Wednesday 1 May 2019

thrown together

at the last minute isn't a stressful situation, have a go and see how well you do, knowing that whatever you achieve will be an accurate measure of you, your performance, isn't important, it's that you try at all.  SO prepare less, and see how you feel about things more often, basics are key here, nutrition, meditation, exercise, grounding, literal grounding bare feet, medicines, i mean sacred plants and fungi, literal sacred medicines, not recreations, not entertainments, taking your life in your hands and saying, asking what am i here for?  Then going out and finding what that is, through the sacred use of things, techniques, advised preparations, working with teachers, to learn and heal, creating your own traditions and working towards a future today, that you can be happy with, right now too, be happy, find a way to smile through whatever is going on, smile because it could be worse, or smile because you refuse to let what is occurring to get you down, smile because you know you will always do your best, and improve by being honest with yourself and others, imperative integrity and authenticity so that you know truth because you know you know nothing, you are humble enough to allow others to share what they know and yet know that they may have something new to tell you, something to share, accept that you might need to keep silent long enough, even if you think you know what they will say, or think you are right.

Silent enough to let them prove to you whether you need to change your perspective, or if you are seeing the world in the correct light, and yourself too, and them, keep letting go the need to hold on too tight, to anything or anyone, don't try too hard, but do attempt things, do try new things, face fears, go for it, you can do it, face the darkness within, love it all, send love to every part of you, send it everywhere, bubble around you, bubble of the world, a part of you and you a part of it too.

Feel into the day, be honest, but patient, be adventurous but careful of others feelings, accept when you are in the wrong and apologise and mean it, choose to say what seems hard to say, it needs to be heard.

Clear the air, face situations head on, go through the pain of hurting someone and being hurt yourself to become stronger for it, get your heart broken fully, into a million pieces and more, shattered, burnt, dead, alive, the fire put out before it reignites, and see it as a flickering flame instead not some passionate bushfire, out of control, take things easier, feed your own flame gently, ticking over, don't burn all the wood at once, save some for later, take it slowly enough to get to know your situation.

The person you need to know better is you, let others open up at their own pace, don't force the issue.

Accept that doing too much for them won't help them, but do whatever you can at the same time.

In service is what i promised, watching a documentary earlier i realised how far i have come, how much i have learned, how far i still have to go, how easy it is when you listen, Listen, LISTEN!

Listen to the world, the spirits of the trees and fields, to your heart itself, to others, to them, listen.

Share what you know, say what you feel, not think!  Love all as if they were your own family.

Get taken advantage of occasionally, it feels better than the other way around, it gives them a chance to do the right thing, eventually it will hurt that they didn't, it will hurt them even if you don't think it does.  It will teach them a lesson that you are willing to have them learn at your expense for once.

Even if they hurt you again and again, be willing to love them, be strong and say what they need to hear, say it again, be strong enough to stand in your power silently and listen until they open up.

A balance between tough love and openness, discipline and affection, willingness to learn and teach.

Clean your teeth, with bicarbonate of soda and everything else with either natural soap or vinegar.

Bathe in the freshest water you can find, don't drink tap water if you have a spring nearby.

Always eat things that make you feel good now and afterwards too, don't eat sugar.

Don't eat anything that comes in a box or packaging, in other words products.

Produce your own food, grow it, find it in hedgerows and forests.

Don't buy anything unless you really really have to.

Notice the change in you when you do.

See the world as it was meant to be.

Feel the energy, the healing come in.

Experience the headache of sugar intake.

Let your body shiver from salt and too much.

Too many calories, your liver struggling, kidneys.

The shaking within as the blood sugar level is altered.

Your body trying to work out how much energy it can take.

Rather than how much energy you can give instead with is infinite.

So don't get me wrong, i feel as though we can choose to eat less more often.

Do more with less, less money means more creative solutions to travel and everything.

More freedom to live, to feel, to see and sense in every sense of the word as we grow internally.

The world itself opens up to us when we open up to it, when we choose to experience it truly.

I know I've been there and face the unworthiness you can feel when you become happy.

The feeling of being scared to face challenges alone instead of with a good friend.

The felt need to spend time with someone special giving you courage to do it.

Getting on with what's in front of you and letting go the need to control.

Outcomes, expectations falling by the wayside, to be free again.

Watching the worlds go by as fast as the blink of an eye and not caring as we find ourselves inside love.

Loving the world is not easy when you start to see how few do, how many don't care or don't know.

Don't see, don't hear us when we try to say what needs to be said, heard, smelt, tasted, felt at all.

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