Music: The rythmic sound of the Spanish language and El Chef en el cochina
Things I´ve learnt so far on El Camino
Heinrich taught me that there´s always another pretty church to look at so don´t get hung up on one…
My eyes have always been too big for my stomach, hey no wise cracks but you´re right… I cooked a meal fit for a king and ended up with enough for at least two, offering it around the refuge to all and sundry, I hope it goes. At least the spanish guy has made use of the spare patatas (potatoes)...(Pan fried chicken fillets, mixed salad (lettuce and onion, that´s only missing the tomato to be the definition of a salad in Spain), some kind of beans and a carton of tomato puree so that I could make homemade baked beans, I think it was breakfast in a can as there was a chunk of bacon and two of sausage in there too…
Going without sleep isn´t necessarily a recipe for a short fuse, I was fine once I accepted that the refuge I wanted to actually grab some kip in was closed, forcing me to take s5tock and continue onto the next one 9k away, only to find that the swimming pool I had set my heart on was closed too darn it…

My massage skills have not been depleted by lack of practise, I had this german woman eating out of my hand, literally as we had a watermelon, strawberries, cheese and wine party ending in swapping shoulder neck and back rubs, I drew the line at feet… Plus she heard how disgusted I was at the other german woman of a certain age who insisted on scaring Stephen from Kentucky by being stark naked in the shared shower room, then coming back into the dorm, bent over right next to me in cycling shorts. Two bottles of the cheapest Rioja, and my massage pal wanted to show me her arse and said how much better it would be…

I politely declined of course, blushed and quickly got ready for bed as she´s old enough to be my mother, the other one old enough to be me granny…
I´ve learnt that other people are just as bad as I am at accepting help from a stranger, or even someone you know slightly well, I regailed Stephen with the tale of my trip to casualty to try to have that Tic removed, as my finest example of destruction of the Ego so far, I´m still trying to finish it off once and for all
I´ve leant that I CAN have a meal without having a cigarette afterwards, it´s stil hard after an ice cold beer… 11 days down, the first three are the hardest apparently, then the first three weeks, then the first three months, so still a while to go and you never forget how nice it is. The worst temptation was when on the night bus only hours after leaving home on the saturday, heading towards Bordeaux, I found a ouch of 50 grammes of tobacco, all I needed to get was a lighter and papers and I would have been set, but I was strong for once and left it on the side, if I´d given up on giving up then it would have been curtains, plus a lot of money would have been wasted on fags, my circulation wouldn´t have improved, my complexion, my smell and all sorts of other things like the breath to climb over the pyrenees…

I had a spiritual experience last week, a full on moment of clarity, an epiphany. I was calm and yet surrendered to a higher power (call it what you will, I prefer to refer to it as the collective unconcious or the Tao / Dao). Perhaps it´s because I have been reciting the Maha Mantra continuously during the day, that´s a lot of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Rama´s in eight hours, plus the repetitive banging of my stick and or sticks sending me into a trance like the drum beat of a tribal ceremony and the neverending horizon of mountains, hills and plains emptying everything apart from that from my own piece of the collective, allowing ´whatever´ to take all the rubbishes´ place… I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would give my life to the service of my fellow man (currently thinking that may involve massage somewhere along the line). I also knew without knowing the context, just the fact, that I was here for a reason, so I have tried to ignore any temptation to become attached to things I used to spend my time on.
I´ve read a few accounts of people falling in love and giving up on the Camino, or finding all sorts of other excuses to quit or get sidetracked, I won´t let anything or anyone do that to me, not until I´ve gotten to Santiago anyway lol…
Jon / Juan Paul / Pablo Walker / Andador
Things I´ve learnt so far on El Camino
Heinrich taught me that there´s always another pretty church to look at so don´t get hung up on one…
My eyes have always been too big for my stomach, hey no wise cracks but you´re right… I cooked a meal fit for a king and ended up with enough for at least two, offering it around the refuge to all and sundry, I hope it goes. At least the spanish guy has made use of the spare patatas (potatoes)...(Pan fried chicken fillets, mixed salad (lettuce and onion, that´s only missing the tomato to be the definition of a salad in Spain), some kind of beans and a carton of tomato puree so that I could make homemade baked beans, I think it was breakfast in a can as there was a chunk of bacon and two of sausage in there too…
Going without sleep isn´t necessarily a recipe for a short fuse, I was fine once I accepted that the refuge I wanted to actually grab some kip in was closed, forcing me to take s5tock and continue onto the next one 9k away, only to find that the swimming pool I had set my heart on was closed too darn it…

My massage skills have not been depleted by lack of practise, I had this german woman eating out of my hand, literally as we had a watermelon, strawberries, cheese and wine party ending in swapping shoulder neck and back rubs, I drew the line at feet… Plus she heard how disgusted I was at the other german woman of a certain age who insisted on scaring Stephen from Kentucky by being stark naked in the shared shower room, then coming back into the dorm, bent over right next to me in cycling shorts. Two bottles of the cheapest Rioja, and my massage pal wanted to show me her arse and said how much better it would be…

I politely declined of course, blushed and quickly got ready for bed as she´s old enough to be my mother, the other one old enough to be me granny…
I´ve learnt that other people are just as bad as I am at accepting help from a stranger, or even someone you know slightly well, I regailed Stephen with the tale of my trip to casualty to try to have that Tic removed, as my finest example of destruction of the Ego so far, I´m still trying to finish it off once and for all
I´ve leant that I CAN have a meal without having a cigarette afterwards, it´s stil hard after an ice cold beer… 11 days down, the first three are the hardest apparently, then the first three weeks, then the first three months, so still a while to go and you never forget how nice it is. The worst temptation was when on the night bus only hours after leaving home on the saturday, heading towards Bordeaux, I found a ouch of 50 grammes of tobacco, all I needed to get was a lighter and papers and I would have been set, but I was strong for once and left it on the side, if I´d given up on giving up then it would have been curtains, plus a lot of money would have been wasted on fags, my circulation wouldn´t have improved, my complexion, my smell and all sorts of other things like the breath to climb over the pyrenees…

I had a spiritual experience last week, a full on moment of clarity, an epiphany. I was calm and yet surrendered to a higher power (call it what you will, I prefer to refer to it as the collective unconcious or the Tao / Dao). Perhaps it´s because I have been reciting the Maha Mantra continuously during the day, that´s a lot of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Rama´s in eight hours, plus the repetitive banging of my stick and or sticks sending me into a trance like the drum beat of a tribal ceremony and the neverending horizon of mountains, hills and plains emptying everything apart from that from my own piece of the collective, allowing ´whatever´ to take all the rubbishes´ place… I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would give my life to the service of my fellow man (currently thinking that may involve massage somewhere along the line). I also knew without knowing the context, just the fact, that I was here for a reason, so I have tried to ignore any temptation to become attached to things I used to spend my time on.
I´ve read a few accounts of people falling in love and giving up on the Camino, or finding all sorts of other excuses to quit or get sidetracked, I won´t let anything or anyone do that to me, not until I´ve gotten to Santiago anyway lol…
Jon / Juan Paul / Pablo Walker / Andador
Light n Love
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