when i think of the people who don't care about the animals that we abuse to use for meat making them live unhealthy medicated lives, like we do, as we necessarily need to drug ourselves to treat the symptoms of our lifestyles, they would call me a hippy dreamer as though that is an insult i say well yeah what's wrong with being a bit smelly getting my hands dirty and caring less about that and it's a fact that whatever you believe, the truth is the world is dying around us whether you have noticed it or not, much less of everything since you were a child, except debt and greed and violence to the natural world because we can't seem to realise that when i say let's go back to nature i mean let's get back to being human beings, who care for each other and don't live in an island called a house, but in a place called a community instead, where everyone works together,
that's the lesson, that's the reason we stopped evolving because we have and so this new year is for doing something amazing for someone else that's my mission and the year after doing something amazing for me and others gradually by leaving this rat race arse about face system, so i won't be around much because i'm obviously not meant to be, watching carefully this whole planet whilst focussing on this area that i live in basically, foraging, learning, sharing, giving, living a life of service to those who most deserve it and letting the system as most would call it fall on its face as more of us just give it up and walk away and rejoin the last few remaining animals in perpetuity that's the wisdom i've found and will live by universally so love to all of you as more of us get solar panels, grow our own food, get the courage to choose to live in a different way and stop working in the week to party at weekends to let off steam, goodbye cruel world so that i can say hiya to something completely different and familiar :) +
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
how do you do - very well thank you
please don't become dejected or negatively affected by those who have yet to realise and take the necessary step to eject themselves from the things that are making them become as disaffected as the rest are because there are so many of us suffering apparently that is a given in this life no-one is immune to pain but joy is there too and i wish it for all of us as often as possible but we must become aware of the things that we can do for ourselves and each other to make all our dreams come true to start with face your fears head on pretend there's nothing stopping you and perhaps maybe i think yes
we can make a difference locally then globally as that different way of doing things becomes the normal and alternative is swapped so that we don't see things upside down the way we currently do but who am i to keep on whistling and screaming out like a little chicken that the sky is falling down and out with the new and in with the old please sounds like a lie because we have so little real community to speak of freezers and lofts full of stuff that we will never use or eat and weak when it comes to our relationship to each other and the land this wasn't planned don't say that it's more than an unhappy accident
that occurred to the women and the men because we lowered our standards raised flags for national states instead of seeing each and every face as equals knowing the types of folks we trust are the ones who work with us not against us these days it's so hard to tell the worlds become such a crazy messed up place and yet given all the reasons to be scared and i certainly am more than ever but also really hopeful and emotionally connected to my inner self again and friends i wonder and envision days to come that will mean so much more than these that we just let pass us by without a word, a smile,
a how do you do, any form of communion with another being, it's so freeing to take a step back, outside our hard won perspectives to look at our life, our past, and forget it, open up and look ahead once more before the time is gone and we are nothing more than a memory in someone else's head so please don't become dejected or negatively affected by those who have yet to realise and take the necessary step to eject themselves from the things that are making them become so disaffected as
the rest are because there are so many of us suffering apparently that
is a given in this life no-one is immune to pain but joy is there too Peace + Love :) + <3
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
poem - a thing called loving life
me and you life in a catch twenty two often i don't love or even like you and there's the rub this club i've joined where modern folks often wonder if they wouldn't rather not be here at all i know the reason, several seasons spent drinking and doing other things too much and then through the course of it all someone does something or you do something to someone that means you give up on loving and living life, you start to push other folks away and they become disconnected from you, you from them and as the winds cause trees to sway and freezing temperatures cause things to ice up so do our hearts and we don't feel much of anything at all except pain and shame and guilt and this lonely fortress of solitude we've built becomes a habit that we cannot seem to break unless it's for others
you see i find it fine to cheer another person up and in that way they can give me some cheering up too or i can smile to get you smiling because inside i really love you, it's just connecting to that feeling again is hard like an old engine that won't start, no oil, no fuel, no reason to keep it maintained because you gave up on ever seeing it run again and let it fall into disrepair, don't despair there's always someone worse off than you, if that doesn't work, think about those people in your life who would hate to see you go too soon, and wonder about a future that you can't see coming in the rear view mirror which people so often keep their gaze fixed to, imagine a better day, don't wallow, or stay at home, put one foot in front of the other and get out there into that cold seemingly uninviting world
get into nature because she doesn't hate ya, she loves to see you there, she cares, even if you don't right now or at first, what's the worst that could happen? You're miserable inside, alone, go out, you might do the trick for that other guy or girl, brighten up their world because they're having their own excuses for not living right, and you may just have a little fun, and where does that lead, who knows but you never will until you try, please give it a go for me, don't spend eternity wondering why, you didn't can't couldn't see the world outside, you, feeling free, loved, or at least liked a little don't imagine what those other people think of you, lower expectations, be a good friend and see everyone as that at the very least, feast upon the things that come into your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin
usher in a new day or night, go check out the stars and sky, i love you and i cannot explain why but you seem to love me and that will have to do until I learn to love myself a little all the same :) + <3
Friday, 23 December 2016
not depressing at all
it's amazing how often our survival instinct overrides any issues like mood disorders, when you have to go fetch water every morning there'll be no foothold for depression to become a habit in the mind, a pathway so refined that we can't seem to break out permanently
so what's to be done in a world where we can mope for hours on end where we don't have to know, need to learn to forage for our own food, we can live off the state, up to a point and then just go to a shop and buy something to eat even though it's factory made
the stakes are rising and the media yes the folks who like to lead with those that bleed and now they just go from one disaster to another rather than inform us about things that we might need to know about they just roll around the clock after our views online
it's hard to see it, the future, a time ahead that might come and how do we feel about the world out kids and their kids will live in so we don't because that way doth insanity lay amongst another set of lies untruths and facts not mentioned so that we are left uneducated
hmm quick try to end on a good note, try to have some kind of hey guys and girls solar power is on its way to every roof, we're gonna realise that being rich like most of us are compared to every one else it's not a good idea to keep having more than one kid anyway
and all those poor people well that has nothing to do with all those richer than rich ones, the poverty in this country i don't see it cos i wouldnt dare and no-ones talking about it, i won't go there before the years out, it's muslim towns and cities and white folks in slums
i dont believe in fascism, racism, i know they exist but they are not things i support or wish to see continue beyond the fact they ought not to already in a place containing so many folk who don't retort against the kind of existential angst that we're all living here within
so there are those who in their hearts believe in a better land and life for all but most are now too doped up recreationally that action seems like a good idea, but they never get around to it, or those who can't cope with this reality already and get their doctor to do it
i was going to finish but this is quite good fun in a sadistic manner being that i have nothing better to do but listen to another long video of philosophical dialogue on a video sharing website, i have no sponsors, and in truth i have no deeply held beliefs now either
it's all begun to wither hither and inside, experiences that taught me that whatever i hold too close becomes a vision outside of me too i saw my fears made real, i went through interrogations that lead me to wonder what was true and what was false and it left me blinded
binded to being more careful less raucous but then ive had a trip and chose to see a black screen with green numbers falling from the roof and inside that matrix i saw what i expected to so i know that i can project whatever i wish onto this extravagant failure to love
i think most of us are failing, culture has asked us the question what do you stand for and we're falling over each other to do whatever we think everyone else will accept not standing up for standing out there on the streets demanding something better willing to die for it
i thought about it going out to the chinese embassy self immolating in support of a free tibet but then a video on that sharing site said that the 14th llama of that nation was a communist party member a spy a lie and thats the problem we have today explaining all away
there is no one truth available there are every opportunity to ask a question and receive no answer that means a lot to one of us and all or at least most because they all seem plausible the light and dark are one and i've been there about to see the coins other side
some say in spiritual circles that there is no good or bad, no white or black, on goals that are trivial, demeaning, ultimately unsatisfying and i dont know how we can directly subvert this apart from growing up and unplugging from what we might think is something positive
progress isnt necessarily in a forward direction, its merely changes put out there into the world seeming to be one thing but who knows we dont and ive been so far to the edges feeling as though i was in the middle of everything, god complex, never feeling worthy though
so now im just a so and so uttering whatever comes into my head and letting my fingers flow as the world becomes so very extreme wars without any end until every country has a shopping mall with identical coffee shops and escalators to save your fat legs walking
the most hopeful thing to me is that we're all becoming brown, we're mixing and religions are getting watered down, the failure to hold us up to those moral standards but yet within us there is a good one covered up bu what we are expected to do, career, house, family
far more real than the fragile and poultry installations and industries of governments with their paperwork and rules and regulations in a world where most folks just want something to eat, drink and live in it's a nuisance to the business world for us to be killing customers
the computers will save us but even they are being used to rule us to confuse us to lead us down tjunctions, dead ends, perversions and this little rap has been brought to you by the letter J but also by the initials T.McK cause he's talking to me from behind this window
the u.s. dropped the bomb because they wanted to see what it was like, they wanted to experience it via another country getting burnt one who was ready and had tried to hold their hands up surrender and the planet needs a great deal of good will and understanding
Thursday, 22 December 2016
cleaning my teeth more often
its a terrifying consequence of being alone and loving it and not knowing why and not knowing how it came to be this way was it always so that i was unaware of others and fraught, intensely uncomfortable in your presence and yet desperate to please work out what you want, no need from me and aware how different i am expecting everything and often, always disappointed because my vision outperforms yours and then i get all this information deeply felt within and seem, experience the knowing, wisdom that begins when i start typing like this, expressing what i cant seem to find until i do and then i spill it all out for you, which is why im often, always alone and back to the beginning, glad, but wishing it wasn't so and then im happy so filled with joy for all of you, and wondering why again and hopeful that im not leading anyone in the wrong direction, away from the true affection of the deeply held conviction of truth and divine love, and beautiful interactions that happened before i could think too much, in the now, somehow, back then, not sure, never am, just convinced that im on the path of redemption and my doubts lead me to be scared and fear that im leading you astray, taking things seriously that seem to need to be taken that way, this doesnt make sense from your perspective maybe, who knows i don't because im seeing it from mine, and i know what ive done to deserve this chance to lead myself and share my journey and path with you, so every time i do, i dont want to be the bearer of bad news, like that i wonder if we're happy as pigs in shit, here in hell with a heavenly shine to it, a polish to the surfaces when we care, and when i dare to say this i shame myself and you, but what i am to do but carry on, not just for others, but to realise that i am jon, that was what i was told to say internally to emphasize the discovery that possibly there were other energies around and cohabiting with me i thought they were my higher self, a true friend from before that i've let slip because i harboured feelings for, my own fantasies, dreams, expectations and general exercises in forward thinking lead me on such a merry wild goose chase over the last four to five years that it's been too much to look back on without doubts, and fears and so many tears and as my writing loses many of the rhymes and times take their toll, and i savour being alone the way i always was with the wit intact to keep you all entertained and me at arms length again and then i go out with a social group and feel so out of place, relationships so direly out of touch, no hugs, no information and skills of conversation rusty at the very least, i wonder do i not care, do i not have any interest in the workings of others daily lives or is that the depression that ive suffered with and tended to suggest within that i could deal with on my own and work out a way through, just like a friend said he could do, but i doubted all along, oh well, back to the drawing board, the woods, the trees and fells, and hills and get out there even though it's winter and the screens are calling and old habits die hard and now they're so much easier to see cos im not high every day, im just me, grounded so very hard and unable to escape even if i wanted to or felt i deserved any release, incapable of running away, i tested this belief and saw how little street smarts and general abilities i had to cope with life anywhere but home, nowhere to roam and now it's all clear and present, a dangerous reality the world imploding with all the systems clearly from my view failing us, technology perhaps a saviour but i dont feel like it will be so, it's going to take those few to show the rest but as usual i digress and now this has gone on far too long when it was going to be a simple poem about life and a lack of loving others, but mostly of loving yourself, feeling like you belong, love you all :) + <3
Monday, 19 December 2016
smile it might never happen
dont stand out dont show that you dont belong to this standard of living
that we are desperately clinging to and yes we expect less when we're
grateful for what we've already got our life our love for others and
unless you stress or fear constantly and get lost in the wars and all
the things that might happen or are going on you could be forgiven for
being afraid wondering if you're going to survive into the
next hour, day, week, month, year, but then that's just a way to forget
about the moment you exist in, now, here and present so let us get back
to that in our hearts and behave as though we know the future because we
do it's near and we are living it remembering the best that we can be
and eternally noble beings all of us together
<3 peace + love
:) freedom to choose what we create a new world before it's too late forever

get some sleep
advice ive been given was to be ok with not sleeping, you get rest as
long as you dont get frustrated by the inability to fall asleep, try
staying awake as hard as you can apparently that can help too, or this
method which involves saying to each part of you, from big toe to next
toe to each toe in turn to each part of the foot, the heel, ankle, shin,
knee, thigh and up and up thank each part of you in turn, and ask it to
release all physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual pain, all
of you is your mind, all of you is your body, all of you feels something
and all of you is spiritual, thankyou so much for what you do for me,
each part is thanked and released of whatever it is carrying around and
usually you will fall asleep, or the next thing you will remember will
be being very relaxed, often when you realise you are awake after having
fallen asleep naturally, then you build on that by eating well, setting
a good sleep pattern, meditating then doing whatever routine works to
help you switch off... peace and love to anyone who suffers, i would find
anything to watch on tv, or be up late on the computer and that doesnt
help either, our modern lives mean tech makes our eyes awake, switch the
lights off in the room you are in, be lit by candles instead, hope some
of this helps and ive gone on far too long now peace and love from the
Saturday, 17 December 2016
shizoaffective reorder
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
I've been through things brought on by my experimentation with natural medicines and other chemicals.
So the fact that I feel enraged by the intransigence of almost everyone else, who live in fear, who consume what the media feeds them, would rather be entertained than entertain themselves or educate by experience is no surprise, or at least should not come as one, I chose this route, for good or ill, became unwell but learnt so much that I can't say in the long run I made the wrong choice as long as in the end it was for good reasons
So the battle, the test, the journey, the trial, the start and end of this human race needs to be just that a sure -fire way of seeing out as much of the next few years of this adventure in one piece, and continuing to survive long enough to help as much as possible, make my place, my attempt at providing service in as many ways as i can, strive to thrive and give as often as I can, write, explain in person, meet those who share in this.
Be a beacon, i was wondering about light and shade and darkness falling when the power goes out, the lights are switched off, the grid no longer gets its juice because there's been some kind of nuclear disaster again, we don't seem to be able to make the right decisions, just making the same ones over and over alike, like some kind of rat leaping over an obstacle no longer in its path but that became a habitual log in its rat run.
Just like those rodents, that we despise, because they like us require shelter, food and water for subsistence, just like us, the rat races from place to place, environments, seasons, constantly pissing themselves because their bladders are nonexistent or are they but i digress as usual don't know where this was going and oh I need to get a bath, for my tired and aching limbs from dancing last night, a few draws on a cigarette was all.
A regret of sorts, because it's been three months, I admit i smoked some lavender, harsh but fair in its soothing scent and effect, so I managed to see old friends and not go down old roads again, keep away from the fear inducing idea of lending myself another period of mental aberration, no-one deserve that least of all those close, I've been very emotional lately, coming from deep within, the energy work i've been doing, hard.
I feel the resistance within me to keeping good habits, good diet, changing bed sheets more than ever i did, keeping clean personally, teeth, other medicinal advices kept up with, loving myself i guess some would say, being better in terms of my self care, so that I can be there, be upstanding for others too, love all of you, work, rest, play, live up to the high standards that i thought i had for me, but didn't expect of anybody else.
Reorganising, ready for christmas already, still some hangovers from this time last year, it comes back from time to time in my memory, i contend to upload it all, no area out of bounds, i have to live with everything, and with it comes back so many happy things, school interest trips, king fishers birdwatching comprehensive in the first year or two or three, walking holiday in the south around the river dart, grandmother and father.
Trying to piece together all the threads of all the different tales i've read, to write another narrative within, accept that the stories i carried around inside were not true, not wholly, i discovered back then, whiles ago when shaman recovered them to be relived, expensive but cheaper than prescriptions and seen like a movie in my head, the bangs on the bonce, the blood running down my face from something accidentally dropped.
Childhood mishaps and things like clapping hands around a dandelion with a wasp inside, to see how brave, ants under a magnifying glass, going pop, laying for hours in the grass, watching crickets and grasshoppers, it's all coming back to me now, walking backwards, talking forwards, eye contact, better relationships still fractured for whatever reasons, mine, others, faults left aside, blame even less distinct, no-one is all good.
So some would say we need to treat those who don't think or act the way we expect a certain way, they are right from their perspective, i have sought and wrought out truths that make more sense to me, but possibly they too are merely bias, a phraseology that supports my arguments, my points of view, taken, took the wrong way, perhaps another day, a machine will scan the head and place a red cross or green tick.
In the box on the screen next to it, if we're headed down the technological route in time before the planet looks at us and says, "hey that's mine" to the seas and land masses, the messes we have brought to bare, frought to share as we are loathed to admit, scared of it, the truth that hides in plane sight, we've ruined almost everything, it's not lying to say we're in the process of the sixth great extinction so what will we do?
Nothing, unless it's profitable, I've gone on too long again with my own brand of nonsense decision making, my take on the world and it's twin, the shaman i listen to most says we are really not here but holograms, a vision being projected upon a shadow of the real life that we could be living, shaken from our foundation, made to see ourselves as something we are not, creating a false picture that we believe is a truthful selfie.
From her words comes the wisdom that the earth and we, nature, the animals and human creatures too are all of the same stuff, energy, not crude matter, not even here in the accepted sense of the word, so rather than fight a battle we can't win, take ourselves away from it, become different within, choose love, expel it from our very hearts, change from the inside out, turn the world rightway up, as it's become upside down again.
Maybe it's occurred plenty of times in the past which is why our history is so confusing, the logical conclusion just the thing that folks who insist on taking the written word as gospel are bound to get wrong, when it's been so darned long, that it's just another story, one that we can't count on anymore, what's to be done then? Forget to listen to others, listen to your own heart as long as you are not hurting anyone else.
That's the mistake I made, to get confused about the direction, lose my affection, numb and murder myself slowly over this fragile length of a life time and so i have to be brave, no longer see myself as a slave to dogma, anything other than the word of the divine that can be found not in the bottom of a glass, bottle, pill box, drug induced state, but inside the body when it's treated as a temple itself, not left dusting on a shelf.
The error, the hurt, wont stand, i live with that, took a different path, can see the lies i told myself, don't wish to look for anyone else, i take the blame, the sustenance, the shame onboard, set sail, set course, i've left it too late to bathe. maybe not, change those sheets, get rid of fungal infections, don't take anything that didn't once grow, continue the healing classes, to exercise the body, the mind, the spirit, talk to the soul again.
No wonder it was mad at me, ignored, sometimes saying good things I had no time to do because i was convinced, conned, tricked into believing something that was never true, this whole world a system held inside a lie, the universe, as though that was gods only try, there must be hundreds in the mist and how i'm reaching to end this without rushing, forcing it, what's coming out next? My hope to go on loving, giving.
I've been through things brought on by my experimentation with natural medicines and other chemicals.
So the fact that I feel enraged by the intransigence of almost everyone else, who live in fear, who consume what the media feeds them, would rather be entertained than entertain themselves or educate by experience is no surprise, or at least should not come as one, I chose this route, for good or ill, became unwell but learnt so much that I can't say in the long run I made the wrong choice as long as in the end it was for good reasons
So the battle, the test, the journey, the trial, the start and end of this human race needs to be just that a sure -fire way of seeing out as much of the next few years of this adventure in one piece, and continuing to survive long enough to help as much as possible, make my place, my attempt at providing service in as many ways as i can, strive to thrive and give as often as I can, write, explain in person, meet those who share in this.
Be a beacon, i was wondering about light and shade and darkness falling when the power goes out, the lights are switched off, the grid no longer gets its juice because there's been some kind of nuclear disaster again, we don't seem to be able to make the right decisions, just making the same ones over and over alike, like some kind of rat leaping over an obstacle no longer in its path but that became a habitual log in its rat run.
Just like those rodents, that we despise, because they like us require shelter, food and water for subsistence, just like us, the rat races from place to place, environments, seasons, constantly pissing themselves because their bladders are nonexistent or are they but i digress as usual don't know where this was going and oh I need to get a bath, for my tired and aching limbs from dancing last night, a few draws on a cigarette was all.
A regret of sorts, because it's been three months, I admit i smoked some lavender, harsh but fair in its soothing scent and effect, so I managed to see old friends and not go down old roads again, keep away from the fear inducing idea of lending myself another period of mental aberration, no-one deserve that least of all those close, I've been very emotional lately, coming from deep within, the energy work i've been doing, hard.
I feel the resistance within me to keeping good habits, good diet, changing bed sheets more than ever i did, keeping clean personally, teeth, other medicinal advices kept up with, loving myself i guess some would say, being better in terms of my self care, so that I can be there, be upstanding for others too, love all of you, work, rest, play, live up to the high standards that i thought i had for me, but didn't expect of anybody else.
Reorganising, ready for christmas already, still some hangovers from this time last year, it comes back from time to time in my memory, i contend to upload it all, no area out of bounds, i have to live with everything, and with it comes back so many happy things, school interest trips, king fishers birdwatching comprehensive in the first year or two or three, walking holiday in the south around the river dart, grandmother and father.
Trying to piece together all the threads of all the different tales i've read, to write another narrative within, accept that the stories i carried around inside were not true, not wholly, i discovered back then, whiles ago when shaman recovered them to be relived, expensive but cheaper than prescriptions and seen like a movie in my head, the bangs on the bonce, the blood running down my face from something accidentally dropped.
Childhood mishaps and things like clapping hands around a dandelion with a wasp inside, to see how brave, ants under a magnifying glass, going pop, laying for hours in the grass, watching crickets and grasshoppers, it's all coming back to me now, walking backwards, talking forwards, eye contact, better relationships still fractured for whatever reasons, mine, others, faults left aside, blame even less distinct, no-one is all good.
So some would say we need to treat those who don't think or act the way we expect a certain way, they are right from their perspective, i have sought and wrought out truths that make more sense to me, but possibly they too are merely bias, a phraseology that supports my arguments, my points of view, taken, took the wrong way, perhaps another day, a machine will scan the head and place a red cross or green tick.
In the box on the screen next to it, if we're headed down the technological route in time before the planet looks at us and says, "hey that's mine" to the seas and land masses, the messes we have brought to bare, frought to share as we are loathed to admit, scared of it, the truth that hides in plane sight, we've ruined almost everything, it's not lying to say we're in the process of the sixth great extinction so what will we do?
Nothing, unless it's profitable, I've gone on too long again with my own brand of nonsense decision making, my take on the world and it's twin, the shaman i listen to most says we are really not here but holograms, a vision being projected upon a shadow of the real life that we could be living, shaken from our foundation, made to see ourselves as something we are not, creating a false picture that we believe is a truthful selfie.
From her words comes the wisdom that the earth and we, nature, the animals and human creatures too are all of the same stuff, energy, not crude matter, not even here in the accepted sense of the word, so rather than fight a battle we can't win, take ourselves away from it, become different within, choose love, expel it from our very hearts, change from the inside out, turn the world rightway up, as it's become upside down again.
Maybe it's occurred plenty of times in the past which is why our history is so confusing, the logical conclusion just the thing that folks who insist on taking the written word as gospel are bound to get wrong, when it's been so darned long, that it's just another story, one that we can't count on anymore, what's to be done then? Forget to listen to others, listen to your own heart as long as you are not hurting anyone else.
That's the mistake I made, to get confused about the direction, lose my affection, numb and murder myself slowly over this fragile length of a life time and so i have to be brave, no longer see myself as a slave to dogma, anything other than the word of the divine that can be found not in the bottom of a glass, bottle, pill box, drug induced state, but inside the body when it's treated as a temple itself, not left dusting on a shelf.
The error, the hurt, wont stand, i live with that, took a different path, can see the lies i told myself, don't wish to look for anyone else, i take the blame, the sustenance, the shame onboard, set sail, set course, i've left it too late to bathe. maybe not, change those sheets, get rid of fungal infections, don't take anything that didn't once grow, continue the healing classes, to exercise the body, the mind, the spirit, talk to the soul again.
No wonder it was mad at me, ignored, sometimes saying good things I had no time to do because i was convinced, conned, tricked into believing something that was never true, this whole world a system held inside a lie, the universe, as though that was gods only try, there must be hundreds in the mist and how i'm reaching to end this without rushing, forcing it, what's coming out next? My hope to go on loving, giving.
nature loves courage
awaken to our past, reconnect to the tribes, stand with standing rock and then maybe we can set course for a future together with nature + it's on a knife edge and only those who would risk going it alone will live together in harmony, those who think our current way of life ought to continue are lost, technology is a cul de sac, it's almost too late, so what will we do? Choose to have one child per western privileged family so that the birth rate and population naturally goes down? not in a world so sickly addicted to commerce, that idea cant be sold to a populace told to grow its economy or the whole thing will implode which is a lie because we never needed money to live for the first 100,000 years as modern humans, as thinking peoples, as tribal societies :) we have hope left, an old hope can become our new hope for survival, forward with nature :)
Friday, 16 December 2016
these dreams that come when i close my eyes
for me a big part of my dreams now that i journal them again is things that happened that day, so what we consume in our eyes does get in there, but, and this is a big but, when i consciously ask to become aware that i am dreaming, to remember my dreams, to work on healing in my dreams before i sleep, the content becomes better and better, and i get closer to being able to face my fears, and i am calm even when there are aspects i would normally freak out about, although i don't get emotional when there are scary things, i just accept or run away, but lately ive been visited by lions and been ok with it, by my pets from the past that i thought i would never see again, it's been really lovely + i wish you well be confident in your words before sleeping, be hopeful for a solution, and it will work on your waking state too i assure you, peace and love for this time, that we all face together
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
the ghost of christmas future
so im no scrooge but this time of year tends to , has in the past created an issue for me
I, in my own narrative, the story of my life as I would tell it, have been depressed a lot
This time of year, the darkness, the lack of sunlight, the cold and feeling of staying in.
I guess I also, I know in fact that i've been unemployed a lot at this time of year so I couldnt earn and spend money on christmas gifts, let's celebrate the fact that we're alive, have family, loved ones in the world and stuff but I also wonder how many of those in this country are actually Christian, we have Christian names, we go to church or the crematorium and have a service for the funeral of a loved one, or wedding or christening, few go to church much more than that and pay lip service to having their bands read to be able to be wed.
I guess, no i wonder, if there's such a thing as god, i contend that I was always interested, curious, of the opinion that there might be something, i can't remember the word for that, between nothing and everything, between believer and sceptic, open minded and sceptical in fact, as I went to spiritualist church to see mediums present evidence that there is life after death, which is the explanation for that they do given. I went to receive comfort because I was hurting, and even then I heard a whisper, a thought in my mind not hearing to be honest, the thought was, something bad will happen if you go there, i won't say what, I've only ever felt good, only ever felt comforted when I've been there, in recent times have become quite emotional, especially when others are emotional too, the healing course I'm on means I get to connect to the spirit world, to allow spirit helpers to use me as a conduit for healing energies, it comes into me and through me to the patient.
So these whispers in my own voice, my own thoughts, were threatening, don't go there, don't do this, that.
I've given up drugs, i've fallen from the wagon a few times, because it was so deeply ingrained, I felt as though I was pulling a splinter slowly, that occasionally having a little go on a joint wouldn't hurt, especially as before I was smoking heavily every day, massive amounts of smoke, from very strong cannabis, the illegal type, i know it's all illegal, but the criminal funding stuff that is grown to be very strong, because that will sell, it gets stronger and stronger, is bred that way, because the thc, the stuff that gets you 'high' is desirable and the cbd, the stuff that counteracts, that balances it out, that is low in those strains, low in volume, in those plants, it's an anti psychotic, a natural one, it makes the cannabis plant, work in both directions one might say, it gets you high but grounds you in reality at the same time, perhaps from a spiritual point of view it takes you on a journey to freedom for your imagination, the ideas you come up with can seem immense, visions of a future you will surely enjoy where you will invent something, draw something, create something wonderful.
It gets your creative juices flowing in a way that alcohol certainly does not, and i imbibed both, one then the other usually, or at least at the start, by the end i was using one in the morning and the evening and weekends and drinking most nights, back in the day anyway, i quit my social group for the most part seven years ago, in an attempt to get away from drunken blackouts, again some call these a psychotic blackout, you are not aware of what you are doing, i would walk home from events, the pub, wherever, sometimes waking up en route, by falling into a ditch after leaving the summer solstice at avebury one year, off a bicycle, on the A4.
That woke me up, because it hurt, I came round, so i know what i was doing wasn't right, I quit the friends, quit the drinking to get drunk, it's a fine line between enough booze to get up and dance or lose your inhibitions and enough to black out and crash a car, not know what you're doing, become at the very least embarrased the next morning because you have no idea what you did the night before and no memory at all.
Not fun years those although I certainly laughed, i smiled a lot more, now, straight, as the term explains, straight not stoned, straight and clean and clear, I have these thoughts, I wish to express, explain, that and it's a scary thing, something I told someone about before, because I didn't like the idea that these thoughts weren't mine, I sought spiritual help because the medical help wasn't psychological counselling, it was self help groups, leaflets, antipsychotic medication, which is a slippery slope to complications and a diagnosis, the stigma of mental health, is strong, is prevalent, second only I would say to a criminal record, I'm glad no-one got hurt, when I was drinking, I certainly never seemed to do anything when blacked out that got me into any trouble, I hope I didn't do anything untoward, i'm in a very forgiving and wishing to be forgive state of mind.
This ghost of christmas future, visited me last year, i was on a high, stoned, writing a book, it's not true all of it, it's my take on my life, mixed with answers to questions I asked within my own mind, it ends up being of a nature I don't like or approve of, things were written that I would say the real me wasn't pleased with, but I felt I ought to write in there, because that was the answer I was getting, the questions I chose to ask at the time, I wonder about God and the opposite, are those folks who do awful things and suggest that someone told them to do them, are they on the same category, the same spectrum as i am? For me, perhaps that is a truth a would rather avoid accepting because I wish to not hurt anyone, not even accidentally, it makes you want to curl up in a ball, find a cell somewhere and lock yourself in it, it's brought me to so much truth lately.
After christmas, I experienced a psychotic episode, i was acting out things that were completely a product of my own mind, or of these thoughts in my mind, not things I was hearing I wish to point that out, to me, all sorts of people I have met were contacting me in my thoughts, giving me advice, the result was that acting on this I felt under threat, that my family were under threat from an outside force, demons, devil worshippers, satanists is the word I used when i phoned the police, if this makes anyone who reads all this feel possibly quite rightly that they would rather not have me around, I understand, i would rather be honest, express the experiences, get it out there, understanding that the way i've taken what was happening so lightly makes no sense either, at the time I was acting in ways i was being encouraged to do so, and that makes it all the more likely and at the time understandable that those close to me wanted me to get help, sought help, i got it.
I was ok when questioned by professionals, i snapped out of it I was told, but then i've been there for others, I've spoken to, held, comforted, calmed down and generally tried to be there for at least two folks experiencing something similar, one was talking about being violent, using the words that we know for the dark side of reality, is the talk within spiritual circles of a lack of a dividing line existing, does that make sense, that from an outside perspective of this place, there is no such thing as good and evil, just stuff, people, some good some bad, some very bad, some very good, and every mixture inbetween? It's called dualism...
It's supposed to be the idea that like movies there is good versus evil, a black and white way of looking at things, that doesn't actually exist from outside this closed system, as though from a spiritual perspective, after this life, looking back on it, we might consider from that perspective neither to be good or bad, they just are.
I might be understanding it wrong, as the weeks have gone one, it's been coming up for a year since i quit, at least a year that is since i quit smoking every day, every week, i got rid of my paraphernalia, five years since i tried to quit the first time, felt it necessary anyway, since i was god from the beginning to the end of time...
Or at least i had an experience of being me, only i was god, everything, always having existed, forever, here, within this universe, then slowly i came from there, to here, becoming a lesser being, until becoming human.
Doing a talk for those around me at the time, who were caring for me, on impermanence, of experience.
Whatever they saw, i was asian, i was talking about how now you're smiling, now you're miserable, nothing lasts, everything changes and that's been my mantra, my life since then, to leave behind old habits, i got rid of my smoking devices, only smoked some joints, the more traditional method, with tobacco, changed to resin from the plant material, never bought any since last january, i've been told that a spirit sought shelter within me, that it may have liked what i was doing, may have liked the experiences i was living, because it could live through me, see through my eyes, that makes sense because that was my experience last jan / feb, i can't explain it all, don't wish to go on and on, just wanted to get it down on paper so to speak, i have thoughts, not daily, and less and less, facing my past, the actions, the choices, i have thoughts of ending it all to escape, to not have to face this presence in my life, my guilt and shame are one thing, i can cope with those, i knew i would face some kind of retribution, judgement at some point, i honour that, know that, feel like that would be the only thing to make sense of this life for everyone and everything, some kind of regress, i dont mean that word, redress? the function of making right what was made wrong, i've done my best, am doing so.
I face the fact that I've done wrong, to those around me, they were caught up in my lunacy, idiocy, the feeling that i could handle what i was doing, that there was some kind of rightness to it, I know the difference, if is hurting someone, it isn't right, i know all the rules, the right and wrong, the dividing line, i find it hard to understand how i could get things so wrong, over time, i wonder how long it's been going on now?
How long has the person i was been depressed, under the thumb, under water, i used to stand up for what i believed was right, sought to get others to respect the people around me, don't let fireworks off here if you're going to, my neighbour has a dog, i had to compromise with friends to try to temper their excesses, i joined in too mind you, last year, at that time when my conscience was being ripped apart, my conciousness too, i was accused of all sorts of things within my own mind, that just weren't true but my memory couldn't back me up, i was sure I had never done any of the things I was being accused of, but it sought, the process, the ghost of the past, present and future, sought to make me face the idea of going to hospital, prison, wherever they stick people like me, so it brought me to my knees, sent me on wild ghost chases out into the wilds.
Getting me to look back on my life as though it was flashing before my eyes, as though i was about to die.
Not at my own hand, but I figured, if this is my last day, I would like to play scrabble with my mum.
That felt good, reconnecting with those around me, on a level not since childhood, being me.
So it's been hard to live since then, since it said you'll be a happy family before it's ruined.
Like a threat of times ahead, when our unit would be destroyed, by others?
At the time I was petrified, my conciousness sought a villain.
Sought to know who this was, what this was, all sorts of friends and aquaintance were on the line, in my mind i was being helped and hurt at the same time, re-educated in some respects, wash like this, clean like that, i suddenly started to do chores around the house, i don't do many, didn't, fought the idea that i ought to, as though i was doing something much more important, basically getting stoned and spending all my time with my mates, on computer games, something i sought to end a while ago, when i quit my old social circles.
I sought not to spend my money on frivolous things, i even experienced a vision, in a mushroom trip of a voice, or at least the idea that television, games, all of the things we are entertained with here basically are merely distractions from the real stuff, the truth of it all, going on in behind the bacground noise of the box.
I quit t.v. a long time ago, choosing to not start watching any new shows and finish those i was hooked on.
I quit all sorts of things to really give myself a chance of understanding more, learning more, stretching myself, so in some ways i was travelling in two directions at once, getting worse in some respects and better in others. Wasting my money and time on things that seemed terribly profound at the time becoming less and less who i had been in the past, whilst also trying to extricate myself from those habits and people who i had on occasion the instinct to know, they are not your friends, they don't care about you, this is not right.
A learning ground, a lesson in everything, that's one of the spiritual assertions i've written about before.
As though this whole place, the answer to a question posed to everything, in my mind, was:-
This is a giant recycling centre for energy, it comes here to be turned into something good.
I may have paraphrased but I'm on a roll, facing the awful truth that I've written here.
The fact that when you feel different and not good, you feel unworthy of love...
Unworthy and guilty and ashamed and that makes you pull away from folk.
It makes you feel, quite rightly don't get me wrong, blowing hot and cold.
You pull away because you know what they don't, can't tell them.
So now I know, more and more of who Ive been and who not.
I know better and better what has been going on, it looks strange to me, feels stranger, to be unsure, to have experienced what i have experienced, to be shown what you're doing that you oughtn't to, to know it and decide to change, to question everything, to become less sure of everything too, to wonder, to get answers.
To feel as though when others say things like Christ! I even did it myself the other day, i don't exclaim like that I just don't, I don't say oh my god, I don't say those things, I would say Oh my Goodness, I wonder, I hear folks use words like heaven and hell, quite without thinking, to have some experience of it is shocking.
I've written about this before, or perhaps I thought about doing so, I've got a post, a draft of a post, I never posted it, I look back on numerology, numbers are quite a thing, a slight obsession, worrying about them.
I was assuming I was doing good, experiencing things and writing about them, I would keep my posts one month to a certain number having assumed the information I was reading meant that was a good thing.
Spiritual people, those I have met of different faiths, traditions, they knw so much, they agree on so little, even between different branches of the same faith they find the slightest thing to be a cause for argument.
I was seeking to understand the basis for faith, the experiential basis, the eleusinian mysteries, the original faith, the original reason why people believed in god, gods, spirits, demons, daemons, angels, all of it.
Obviously I have become quite scared, the thoughts, now less so, less often, less conversations, no knowledge of the source, no knowledge of what, who this things is, that converses with me, that I have confessed myself to, unaware that it was anything not to trust in a naive way because of what i was given to believe, what i saw as the experiences i was having at the time, becoming a shaman, a healer, a believer.
Naive, stupid, careless, thoughtless, one of those who disappears with the fairies never seen again, don't want to upset anyone, im sure the good can take it, the bad don't care, it's not the worst thing ive done.
So if there is a god, my most recent mushroom experience, i just got the words, there is no god.
From whatever this presence in my life is, i ignore it for the most part, insulting though it is.
I need to be clear of it, you'll never be clear comes into my mind, that gets old fast.
It obviously doesn't like being ignore or basically the fact that I refuse to go back.
Refuse to treat myself or others with less than respect, am trying to do my best.
This is just one person in a huge world, with a massive population.
Don't ever read anything along these lines anywhere else.
Never hear anything other than the headline.
So and so did something, claims this.
We don't honour the truth.
Even my thoughts, when I think I must be mad, the answer, the thought next is, you are not mad.
Cursed then, I've thought that in the past, I wish everyone well, I smile for the living and loved.
We are really in a mess here, can't deny that our failings and failures have created this situation.
A shame but things could have gone so differently but the lowest common denominators won.
At one point, I was offered ultimate power, and I said back, no thanks, I would abuse it.
I would misuse it, I don't deserver it, I don't want it. The reply to that was then earn it.
If that's what I'm doing having been through the initiation, the listing of all my wrongs.
At least this way I can't hide from the fact that I've got a lot to learn as i regrow.
I've noticed I'm more like i used to be, less good, less bad, in the middle.
More of my self seems to be back, while I hang in there, no pun.
I won't do anything to hurt others, or myself, thoughts are just that, thoughts, I can live with those, and learn to accept that years of numbing myself with drugs hid a lot of my subconcious from me, I battle with the assumption that I deserve what I am going through, and as jung would say if he hasn't been misquoted,
'No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell'
I, in my own narrative, the story of my life as I would tell it, have been depressed a lot
This time of year, the darkness, the lack of sunlight, the cold and feeling of staying in.
I guess I also, I know in fact that i've been unemployed a lot at this time of year so I couldnt earn and spend money on christmas gifts, let's celebrate the fact that we're alive, have family, loved ones in the world and stuff but I also wonder how many of those in this country are actually Christian, we have Christian names, we go to church or the crematorium and have a service for the funeral of a loved one, or wedding or christening, few go to church much more than that and pay lip service to having their bands read to be able to be wed.
I guess, no i wonder, if there's such a thing as god, i contend that I was always interested, curious, of the opinion that there might be something, i can't remember the word for that, between nothing and everything, between believer and sceptic, open minded and sceptical in fact, as I went to spiritualist church to see mediums present evidence that there is life after death, which is the explanation for that they do given. I went to receive comfort because I was hurting, and even then I heard a whisper, a thought in my mind not hearing to be honest, the thought was, something bad will happen if you go there, i won't say what, I've only ever felt good, only ever felt comforted when I've been there, in recent times have become quite emotional, especially when others are emotional too, the healing course I'm on means I get to connect to the spirit world, to allow spirit helpers to use me as a conduit for healing energies, it comes into me and through me to the patient.
So these whispers in my own voice, my own thoughts, were threatening, don't go there, don't do this, that.
I've given up drugs, i've fallen from the wagon a few times, because it was so deeply ingrained, I felt as though I was pulling a splinter slowly, that occasionally having a little go on a joint wouldn't hurt, especially as before I was smoking heavily every day, massive amounts of smoke, from very strong cannabis, the illegal type, i know it's all illegal, but the criminal funding stuff that is grown to be very strong, because that will sell, it gets stronger and stronger, is bred that way, because the thc, the stuff that gets you 'high' is desirable and the cbd, the stuff that counteracts, that balances it out, that is low in those strains, low in volume, in those plants, it's an anti psychotic, a natural one, it makes the cannabis plant, work in both directions one might say, it gets you high but grounds you in reality at the same time, perhaps from a spiritual point of view it takes you on a journey to freedom for your imagination, the ideas you come up with can seem immense, visions of a future you will surely enjoy where you will invent something, draw something, create something wonderful.
It gets your creative juices flowing in a way that alcohol certainly does not, and i imbibed both, one then the other usually, or at least at the start, by the end i was using one in the morning and the evening and weekends and drinking most nights, back in the day anyway, i quit my social group for the most part seven years ago, in an attempt to get away from drunken blackouts, again some call these a psychotic blackout, you are not aware of what you are doing, i would walk home from events, the pub, wherever, sometimes waking up en route, by falling into a ditch after leaving the summer solstice at avebury one year, off a bicycle, on the A4.
That woke me up, because it hurt, I came round, so i know what i was doing wasn't right, I quit the friends, quit the drinking to get drunk, it's a fine line between enough booze to get up and dance or lose your inhibitions and enough to black out and crash a car, not know what you're doing, become at the very least embarrased the next morning because you have no idea what you did the night before and no memory at all.
Not fun years those although I certainly laughed, i smiled a lot more, now, straight, as the term explains, straight not stoned, straight and clean and clear, I have these thoughts, I wish to express, explain, that and it's a scary thing, something I told someone about before, because I didn't like the idea that these thoughts weren't mine, I sought spiritual help because the medical help wasn't psychological counselling, it was self help groups, leaflets, antipsychotic medication, which is a slippery slope to complications and a diagnosis, the stigma of mental health, is strong, is prevalent, second only I would say to a criminal record, I'm glad no-one got hurt, when I was drinking, I certainly never seemed to do anything when blacked out that got me into any trouble, I hope I didn't do anything untoward, i'm in a very forgiving and wishing to be forgive state of mind.
This ghost of christmas future, visited me last year, i was on a high, stoned, writing a book, it's not true all of it, it's my take on my life, mixed with answers to questions I asked within my own mind, it ends up being of a nature I don't like or approve of, things were written that I would say the real me wasn't pleased with, but I felt I ought to write in there, because that was the answer I was getting, the questions I chose to ask at the time, I wonder about God and the opposite, are those folks who do awful things and suggest that someone told them to do them, are they on the same category, the same spectrum as i am? For me, perhaps that is a truth a would rather avoid accepting because I wish to not hurt anyone, not even accidentally, it makes you want to curl up in a ball, find a cell somewhere and lock yourself in it, it's brought me to so much truth lately.
After christmas, I experienced a psychotic episode, i was acting out things that were completely a product of my own mind, or of these thoughts in my mind, not things I was hearing I wish to point that out, to me, all sorts of people I have met were contacting me in my thoughts, giving me advice, the result was that acting on this I felt under threat, that my family were under threat from an outside force, demons, devil worshippers, satanists is the word I used when i phoned the police, if this makes anyone who reads all this feel possibly quite rightly that they would rather not have me around, I understand, i would rather be honest, express the experiences, get it out there, understanding that the way i've taken what was happening so lightly makes no sense either, at the time I was acting in ways i was being encouraged to do so, and that makes it all the more likely and at the time understandable that those close to me wanted me to get help, sought help, i got it.
I was ok when questioned by professionals, i snapped out of it I was told, but then i've been there for others, I've spoken to, held, comforted, calmed down and generally tried to be there for at least two folks experiencing something similar, one was talking about being violent, using the words that we know for the dark side of reality, is the talk within spiritual circles of a lack of a dividing line existing, does that make sense, that from an outside perspective of this place, there is no such thing as good and evil, just stuff, people, some good some bad, some very bad, some very good, and every mixture inbetween? It's called dualism...
It's supposed to be the idea that like movies there is good versus evil, a black and white way of looking at things, that doesn't actually exist from outside this closed system, as though from a spiritual perspective, after this life, looking back on it, we might consider from that perspective neither to be good or bad, they just are.
I might be understanding it wrong, as the weeks have gone one, it's been coming up for a year since i quit, at least a year that is since i quit smoking every day, every week, i got rid of my paraphernalia, five years since i tried to quit the first time, felt it necessary anyway, since i was god from the beginning to the end of time...
Or at least i had an experience of being me, only i was god, everything, always having existed, forever, here, within this universe, then slowly i came from there, to here, becoming a lesser being, until becoming human.
Doing a talk for those around me at the time, who were caring for me, on impermanence, of experience.
Whatever they saw, i was asian, i was talking about how now you're smiling, now you're miserable, nothing lasts, everything changes and that's been my mantra, my life since then, to leave behind old habits, i got rid of my smoking devices, only smoked some joints, the more traditional method, with tobacco, changed to resin from the plant material, never bought any since last january, i've been told that a spirit sought shelter within me, that it may have liked what i was doing, may have liked the experiences i was living, because it could live through me, see through my eyes, that makes sense because that was my experience last jan / feb, i can't explain it all, don't wish to go on and on, just wanted to get it down on paper so to speak, i have thoughts, not daily, and less and less, facing my past, the actions, the choices, i have thoughts of ending it all to escape, to not have to face this presence in my life, my guilt and shame are one thing, i can cope with those, i knew i would face some kind of retribution, judgement at some point, i honour that, know that, feel like that would be the only thing to make sense of this life for everyone and everything, some kind of regress, i dont mean that word, redress? the function of making right what was made wrong, i've done my best, am doing so.
I face the fact that I've done wrong, to those around me, they were caught up in my lunacy, idiocy, the feeling that i could handle what i was doing, that there was some kind of rightness to it, I know the difference, if is hurting someone, it isn't right, i know all the rules, the right and wrong, the dividing line, i find it hard to understand how i could get things so wrong, over time, i wonder how long it's been going on now?
How long has the person i was been depressed, under the thumb, under water, i used to stand up for what i believed was right, sought to get others to respect the people around me, don't let fireworks off here if you're going to, my neighbour has a dog, i had to compromise with friends to try to temper their excesses, i joined in too mind you, last year, at that time when my conscience was being ripped apart, my conciousness too, i was accused of all sorts of things within my own mind, that just weren't true but my memory couldn't back me up, i was sure I had never done any of the things I was being accused of, but it sought, the process, the ghost of the past, present and future, sought to make me face the idea of going to hospital, prison, wherever they stick people like me, so it brought me to my knees, sent me on wild ghost chases out into the wilds.
Getting me to look back on my life as though it was flashing before my eyes, as though i was about to die.
Not at my own hand, but I figured, if this is my last day, I would like to play scrabble with my mum.
That felt good, reconnecting with those around me, on a level not since childhood, being me.
So it's been hard to live since then, since it said you'll be a happy family before it's ruined.
Like a threat of times ahead, when our unit would be destroyed, by others?
At the time I was petrified, my conciousness sought a villain.
Sought to know who this was, what this was, all sorts of friends and aquaintance were on the line, in my mind i was being helped and hurt at the same time, re-educated in some respects, wash like this, clean like that, i suddenly started to do chores around the house, i don't do many, didn't, fought the idea that i ought to, as though i was doing something much more important, basically getting stoned and spending all my time with my mates, on computer games, something i sought to end a while ago, when i quit my old social circles.
I sought not to spend my money on frivolous things, i even experienced a vision, in a mushroom trip of a voice, or at least the idea that television, games, all of the things we are entertained with here basically are merely distractions from the real stuff, the truth of it all, going on in behind the bacground noise of the box.
I quit t.v. a long time ago, choosing to not start watching any new shows and finish those i was hooked on.
I quit all sorts of things to really give myself a chance of understanding more, learning more, stretching myself, so in some ways i was travelling in two directions at once, getting worse in some respects and better in others. Wasting my money and time on things that seemed terribly profound at the time becoming less and less who i had been in the past, whilst also trying to extricate myself from those habits and people who i had on occasion the instinct to know, they are not your friends, they don't care about you, this is not right.
A learning ground, a lesson in everything, that's one of the spiritual assertions i've written about before.
As though this whole place, the answer to a question posed to everything, in my mind, was:-
This is a giant recycling centre for energy, it comes here to be turned into something good.
I may have paraphrased but I'm on a roll, facing the awful truth that I've written here.
The fact that when you feel different and not good, you feel unworthy of love...
Unworthy and guilty and ashamed and that makes you pull away from folk.
It makes you feel, quite rightly don't get me wrong, blowing hot and cold.
You pull away because you know what they don't, can't tell them.
So now I know, more and more of who Ive been and who not.
I know better and better what has been going on, it looks strange to me, feels stranger, to be unsure, to have experienced what i have experienced, to be shown what you're doing that you oughtn't to, to know it and decide to change, to question everything, to become less sure of everything too, to wonder, to get answers.
To feel as though when others say things like Christ! I even did it myself the other day, i don't exclaim like that I just don't, I don't say oh my god, I don't say those things, I would say Oh my Goodness, I wonder, I hear folks use words like heaven and hell, quite without thinking, to have some experience of it is shocking.
I've written about this before, or perhaps I thought about doing so, I've got a post, a draft of a post, I never posted it, I look back on numerology, numbers are quite a thing, a slight obsession, worrying about them.
I was assuming I was doing good, experiencing things and writing about them, I would keep my posts one month to a certain number having assumed the information I was reading meant that was a good thing.
Spiritual people, those I have met of different faiths, traditions, they knw so much, they agree on so little, even between different branches of the same faith they find the slightest thing to be a cause for argument.
I was seeking to understand the basis for faith, the experiential basis, the eleusinian mysteries, the original faith, the original reason why people believed in god, gods, spirits, demons, daemons, angels, all of it.
Obviously I have become quite scared, the thoughts, now less so, less often, less conversations, no knowledge of the source, no knowledge of what, who this things is, that converses with me, that I have confessed myself to, unaware that it was anything not to trust in a naive way because of what i was given to believe, what i saw as the experiences i was having at the time, becoming a shaman, a healer, a believer.
Naive, stupid, careless, thoughtless, one of those who disappears with the fairies never seen again, don't want to upset anyone, im sure the good can take it, the bad don't care, it's not the worst thing ive done.
So if there is a god, my most recent mushroom experience, i just got the words, there is no god.
From whatever this presence in my life is, i ignore it for the most part, insulting though it is.
I need to be clear of it, you'll never be clear comes into my mind, that gets old fast.
It obviously doesn't like being ignore or basically the fact that I refuse to go back.
Refuse to treat myself or others with less than respect, am trying to do my best.
This is just one person in a huge world, with a massive population.
Don't ever read anything along these lines anywhere else.
Never hear anything other than the headline.
So and so did something, claims this.
We don't honour the truth.
Even my thoughts, when I think I must be mad, the answer, the thought next is, you are not mad.
Cursed then, I've thought that in the past, I wish everyone well, I smile for the living and loved.
We are really in a mess here, can't deny that our failings and failures have created this situation.
A shame but things could have gone so differently but the lowest common denominators won.
At one point, I was offered ultimate power, and I said back, no thanks, I would abuse it.
I would misuse it, I don't deserver it, I don't want it. The reply to that was then earn it.
If that's what I'm doing having been through the initiation, the listing of all my wrongs.
At least this way I can't hide from the fact that I've got a lot to learn as i regrow.
I've noticed I'm more like i used to be, less good, less bad, in the middle.
More of my self seems to be back, while I hang in there, no pun.
I won't do anything to hurt others, or myself, thoughts are just that, thoughts, I can live with those, and learn to accept that years of numbing myself with drugs hid a lot of my subconcious from me, I battle with the assumption that I deserve what I am going through, and as jung would say if he hasn't been misquoted,
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
and'No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell'
cowspiracy - title borrowed from the documentary of the same name
i was looking at some cows earlier in a stall under a barn thinking that if it weren't for being killed at the young age of three or milked they wouldn't be alive in the first place, and they live a life that some might call easy and comfortable, cared for, treated for any medical conditions but actually they would much rather be living free or not at all, would you like to be shut up in a barn or field all year round? So if that makes you think about the way we treat animals, perhaps it might make you wonder whether we ought to support that industry.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
well fed up
nutrition comes from eating the fruits and vegetables that grow around in your country and seasonal is even better for you, thats why it grows then and nature knows all this which is why she produces the things we need to eat to keep our bodies healthy, food is now more and more tasty but made that way in a food lab to make us feel good at the time but it does not have much goodness in it so that we have to eat more, the once you pop theory of food intake from the people who gave us pringles, but if you can start to eat good food, you need less, you find your portion sized go down and you will be preventing most problems from even arising in the first place its just that when you have so little time, and go shopping, mostly we've fallen into the habit of buying what looks good that we can eat right away, and basically it isnt full of the goodness because thats less profitable for food companies to sell us, so its your choice and eating well really does make you feel good, brings so much of yourself back, from aches and pains that disappear to making a whole new body made of good stuff over a period of time, literally you are what you eat folks
Monday, 5 December 2016
happy new day
so here we are facing a new year and i have to admit im feeling everything so so clear, so much better than before and im scared but hopeful all the same that things will turn out better than they seem and that we can all learn to help each other to wake up from this dream to become more aware of our responsibilities, to become free to work on those rather than these shit jobs we find ourselves having to go to which only depress us further, slipping deeper into dis-ease and yes please i would like to start a place, join a place where i can grow food and only drink fresh and pure spring water, frolick in a pool outside and generally feel even more of what's inside us all, the purity of living and experiencing what it really means to be a human being, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, we are all missing out these days on so many wonderful things our ancestors NEVER took for granted, they were always thankful for each new day as i am again, when i remember and let's face it together, we've all become a little shallow, a little slow to be thankful, a little late to the party that we were born to enjoy, living in freedom as a part of nature to see and experience her wonders, they're all around and yet we're tied down to debts and those systems that prevent us all from feeling really good and vibrant and well so let's all imagine how that would feel until we do and spread it around to everyone else, to our loved ones, feel good inside, wish them well, send a little of that loving feeling to everyone everywhere, send the love to all four corners of the world, the up and down, the left and right, the in and out, the far and wide, and see how it can be transformed by those who choose to live in the light and shine it brightly forth :) + <3
before now - written a few weeks ago reiterating what i believed - a draft until today
before there was a time when i would ask a question and i could almost feel the answer coming into my mind, as though it were being transferred from another source, another place, person, whatever...
Imagination was always important to me, so focussed on fiction and scifi in particular, reading it, watching it, loving it from start to finish, dr who, star trek, you name it, i really engaged with the characters...
so how would it feel to go from the sense that information could come into your mind from somewhere else, the akashic record, look it up it sounds awesome, who knows where, imagination, inspiration...
where does that stuff come from? Some authors, to them their characters and stories come fully formed, decide for themselves what they will be, the author just writes it down as it comes to them...
lately though it feels more like my own thoughts and these other ideas are merged, they're all mine, not coming from somewhere else, even if i don't recognise them as nice, mine, the sort of thing i would like to think, or think it's good to mull over, and that's sad, scary, maybe in this world, that seems so nasty at times, it's easier to assume there is evil but no good, although i know many good people, who care, thoughtful, loving, the types of people that are good to know, but when it comes to religion and god, and faith, at what point do you say that you have some evidence, an opinion based on experience that speaks to proof whether just personal proof that there is a god, for me it seems as though looking at the acts of a few there is badness in this world aswell as goodness, i don't like to dwell on this subject, i don't watch horror movies, i tend to avoid the idea that bad things happen to good people, or only the good die young, or even truth of religion.
I never gave it much thought, i went to a C of E school, i sang hymns, and had religious education classes, but it was never really about a personal relationship with a deity, more of a habit, something we did.
Recently whether you'd call it wasting my life or a mid life crisis i began to see my behaviour as wrong, i sought out conciousness of and a desire to do what's right for others, around me mostly as i realised the effects my life style was having on those closest to me, and decided to turn things around, paid off debts, decided to treat myself and then others with more respect, get involved more, be more thoughtful, open up again to the world if you like, training as a healer came up at the spiritualist church i had been visiting on and off and it's going well, it's a scary idea for me to put myself into the situation of meeting and greeting people and providing them with a safe and welcoming environment from the perspective of social anxiety and knowing that it's a level of responsibility that i haven't faced up to much before, but it's been good to meet those who are also training, find myself feeling more empathy towards those around me in life, seeing the world as something im in and a part of, as though their problems are mine in a small way, keeping away from temptations like drinking and smoking and the drugs ive used in the past, detoxing from a life misspent in many ways, like a midlife crisis that comes and hits you, makes you look at your choices and aghast see how different things could have been, i know that my blog has become like a confessional, like the list of sins vaguely listed, the reason why i choose to change the way i live my life and am trying to do the right thing.
So is there a soul? Is there a heaven and a hell? Most spiritual / religious systems think so, I've even done a piece of art, that came out of me, expressing a hell like place, in the shape of a giant tree, the roots are dark red, to orange, to yellow and up into the trunk and then branches of a tree, souls are flying up and into the maelstrom of the branches of this giant tree, it's probably the most creative artwork i've ever made, finger painting, i usually only ever copied things, traced and drew things rather than creating art from scratch my stuff tended to look like a child had drawn it, i couldnt draw you a push bike that would look like it would be a comfortable ride, on a piece of paper, so like the bhuddists say contrary to the saying when hell freezes over theirs is a cold place, where you shiver, not burn, who knows, if you've done wrong though why not?
Oughten't people to go somewhere to pay for their misdeeds at the end of this life, it makes sense to me.
If you've done wrong there ought to be some checks and balances, make up for mistakes, pay for them.
if there's a heaven maybe you can go there when you've been to hell it's certainly a tough ask not to do something wrong here, at all, but i have seen how good most people are, how honest and that's good.
i watched the gospel of saint john the other day, it's a film with an actor i admire for his role in Lost as a character whose line i stole one day when leaving one agency job, for an interview at a council run graveyard, "see you in another life brother", desmond hume was his name i cant remember the name of the actor who played jesus in this film of the gospel of saint john, anyways off to waste some time online.
Facebook will be full of stuff about the u.s. presidential elections, i've been on a wild rollercoaster ride in the past few years, doing healing, massage, lots of parties, going from being someone who would love to know the truth of life, the why, and what, why are we here and what are we here to do? Maybe i've come close to knowing, whatever it is that i've been communicating with suggests there is a soul, and that if you're bad it's up for grabs, to most this will sound crazy, maybe it is, i just dont want anyone else to suffer because i do.
I had hoped we would be on a good course as a planet, that folks would see how we're going wrong and that magically, miraculously all sorts of things would come good over the next few years, i hope so i do.
someone said it would take a thousand years for us to fix everything that is wrong, maybe thats a bit more realistic, if we havent already messed the climate up to badly, there is hope still i watched a brilliant documentary called before the flood with leonardo dicaprio that taught me a lot about our lot in life.
As we wake up to the ways that we've been mislead, the ways that we negatively impact the world we live on, there will be a real drive, as our impact becomes more clear to find solutions to this problem.
is the truth of this life part of that? do we all need to realise the spiritual heart that we all have access to, the reasons why religions exist, if there is a god, a reason for all this we should be more grateful for our lives.
To be born is a great miracle, billions of chances to one, that the sperm and egg that came together to make us did so, what a privilege to have a life to lead, to breath air, to see the sun set and rise, to experience nature. Make the most of it, please, be good to each other, do right by everyone you meet, all the good stuff really, treat others how you wish to be treated, i've been under the microscope and been found wanting.
Not a nice feeling or experience and i hope this has a happy ending, this life of mine, whatever the outcome, thankyou to anyone who has ever been kind to me, thankyou to all who have loved me, thankyou world.
Imagination was always important to me, so focussed on fiction and scifi in particular, reading it, watching it, loving it from start to finish, dr who, star trek, you name it, i really engaged with the characters...
so how would it feel to go from the sense that information could come into your mind from somewhere else, the akashic record, look it up it sounds awesome, who knows where, imagination, inspiration...
where does that stuff come from? Some authors, to them their characters and stories come fully formed, decide for themselves what they will be, the author just writes it down as it comes to them...
lately though it feels more like my own thoughts and these other ideas are merged, they're all mine, not coming from somewhere else, even if i don't recognise them as nice, mine, the sort of thing i would like to think, or think it's good to mull over, and that's sad, scary, maybe in this world, that seems so nasty at times, it's easier to assume there is evil but no good, although i know many good people, who care, thoughtful, loving, the types of people that are good to know, but when it comes to religion and god, and faith, at what point do you say that you have some evidence, an opinion based on experience that speaks to proof whether just personal proof that there is a god, for me it seems as though looking at the acts of a few there is badness in this world aswell as goodness, i don't like to dwell on this subject, i don't watch horror movies, i tend to avoid the idea that bad things happen to good people, or only the good die young, or even truth of religion.
I never gave it much thought, i went to a C of E school, i sang hymns, and had religious education classes, but it was never really about a personal relationship with a deity, more of a habit, something we did.
Recently whether you'd call it wasting my life or a mid life crisis i began to see my behaviour as wrong, i sought out conciousness of and a desire to do what's right for others, around me mostly as i realised the effects my life style was having on those closest to me, and decided to turn things around, paid off debts, decided to treat myself and then others with more respect, get involved more, be more thoughtful, open up again to the world if you like, training as a healer came up at the spiritualist church i had been visiting on and off and it's going well, it's a scary idea for me to put myself into the situation of meeting and greeting people and providing them with a safe and welcoming environment from the perspective of social anxiety and knowing that it's a level of responsibility that i haven't faced up to much before, but it's been good to meet those who are also training, find myself feeling more empathy towards those around me in life, seeing the world as something im in and a part of, as though their problems are mine in a small way, keeping away from temptations like drinking and smoking and the drugs ive used in the past, detoxing from a life misspent in many ways, like a midlife crisis that comes and hits you, makes you look at your choices and aghast see how different things could have been, i know that my blog has become like a confessional, like the list of sins vaguely listed, the reason why i choose to change the way i live my life and am trying to do the right thing.
So is there a soul? Is there a heaven and a hell? Most spiritual / religious systems think so, I've even done a piece of art, that came out of me, expressing a hell like place, in the shape of a giant tree, the roots are dark red, to orange, to yellow and up into the trunk and then branches of a tree, souls are flying up and into the maelstrom of the branches of this giant tree, it's probably the most creative artwork i've ever made, finger painting, i usually only ever copied things, traced and drew things rather than creating art from scratch my stuff tended to look like a child had drawn it, i couldnt draw you a push bike that would look like it would be a comfortable ride, on a piece of paper, so like the bhuddists say contrary to the saying when hell freezes over theirs is a cold place, where you shiver, not burn, who knows, if you've done wrong though why not?
Oughten't people to go somewhere to pay for their misdeeds at the end of this life, it makes sense to me.
If you've done wrong there ought to be some checks and balances, make up for mistakes, pay for them.
if there's a heaven maybe you can go there when you've been to hell it's certainly a tough ask not to do something wrong here, at all, but i have seen how good most people are, how honest and that's good.
i watched the gospel of saint john the other day, it's a film with an actor i admire for his role in Lost as a character whose line i stole one day when leaving one agency job, for an interview at a council run graveyard, "see you in another life brother", desmond hume was his name i cant remember the name of the actor who played jesus in this film of the gospel of saint john, anyways off to waste some time online.
Facebook will be full of stuff about the u.s. presidential elections, i've been on a wild rollercoaster ride in the past few years, doing healing, massage, lots of parties, going from being someone who would love to know the truth of life, the why, and what, why are we here and what are we here to do? Maybe i've come close to knowing, whatever it is that i've been communicating with suggests there is a soul, and that if you're bad it's up for grabs, to most this will sound crazy, maybe it is, i just dont want anyone else to suffer because i do.
I had hoped we would be on a good course as a planet, that folks would see how we're going wrong and that magically, miraculously all sorts of things would come good over the next few years, i hope so i do.
someone said it would take a thousand years for us to fix everything that is wrong, maybe thats a bit more realistic, if we havent already messed the climate up to badly, there is hope still i watched a brilliant documentary called before the flood with leonardo dicaprio that taught me a lot about our lot in life.
As we wake up to the ways that we've been mislead, the ways that we negatively impact the world we live on, there will be a real drive, as our impact becomes more clear to find solutions to this problem.
is the truth of this life part of that? do we all need to realise the spiritual heart that we all have access to, the reasons why religions exist, if there is a god, a reason for all this we should be more grateful for our lives.
To be born is a great miracle, billions of chances to one, that the sperm and egg that came together to make us did so, what a privilege to have a life to lead, to breath air, to see the sun set and rise, to experience nature. Make the most of it, please, be good to each other, do right by everyone you meet, all the good stuff really, treat others how you wish to be treated, i've been under the microscope and been found wanting.
Not a nice feeling or experience and i hope this has a happy ending, this life of mine, whatever the outcome, thankyou to anyone who has ever been kind to me, thankyou to all who have loved me, thankyou world.
urban cookie collective
the awareness behind the dream, that awareness being me, said giving is the key +
Saturday, 3 December 2016
dont drink dont smoke what do you do?
i think there is a very real experience that all human beings can feel when they start to respect and treat themselves better and eat food not products containing all sorts of additives and preservatives and maybe that's just a sense i get because i've been on this trip for a little while now, changing my ways more often than not still going to the cinema and eating pick n mix or the odd pint here and there so not a complete don't drink don't smoke, what do you do yet but it's still apparent that the difference is there, in what you can feel and be when you live the way our ancestors lived, free from the rules that the modern world places upon us, free from too much of the technology that's taking the place of our normal social lives and parts of our brains that no longer have to do their job because cellphones do that for us instead, and yes i may need my head read that's a given i know there are reasons why i sound different and given a chance i always have been somewhat strange so i accept the fact that all this is just a jumble of words placed together and it's all a random commentary on living in the world today, perhaps it would be better for me to just get fucked up on drugs and drink and numb myself again like i used to, or shut up when in company rather than speaking my truth to anyone who will listen, or in this case read, it's yet to be seen what will happen now that we are in free fall, we're free falling, just like the song says, the world is moving beneath us, the e and s in the tescos sign is flickering as the thin veneer of society fails, power cuts, rich richer, poor poorer, nothing new there, just like this new little cold war and world war 2.1 going on right now, bend over, eat your chow and take it up the ass you fucks cos the foxes die when there are no rabbits and we're killing all the life below us, the food chain is in collapse, the species dying off, climate change affecting the poorest so we're still covered in our safety net of media not telling us anything that might shock us into doing some thing different yet, i've got my own issues of finding out that our conciousness is more than merely who we think we are, what we feel is going on, there's more to life than just that, waking and sleeping, there's something inbetween, the imagery and fantasy of random hypnagogic conversations and i hope upon hope that my more often meditations are working, that we are all waking up as a people to what we've done because we've royally been lead by kings and queens to ruining the world for everyone, those we thought were savages, actually had better manners than we do, they didn't kill each other unless absolutely necessary and stayed in balance with their environment because they treasured it and knew what some of us have come to know again and feel in our hearts, it made us, we live because it does, it is intelligent, there are fairies and magick and love and it's everywhere from here to the heavens above, yes yes i digress from here to eternity to there and nutters to the sane we are free when we can forgive ourselves and see, like i did today 11:11 a sign that i'm on the right track, seeing all the aspects that i lack, all the things i wish weren't true, all the bits of me i don't recognise and dislike, and choose to shed, unravel like a hasty seamstress and a thread, choosing not to eat the stuff they give us as our daily bread, if the in'greed'ients have numbers in them i'll pass thankyou, acidity regulators mount up, only a few will get that reference but i don't care, i'm sharing everything with a sense that this may be my last, i favour every day i see, i thank the heavens and wonder is there a better version of me, yes please, i'll be that one, all the time not just a few, not for those minutes and hours i was over the last few years but every day, for weeks on end, not just those seconds and minutes in the mountains of spain when i was literally emphatic and ecstatic and in a place of pure epiphany and feeling as though i wished those moments would never end, not experiencing all that much that is new, so i'm limited in my company and occasions to write about anything other than the true truth i've seen so far, memories coming clearly back, dreams, every night, all this time it's fevered and sources of information from my own thoughts, to those of the psychic mediums i see, the wonders will never cease, sheesh when will this post ever end? here i go my one and only friend all and everyone of you :) + <3
Thursday, 1 December 2016
hey now hey now dont dream its over
so my dreams are interesting, now that i dream every night and remember them so that i can write them down, my dream diary, or dream journal as some like to call it is getting full in a short space of time, and when they are over, often i can sense or feel an emotional aspect to them, like a layer above and beyond or perhaps more correctly behind the dreams, you see realising you are dreaming, becoming the awareness behind the dream becoming the dreamer and the dream, acknowledging that they are aspects of our conciousness that both in many ways reflect what we've been experiencing they can also speak to us.
so over the last few years, since 2012 at least, i can pinpoint things that happened before that, but i know that i've had things going on in my head, within my conciousness, that i don't like very much, thoughts, i would say that i recognise them as mine in terms of they're in the same voice as my thoughts, sometimes that has not been the case, for instance when i walked the camino in 2009 and chanted the maha mantra for the waking hours of the first seven days a female voice in my head, during the early hours of the morning spoke.
so that's weird for most to accept possibly, since then i would say that on occasion those things that i have heard have been unkind, or unnecessary, unpleasant at times, to be ignored or to change the subject, to wonder where they came from, why, i would now say that over this period, and who knows how long before i have had an unwelcome visitor, a spirit, take up residence, call it what you will, it's not for me to say how.
It's come to a head, one time i cycled to bristol because i thought i was going to be meeting someone at an address that came into my conciousness, turns out it was a road i knew, had walked down whilst finding my way back from a friends house after staying over there for the first time a few years ago now, and i found it.
I found the road, i made directions up and followed them, to the road and realised as the address, the house number that came out of that conversation did not exist, i say all this not to worry or scare, but to journal it.
I went to the address that didn't exist, feeling gratitude all the way, despite the rain, the two hour cycle also.
I got there, I realised that it must be my own mind, my subconcious perhaps that brought that information out, in actuality i was having a conversation with what i thought was a friend whilst i cycled, it was heavy.
Heavy because I was expecting quite the welcome on arrival at their front door, heavy because i was nervous as heck because i don't do that sort of thing very often, especially not someone i like and well love, as a friend that i thought was going to be meeting me, i realised my mistake, but took it well, ate my lunch.
I had packed myself a bit of bread, some cheese, and some crisps, and a drink, i took them to a bench, ate the food, sipped the drink, turned around and cycled back from the downs, down into town, through to the bristol / bath cycle path, (cycle path erm that's a sound alike for something, oh yes psychopath whoops) anyway so i know how that sounds, and the weirdness only gets weirder, like my acceptance of this.
As though i were magically, hypnotised or because i couldn't find an explanation for it and wanted to discover it for myself, i put it under the carpet, brushed my concerns aside, not wanting to ask questions that lead to mental illness, it's a real happening, is it my higher self i wondered, leading me to experiences i need? To grow and develop, i mean the synchronicities were profound and abounding in those days, i spent a few evenings in a pub on the church road in bristol, the Stillage, and then ended up dating a local and it fit so well.
We spent the first date i've ever been on, enjoying the fact that we could eat our takeaway from the chinese restaurant virtually next door, because they don't do food, which i knew, so it all fit perfectly, having only just been introduced to the area, because a friend lived close by, events seemed to have made this destiny in my mind, i would say these years have been filled with such coincidences, perhaps i put too much meaning, too much store in them, even now i find rhythms in the use of language, patterns emerging, how many lines i write, habits that have been placed within my way of living, without or with my knowing, rhyming at all.
The poetry i've written over the last few years, i would say since 2013, the spiritual stuff i've posted on facebook, in fact the poetry tended to be about that too, it's become quite the obsession, what with the numerology, my concerns about certain numbers, like 666, 616, my favourite number 16, a habit i have of counting down at traffic lights, how long do i think it's going to be before they turn green and i can pull away? Will it be because i have been fed some kind of information from the world around me that i know?
You see for me there is more to life than merely living and dying, i've written about that too, i go to spiritualist church, for my healing course, and also for a service where a psychic medium will provide evidence that our loved ones continue to exist, that they are around us, see our lived continuing, some can feel them, sense them, i mean some of the audience, often a larger number of women, in the congregation, more spiritual.
More aware, awareness, openess, more ability, then it comes to witches, to religion, the christian religion, the country we live in accepts mediumship, spiritualist churches as long as they read out the lords prayer before their service, so it's seen as being within that tradition, but often father / mother god is referenced, or the universe, a more open minded face of spiritual beliefs, less about the bible and more about experience.
So there are reasons why perhaps someone going through such things should be careful, which is why i have repeatedly tried and this time succeeded in giving up my other habits, drugs for instance, that can alter our perceptions, i know and i warn anyone who regularly uses the high strength cannabis that is out there, because it contains less of the anti psychotic, the cbd, because it is grown to get you high, artificially so.
You see i experienced things when i was a kid, i saw a shadow on the ceiling come down to engulf me, i felt energy between my hands, i now feel that again, i am eating incredibly healthily, mostly fruit and veg, homemade chocolate, i am open, i am learning about chakras, psychic protection, auras, all sorts of things that come out of the esoteric, the eastern philosophies, and at some point was considered witchraft, pagan, shamanism, animism, certainly heretical, so is there a god? Is there an altar ego to that? A spirit world?
A holy spirit? A great spirit as the native americans would say, one thing that is made up of all of us, somewhere we come from that we return to, is connecting to this dangerous? In my case, perhaps, i've been lead on a few wild goose chases, more recently i would say on death defying and certainly for others most fear inducing journeys, back at the start of this year, to which i was certainly out of my comfort zone and put others there too, which is what set me on this healing journey, personally and to work to heal others also.
I'm off to church now, i asked politely, respectfully for a message if others aren't more requiring of one, tonight, i ask in my mind, i have been on a rollercoaster, some positive aspects are for sure, but i question it all, i question the whole mess of spiritual and religious beliefs, is it all a shell game, what is the truth, everyone seems to have their own version of what's going on, their own take on it all, for me though, being good is it.
I started this whole thing, this blog because i was a writer in waiting, i wanted to express what it meant to be human, to be this person, to be on a journey, to walk a pilgrimage, to be repentant for my life choices, and i'm feeling more and more, more emotion, more depth of feeling, sensing more, learning more, i hope and pray, and i pray also at night, finding my thoughts are with others, more and more, coming back to myself.
To who i was before i tried to avoid being different. To the person i was and would have been before all that. To doing good deeds and trying to improve myself in all areas of my life, to find solutions for others.
so over the last few years, since 2012 at least, i can pinpoint things that happened before that, but i know that i've had things going on in my head, within my conciousness, that i don't like very much, thoughts, i would say that i recognise them as mine in terms of they're in the same voice as my thoughts, sometimes that has not been the case, for instance when i walked the camino in 2009 and chanted the maha mantra for the waking hours of the first seven days a female voice in my head, during the early hours of the morning spoke.
so that's weird for most to accept possibly, since then i would say that on occasion those things that i have heard have been unkind, or unnecessary, unpleasant at times, to be ignored or to change the subject, to wonder where they came from, why, i would now say that over this period, and who knows how long before i have had an unwelcome visitor, a spirit, take up residence, call it what you will, it's not for me to say how.
It's come to a head, one time i cycled to bristol because i thought i was going to be meeting someone at an address that came into my conciousness, turns out it was a road i knew, had walked down whilst finding my way back from a friends house after staying over there for the first time a few years ago now, and i found it.
I found the road, i made directions up and followed them, to the road and realised as the address, the house number that came out of that conversation did not exist, i say all this not to worry or scare, but to journal it.
I went to the address that didn't exist, feeling gratitude all the way, despite the rain, the two hour cycle also.
I got there, I realised that it must be my own mind, my subconcious perhaps that brought that information out, in actuality i was having a conversation with what i thought was a friend whilst i cycled, it was heavy.
Heavy because I was expecting quite the welcome on arrival at their front door, heavy because i was nervous as heck because i don't do that sort of thing very often, especially not someone i like and well love, as a friend that i thought was going to be meeting me, i realised my mistake, but took it well, ate my lunch.
I had packed myself a bit of bread, some cheese, and some crisps, and a drink, i took them to a bench, ate the food, sipped the drink, turned around and cycled back from the downs, down into town, through to the bristol / bath cycle path, (cycle path erm that's a sound alike for something, oh yes psychopath whoops) anyway so i know how that sounds, and the weirdness only gets weirder, like my acceptance of this.
As though i were magically, hypnotised or because i couldn't find an explanation for it and wanted to discover it for myself, i put it under the carpet, brushed my concerns aside, not wanting to ask questions that lead to mental illness, it's a real happening, is it my higher self i wondered, leading me to experiences i need? To grow and develop, i mean the synchronicities were profound and abounding in those days, i spent a few evenings in a pub on the church road in bristol, the Stillage, and then ended up dating a local and it fit so well.
We spent the first date i've ever been on, enjoying the fact that we could eat our takeaway from the chinese restaurant virtually next door, because they don't do food, which i knew, so it all fit perfectly, having only just been introduced to the area, because a friend lived close by, events seemed to have made this destiny in my mind, i would say these years have been filled with such coincidences, perhaps i put too much meaning, too much store in them, even now i find rhythms in the use of language, patterns emerging, how many lines i write, habits that have been placed within my way of living, without or with my knowing, rhyming at all.
The poetry i've written over the last few years, i would say since 2013, the spiritual stuff i've posted on facebook, in fact the poetry tended to be about that too, it's become quite the obsession, what with the numerology, my concerns about certain numbers, like 666, 616, my favourite number 16, a habit i have of counting down at traffic lights, how long do i think it's going to be before they turn green and i can pull away? Will it be because i have been fed some kind of information from the world around me that i know?
You see for me there is more to life than merely living and dying, i've written about that too, i go to spiritualist church, for my healing course, and also for a service where a psychic medium will provide evidence that our loved ones continue to exist, that they are around us, see our lived continuing, some can feel them, sense them, i mean some of the audience, often a larger number of women, in the congregation, more spiritual.
More aware, awareness, openess, more ability, then it comes to witches, to religion, the christian religion, the country we live in accepts mediumship, spiritualist churches as long as they read out the lords prayer before their service, so it's seen as being within that tradition, but often father / mother god is referenced, or the universe, a more open minded face of spiritual beliefs, less about the bible and more about experience.
So there are reasons why perhaps someone going through such things should be careful, which is why i have repeatedly tried and this time succeeded in giving up my other habits, drugs for instance, that can alter our perceptions, i know and i warn anyone who regularly uses the high strength cannabis that is out there, because it contains less of the anti psychotic, the cbd, because it is grown to get you high, artificially so.
You see i experienced things when i was a kid, i saw a shadow on the ceiling come down to engulf me, i felt energy between my hands, i now feel that again, i am eating incredibly healthily, mostly fruit and veg, homemade chocolate, i am open, i am learning about chakras, psychic protection, auras, all sorts of things that come out of the esoteric, the eastern philosophies, and at some point was considered witchraft, pagan, shamanism, animism, certainly heretical, so is there a god? Is there an altar ego to that? A spirit world?
A holy spirit? A great spirit as the native americans would say, one thing that is made up of all of us, somewhere we come from that we return to, is connecting to this dangerous? In my case, perhaps, i've been lead on a few wild goose chases, more recently i would say on death defying and certainly for others most fear inducing journeys, back at the start of this year, to which i was certainly out of my comfort zone and put others there too, which is what set me on this healing journey, personally and to work to heal others also.
I'm off to church now, i asked politely, respectfully for a message if others aren't more requiring of one, tonight, i ask in my mind, i have been on a rollercoaster, some positive aspects are for sure, but i question it all, i question the whole mess of spiritual and religious beliefs, is it all a shell game, what is the truth, everyone seems to have their own version of what's going on, their own take on it all, for me though, being good is it.
I started this whole thing, this blog because i was a writer in waiting, i wanted to express what it meant to be human, to be this person, to be on a journey, to walk a pilgrimage, to be repentant for my life choices, and i'm feeling more and more, more emotion, more depth of feeling, sensing more, learning more, i hope and pray, and i pray also at night, finding my thoughts are with others, more and more, coming back to myself.
To who i was before i tried to avoid being different. To the person i was and would have been before all that. To doing good deeds and trying to improve myself in all areas of my life, to find solutions for others.
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