Saturday 12 January 2013

One Vision - Things that go unsaid, things that go undone

One Vision

Of a new earth, the planet fully restored, the ecosystems renewed.

It is my vision of the world, that all will come together with one purpose.

To create the unity, the harmony, the love that we all deserve.

It's hard to go through this life and not get hurt.

Many of us have hurt others.

I see this vision in the not too distant future.

The stress and disorder around us suggests it.

As hard to notice as the changes are at the moment.

They will soon become clear for all to see and no-one will deny.

We live in a world that has altered very little from how it has been for several thousand years.

Slavery still goes on, instead of warlords we have business leaders.

Whose sole purpose is to create profit for their companies.

In a system that does not honour the individual.

It actually demeans them, uses them.

Over time, things will become better than they have ever been.

Currently whether by design or accident this place is getting worse.

This creates a need for a new way of doing things, or a return to the old.

For not always have we worked to create disharmony amongst us.

In the past, although we fought, it was often the case as it is in the animal kingdom, that we were able to resolve most conflicts peacefully or without violence.  When two creatures face up to one another, they will often do whatever they can to avoid fighting.  They will shout at each other from a distance, they will posture and size each other up, only when they are so closely matched that it is unavoidable will they take their altercation to the next level.  We are animals, intelligent yes, capable of great deeds and terrible ones yes, but still an animal.  For me there has been a stand-off between the two groups, which is now leading to an open expression of their true feelings.  I would say that lots of people in this world display behaviour that comes across as either incompetent or evil.  How could anyone look down on members of their own species and decide that their existence is worth less than their own life?  However we have done that, when we see human beings killed in a foreign land and get blaze because they are so far away as we have done in the past.  Now we are realizing how connected we are, now we are seeing that someone on the other side of the world has just as much right to live as we do, no longer can we turn a blind eye to the crimes and misdemeanour's of our fellow human beings.  Lots of days ahead will entail the revealing of truly evil goings on, and we will see a groundswell of revulsion as we have done over the last months in cases I really don't want to bring to mind.  Behind closed doors, often with the support of those in high places or a blind eye being turned by those living in fear for their own lives or those of their loved ones, awful things have happened.  As the days, weeks, months and years go by much more of this kind, many more truths shall be uncovered.  We shall see what this world is really like as I have done, having lived a sheltered life in many ways, with my head in the clouds, protecting myself from the reality of this place, in the past I turned away, I can no longer do that.  I do not know the extent of the darkness, only that we have merely seen the tip of the iceberg.  It will hurt us all, it will open our hearts to the pain of others and we will have a choice.

To feel what they feel or deny it and continue to keep our heads down in the face of so much insanity.

For as we all know, there are those who suffer daily due to the effects this crazy world has had on them.

Unable to protect themselves, they have become damaged almost beyond repair, so many lives ruined.

A process has begun that will sweep this world and wipe it clean, greater attempts will be made to prevent this, but the fear within those who think they can be anything other than they truly are will destroy them.  As for the rest of us, there is an internal dialogue at work.  Within you, there are two instincts.  One to do good, one to do bad.  When you become aware of this you can make a difference, in your life, in the life of those around you and for the entire world as we move forwards in time.  In fact time is immaterial, for there is no future for us if we don't change, and the past is but merely a reflection of our memories, thoughts and feelings.  One day soon, you will face a great turning point, you will see the message clearly and no longer will you be able to ignore it.  For myself I have lived with a great fear inside me, it has held me back my entire life.  It has prevented me from seeing myself as I truly am, or anyone else for that matter.

No longer.

I know that I must make a stand.

I am drawing a line in the sand.

I will never cross it again.


Things that go unsaid, things that go undone.

When the Make Poverty History protest was approaching, suddenly the Live 8 concert was announced and hastily organised.  Swiftly all media coverage was of Live 8, how many famous faces, with albums to promote, were performing on the same day.  Many of the promises made by the G8 group were not kept and since then we now have the financial crises causing our own government to look at the aid they give to foreign nations.  They have often given money to governments that kept it for themselves, rulers who got wealthy off the back of donations meant for their people.  So perhaps you could understand why this decision makes sense.  However none of the problems have gotten any better, the talking goes on, action speaks louder than words though, and we are left asking when will the issues ever be resolved?  It's enough to make you wonder if there is actually any desire to do so amongst those that we expect to make our world a better place.

T.V. damaged the minds of the young by altering the attention span.  The prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is merely the result of babies having been stuck in front of the box, their brains now set permanently to have difficulty concentrating on anything for more than a few minutes.  The scientific results and statistics are out there, let me see quite quickly what I can find ;)

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no TV for children younger than 2 and no more than two hours of high-quality programming for older kids. Many children watch much more TV.

The roughly 40% increase in attention problems among "heavy" TV viewers was observed in both boys and girls, and was independent of whether a diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder was made prior to adolescence.

Have you ever heard about this?  Why not?  Surely your health visitor would have mentioned it.

This is a serious issue and yet I don't see anyone doing anything about it, would you want to prevent your child from having problems when they go to school?  In later life?  Why isn't something being done?

Breast cancer rates in the area around the under arm?

the most recently published study, in which researchers found traces of parabens, a class of preservatives commonly found in cosmetics (including deodorants), in breast tissue samples from mastectomy patients. The study says the evidence does not confirm a link between parabens and breast cancer, but does call for further research to determine whether there is one.

CBS News published a story in Dec. 2005 citing a 2003 study which found a statistical link between the incidence of breast cancer in young women and the use of antiperspirants combined with frequent underarm shaving. "I personally feel there is a very strong correlation between the underarm hygiene habits and breast cancer," said immunologist Dr. Kris McGrath, the author of the study.

The new study does not prove that personal care products cause breast cancer. But "the fact that parabens were present in so many of the breast tissue samples does justify further investigation," said Philippa Darbre, PhD, of University of Reading in the U.K., in a news release.
"Although the environmental exposure to parabens as a cause of breast cancer is a possibility, there is no conclusive data thus far to state this as fact," says Katherine B. Lee, MD, in an email. She is a breast specialist at the Cleveland Clinic Breast Center in Ohio. "The study suggests that if there is a relationship between parabens and breast cancer, it may be a complex one."

Skin Cancer and Sunglasses

SUN worshippers are being warned that wearing sunglasses could increase the risk of skin cancer.
The glasses reduce the amount of ultra-violet light reaching key areas of the eye, tricking the brain into believing less harmful rays have penetrated the body.

The result, doctors believe, is that the body produces less of a natural substance it needs to defend itself against harmful ultraviolet light.

...Now all of these things just go to show, whether they have been conclusively proved or not, that despite our best efforts, modernising has been one of the worst things we've ever done.  The way that things are moving, the speed of change in the world is dizzying.  Often without thinking, or assuming that if it's being sold to us it is safe, we have just jumped on so many bandwagons.  Fashions keep us taking up new habits, trying to maintain our sadly vain lifestyles, in a world of our own.

I see it every day, so many people out for themselves, no-one indicates on the road, which is a form of communication.  It lets other motorists know what you are doing, and by the same token it makes sure that you know they know, it makes you safer too.  Without this subtle connection between us, we often find ourselves becoming frustrated and angry behind the wheel.  Driving is no longer a pleasurable experience and I really feel for anyone who commutes every day on the motorway or drives for a living.  So much pressure on the people out there to get from A to B and quickly, as time is money.

Time is Money?  I see the postmen now have to rush everywhere and don't have time to chat to their customers, business has taken what used to be a community service publicly funded and run and made it into a growing sector of annoyance.  We get a worse service from almost every sector of our lives.  The dustbins are emptied later in the day so they are in the way on the roads, the recycling lorries too.  Wherever money and the bottom line is involved our lives have become far less free of the frustration we now feel, our lives are being ruined from cradle to grave and it isn't until someone spells it out that we even notice.

I turned 40 last December so I'm not that old, although I'm starting to feel it, and yet even I look back and wonder why it is that I was so much happier before?  It isn't nostalgia because I don't do that.  It's not rose tinted spectacles, although I'm going for an eye test tomorrow and I may be the last of my family to get glasses.  We all used to be happier, so what's to be done?

Get out of this rat race.

Detox, take more time.

Eat well, sleep well.

Stop living fast.

Slow down.

