I had the kind of experience that comes on so quickly that you have to hang on for dear life. A white knuckle ride of awesome proportions as I was swept away into a sea of light first white then gold. Holding out my hand and my heart, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. I thought I was protecting you but I was really returning your love and completing the circuit as energetically I was transformed. Instinct and will and hope combined as I strove forward, my third eye opening like a cut in my flesh that tore slowly torturously as if it was meant to grate like a rusty hinge on a rusty gate. My body became light, not just not heavy but made of light, like a photon being in two places at one time rather than observed matter which is fixed in time and space, loosed on reality. My Navel tugged at like a plunger stuck on a plughole and my abdomen filled with an emptiness as if my internal gubbins was being converted and then shrinking until finger pulled smartly out of cheek pop there is nothing BUT light although I halted proceedings, partly out of fear that there was no return and that I didn't want to completely say goodbye to a little bit of matter of fact.
Waiting to be with some new friends and then we'll go together
Together we make a tribe
Light &
Oh at one point my head exploded and my eyes popped out, that was fun ;) no really it felt good to see that like those aliens in cocoon undoing their suit and revealing their shining golden bodies beneath