Tuesday, 13 August 2013

fear of failure, getting hurt, heartbroken, dead - I DO DO DO love a misstory and a mastory

mastery and mystery my story miss story his story her story our story their story your story and then of course there is the truth...

life is the only whodunnit for me now
i met the two responsible in this place
they came from the future where we go
when we die, the past too and those gifts
the moments that we call the presents tense
tensing up or letting go of those minutes, hours
days, weeks months years lifetimes that stretch out
from where we sit in the time we call now reaching out
or staying put, sitting still or travelling without moving too far
all im asking is to know who made this place up who imagined it
who wrote the script? can i proof read that for you by experimenting
giving life a read through with the other performers and extras and stars
looking into the nuance of the tiny things, the details, the colour sound lights
the infinitely big scale of the production how it seems to have a life of its own
written into the plot are all sorts of terrible and great events and some squibs
mildly moist because it's ice melting and gas condensing to cool in the space
between the emtptiness of empress's eggs, the fullness of emperors sperms
the cup's full and then overflows from a source with-in that came from out
there somewhere, over the rainbow, over the garden fence with the crew
sippings from the furry cup of love, i find my mother and father patiently
for all of us to grow up, leave childhood behind, adulthood even, god.
i know my place, saw my skills, got a taste, now im hooked on love.
the unconditional kind the sort that wont break my heart for no good
reasoning that i should keep going the way im going as although still i
havent had much success in the life that others lead, or with womens
intuition working so well within me all my life you would think it mens
or a mans responsibility to find balance within himself, his life and hers
mother nature and father nurture mother cares father shares. Teachers
teaching me the lessons i dont get out of the way of and loving me truly
so that i dont need anyone else or at least i certainly dont want them for
myself not for any purpose no modus operandi no plan no reasoning but
that there are some persons i need not want to know i need to feel them
close working with me sending me off on missions having my back loves
the crystal glass or the poison chalice which vessel do you wish to drink
you slurp usurping or swallowing or actually finding you are of the same
you are liquid, be like water my friend, the sound the taste the touches
hearing the whispering voices on the wind, the fire of life, red hot now

i start to write a nice thing, go to just say whats been going on and then it turns into a long winding road, a gathering collection of pieces of puzzles, jigsaws with different pictures, different visions of the past, the present and the future.  some i feel are right, the rest i see are wrong.

i was able to do things in the past that i cant do in the present and yearn to learn to do in the future

they were sent back to me through time when i sent my conciousness there by accident and design

going through the motions was i before i put the peddle to the metal, stuck my foot down, walked i

i ran in the past, for fun, from fear, from love, from life, from you, from me, from us, from everyone

Now im standing still and yet travelling without moving <3 p="">Love

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