Thursday 9 May 2013

boys to men

Males need to change their attitude towards females, the stuff I hear my friends saying about women they dont know or even the ones they do, is pretty disgusting.  It's obviously come from the fact that our behaviour and language has come to us from our role models and from influences in society.

If you won't say something to someone's face that you will happily say behind their back?

After all, if we all actually said what we were thinking, instead of not telling the truth...

We'd live in a world where people with problems would always get help.

Nothing that needed to be raised would ever go unsaid again.

I have to admit to being a stickler for telling my friends what they need to hear when they need to hear it.

Unfortunately I also tell them what they couldn't care less about when they'd rather not listen at all ;)

So I've had to learn to not say whatever comes into my head, and fib or just plain lie like you lot

Took some getting used to, I still just like to blurt out the truth when I can and get in trouble

What a funny old place we live in where the truth hurts and a lie is the lesser of two evils

Anyone would think that none of us want the others to know the truth about them

We are the others though to them, so there's a conspiracy going on not to let on

That we are all the same where it counts just the names have been changed

The locations, the dates, the details are all just parameters on a graph

At the far right hand end is today and off the chart is tomorrow

Let's stop worrying about trends or forecasts and live now

Making sure to do the best job we can of being true

To who we are, to our friends and family

And to this world that we live in

Which breathes as we do

Just more slowly

Hear her sigh

of love



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