Tuesday 16 March 2010

People, I have seen the Future - Medicine Man - Prayer for the Dying

Mood: rejuvenated

Ok people, I have relived a moment from my childhood in the seventies, glimpsed the Godhead (Heaven, Nirvana, the Spirit World, whatever you wanna call it) and now I have been shown The Future ooga booga boo....

I saw streets lined with row upon row of Policemen in Riot gear. I intuited the breakdown of society, law and order. If this was just a possible future I would be more relieved. However I feel that although I don’t want to become too pessimistic, what I saw seems totally plausible, if the economy takes a nose dive again, or we reach ‘Peak Oil’ (when demand outstrips supply and the price rockets uncontrollably) we are all going to be in the shit big time. Look at the behaviour that goes on when there is a temporary fuel shortage…

It wouldn’t take much for the thin veneer that is left of human decency to be eroded permanently and when or if that happens you will need to be able to provide you and yours with the following:-


Those are the basics for survival. If society fell and let’s face it every previous civilisation has done, through scarcity or because they were victims of their own success like we are, everyone else will be in the same boat but they won’t be forewarned and therefore forearmed. Setup a system of rainwater collection in case the mains water supply fails, stock up on canned food and other non perishables and ensure that your house is secure and as unfriendly a target for intruders.

Our system is based on people producing things for others to consume, most of our jobs have more to do with the continuation of the status quo than they do with sustainable living or actually making the changes and taking the steps necessary to provide us with a viable future. The governments know what we can expect, every graph, think tank tells them as much but they are stuck in a catch 22…

Do they do nothing and clear up the mess afterwards (Hurricane Katrina, Haiti, need I say more?) - Or hold their hands up and say “Look you’ve all got to live within your means but we know that doing that will cause the collapse of Capitalism and the end of the World as we know it”.

People who have power are extremely reluctant to give it up, more and more examples are there for all to see that it is the people who have the real power, we’ve abdicated it to the politicians for so long that it’s still quite a vague idea, but becoming less so. When we are dissatisfied enough we act, when things fall apart it will be a case of act or die.

Survival of the fittest and Natural Selection may not have gone the way of the Dinosaurs, when it comes to us just yet.

Would it hurt to be ready for the worst?

All I’m saying is, if you are acting like the lazy grasshopper don’t assume that someone will come to your rescue, or that you will be welcome at anyone else’s Ants Nest when Winter comes, except maybe mine…

Like I say, I saw a possible future, maybe technology will come to our aid, perhaps things will work out for the best on their own. Maybe not… Some of the things I saw were truly terrifying, genetic modification for those able to afford it, I was offered a choice that felt like selling my soul to the god of technology. It was tempting to become the Bionic Man but I refused, for the present anyway.


Medicine Man

Modern Medicine can cure a whole host of diseases and conditions, often just by taking a course of antibiotics or other manufactured drugs. To aboriginal hunter gatherer societies the things that our Doctors and Scientists can do today appear to be miraculous. The problem being that that undermines their traditions which have worked for centuries but not been able to save those patients whose condition does not fall under the remit of the Medicine Man (in that he has uncannily seen that they will not survive whatever he tries and thus decided not to treat them). The Shaman is able to see the past and the future like you or I experience today. As Terence McKenna said:-

“If you think about shamanism for a moment, what do shamans do classically? They know where the game has gone, they are great weather prophets, they are very insightful in the matter of various small domestic hassles, like who stole the chicken, who slept with the chief’s wife, this kind of thing, and they cure. They cure. Well, if you analyze these abilities, it’s clear to me they all indicate, that they come from a common source, and the common source that they come from is higher dimensional perception in a mathematical sense, not a metaphorical sense, in the sense of 4D perception. If you could see in hyperspace, you could see where the game will be next week, you could see the weather a month from now, you would know who stole the chicken. And any good doctor will tell you that if you’re building a reputation as physician, you must hone the intuitional ability to choose patients who won’t die. It’s a call. Any doctor will tell you this.

So this is what shamans are. They are 4D people. They are sanctioned members of the society who are allowed to put on the gloves, as it were, pull on the goggles, and look beyond the idols of the tribe, look beyond the myth. In a way, as culture breaks down in multiculturalism and the rise of the internet and a generation of people raised on hallucinogenic plants and substances, we all are asked to assimilate some portion of this shamanic potential to ourselves, and it’s about not blocking what is obvious. Nothing comes unannounced, in this is the faith. Nothing comes unannounced, but idiots can miss the announcement. So it’s very important to actually listen to your own intuition rather than driving through it, and this is not mind woo-woo. It’s actually based on the observations of how life works, whether it’s counterintuitive to logical positivism and its fellow travellers or not. “

Mother Nature can be cruel and kind from our perspective but Good and Evil don’t exist in Nature. There is a propensity in Mankind for both altruism and dark deeds alike but neither premeditated action is a viable choice for animals. They hunt or are hunted whilst seeking out sustenance, nest and breed driven by their instincts and to a certain extent so do we.

Our instinctual responses are overridden daily by the desire to get ahead or snare a spouse, keep up with the Joneses or whatever crap it is that you do to take your mind off your better nature whispering to you, shouted down by selfish and disingenuous thoughts, words and deeds.

Every choice, every decision and compromise may only take milliseconds, but add them up and it ain’t a hill o’ beans just minutes in the grand scheme of things that encompass all of the good and the bad of Woman and Mankind.

Take your time, it’s all you’ve got…


Native American Prayer

Oh Great Spirit,
Whose Voice I hear in the wind.
Whose breath gives life to the World,
Hear me!

I come to you as one of your many children.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
May I walk in beauty.
Make my ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may know the things
That you have taught your children-
The lessons that you have hidden in every leaf and rock,
Make me strong, not to be superior to my brothers
But to be able to fight my greatest enemy: myself.

Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes
So that when life fades as the faded sunset
My spirit will come to you without shame.

(John Yellow Lark)

Light &

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