Wednesday 20 September 2017

spiritual not religious poem

i was given a reading recently on an astrological level from my date of birth don't switch off ;) it was also a soul reading and was so spot on but this isn't about that :D actually this is about a fight to become the person i was always meant to be, to leave behind addictions of all kinds and to experience life as a human being for reals, as it ought to be, inside and out, feeling energy, twisting myself on the spot, turning from one direction to another, and then connecting to the mother, the father, the archetypes of all spirituality and that has been given a bad name by religious types, well that is up to them, i dance, i sing, i pray, i send energy, i feel it literally, i see things in my minds eye and drum and some of it isn't fun, it was scary but that was just so I could face my own mortality, i have died so many times since then, to live a better life now, and so as i am off out again, doing spiritual work in the form of tai chi, working on my own energy, healing me, seeing patterns to be broken, seeing ways that went unspoken, to reveal even more of the hidden purity within, give it a go, lose the attitude of cynicism, try yoga, meditation, give up meat or take up eating only those things we used to before we got all domesticated ourselves, i love visiting churches by the way, i love mystical places, and spiritual locations, and earth temples like being invited to come close to a tree, im bold enough and been terrified enough by what i was and how i was living to get clean and tidy and neat, and this has involved years of defeat and now i feel a certain sense of victory, a vista, a view, of all of us, all of you, as those i would wish to serve and be of service to, by providing healing, with a touch, a hug, a massage, or just plain and simple energy that goes deeper and heals with a certain magical majesty, i'm guided all the time which way to go and mostly which way not to, but that's easing, more opportunities to do the right thing, less negative self sabotaging subconcious suggestions, because i'm more conscious and dare i say it awake, awakening to the mystery of life and the answers to the questions i was asking, when i set out on this journey, alone for the most part because i find it hard to trust, i find it hard to get close, i find it easy to love too much and not let go and so i will end this little stream of information with the recitation of a new poem that i will make up right here and now for your delectation,

first there was love and there was some light to shine upon it, this became a song and a singer who was ready to alight and sing it, but after one thing comes another and at that time quite quickly, there was a darkness to be picked upon and lit up from inside, so we gathered and we shone and sang and wondered what next? Vexed and yes stressed for a bit it was decided between us all, why don't we begin again only this time pretend there was a fall? Delight was hidden within this decision and we moved out to see the result of this new creation, elation turned to desolation and we finally came to see there was a lot of stuff to be done for you and me and so we alighted at the end of a struggling flight upon a place where we could see it all from on high and sighing feared it would be too difficult to bring all the threads together into a coherent whole, but then there was a little smile and after a while we knew, with some of that original love and a little shove we'd get there afterall, so don't try do, just love and give it away and one day, when we are back together again as we are beginning to be now we'll have a party and a celebration of the love that began it all. All creatures will be there, all spirits great and small, no limits, no borders, just a hug that lasts and lasts and gasps of joy between here and heaven for every girl and every boy.

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