassoes (lassoos?) and tugging on them, turning them into showers of firey sparks and light rain not rain that is light, sending it out as a hug or a kiss or a smile or just bliss...

Never feeling that there's an end just a sessation.

Engage, find it again.

Feel it.

Move to it.

Let it fill you up.

Overflowing from your scalp like the sweat from a chilli dish with the after half glass of milk...

Enjoying sweating so profusely that I know now I'm detoxing, working out, and enjoying it

But then it was pure fun, move from here to there, dance this way, shake that, move this

smile at you, are you ok? hey there, woah there, oh yeah, smell the sweat and don't care

We're funky but loving it

I'm freaky for love


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